Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Eff »

" I'm over you " :notme:

I will not watch your back
I will not wish you luck
I will say what i like
without givving a shait
I won't be sleeping at night
Just will wait for the light
to come up and blow your fAcking mind

Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Beany »

:lol: Effie doesn't do sad poems.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Eff »

My way

I think of shay
I look at the sky
I satrt to cry
fucck you shay

Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Donden »

In some way, your agresssive way of writing is really funny ^^
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Donden »


Everything I touch falls apart
It's a curse
I destroy everything I love
I hate you
Because I love you
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Beany »

That's really deep.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Redders »

oh goodness, you all have such nice poetry and I'm afraid I might ruin that

my teacher wanted us to make a poem that told a story, but using only words that were one syllable

it makes no sense >.<

There once was a man named Sam.
Sam has a friend; her name is Pam
Pam likes ham and drives a truck.
In the back of the truck lives a man named Buck.

Buck can’t drive, but on some nights he likes to jive.
One night he could not jive, so he got angry and put his shoe in a bee hive
One bee did not like that
So he stole bucks hat

He gave the hat to Pam
Who, in a trade for some jam
Gave the hat to Sam

Buck woke up with no hat
So he put the blame on Sam
Sam put the blame on Pam
And pam put the blame on the bee

Buck saw the bee fly into its home
Where he gave his hair a fix with a comb
So Buck went right up to the hive
And he then did an angry jive

He stuck his hand in the hive to get back his shoe
Only to find that in its place was a stick of glue
So he got the bee
And stuck him to a tree

The bees in the hive
They also did a jive
At night
It is quite a sight!
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Donden »

Aw, you are not ruining it, it was nice :)
You did the rhimes good, and that is something I don't do often for the poetry i write, since I don't come up with words to rhime with the words I want in my poetry ^^
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Redders »

thanks! I usually do free verse, but since it was a one syllable thing I decided to do a rhyme since most one syllable words are very simple, like those you would find in a children's book or a silly story

and I just noticed "angry" is two syllable word. going to change that to "mad" now.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Yaz Pistachio »


How can something
So vital to life
Be so deadly?
That which binds us to life itself,
Allowing full functionality
And movement?

How can something
Seen as a savior
Be a sneaky but deadly killer?
It harms the young without even trying,
Harms the old without a second thought,
Yet as human beings
We can’t live without it.

As soothing as soft music,
As deadly as a cobra.
Causing so much
Destruction and devastation
And hurt.
We can’t let it go.

With its absence,
Death soon follows.
With its presence,
Life can cease in an instant.

Its presence is crucial enough
That we have to take the risk.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by chex »

I think I'm going to be trying to figure this out all night. :lol:
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Yaz Pistachio »

Let me know when you do! I didn't intend for it to be a riddle (because I had to write it based on a news article for English class), but without the article background, that's what it turns out to be. :lol:
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by LaLou »

The only thing I can think of is water.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Donden »

I would also say water, but I though of "humans" for a moment, but there were some things saying against it, so water sounds more likely.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by chex »

I was thinking water at first too, but the savior line threw me off that. But the article could have been about the tsunami in Japan, so I can still see it.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by sizz »

They're numbered because i can't think of titles. i've sort of given up on writing poems now, i'm more into songwriting, which is something i'm trying to do, but it's so so hard thinking of lyrics.


Excuse me, Sir, I could not help but see
You're just not quite as tall as me.
I mean

Although in height you appear just fine,
Your ego's not as big as mine.


You can spin if you like,
But you'll nearly always
fall over
When it's
all over.

Don't tell me
"I don't need no oven gloves"
Because when you do,

(Oh double negatives can't save you now)

When they've taken away those safety nets
You'll spin for a while until it's all over,
I mean, at least you'll know for the next time
When you'll understand what i mean when i say
"Don't get lost in heaven."


I keep disaster in a teacup
And save it for special occasions.
Amber swirls tornadoes and hurricanes;
If red is stop and green is go, amber must be go faster;
So with this in mind,
I spill my tea everywhere.
It floods these lies
Up to my eyes.

I believe in life,
And I believe in after.
There's a place we go when we die,
and it's called hell.
Is that good or bad?

When I grow up,
I'm going to be famous
And drive a nice car.
Date footballers.
That kind of thing.

Because they're all the same!!!!
You can't expect to just wake up one day and have the world bowing at your feet,
Kissing your toes.
Complaining is fine,
It's moaning that's the problem.

I said I wouldn't do this.
I mean,

Who are you fooling

Let me get this straight,
Is anyone,
Going to wake up one day and think,

She might just have a point there?
chex wrote:Well we are pretty jabberwocky'.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Yaz Pistachio »

Very nice, Sizz. :D

And yes, it mine was about water. The article was about a 19-month-old boy who got away from his parents, fell in the pool and got brain damage. He's in recovery now though. :)
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by chex »

Always fence off the pool, and keep the gate locked!! Apple Jack once fell into an unfenced pool. It was at someone else's house, and since I knew about it (after we got there :roll: ) I stayed with him the entire time. I was right behind him when he fell in, and my fingers brushed his shirt as I tried stopping him from going in, but he was too quick. I ripped my favorite pants lunging forward to pull him out. He was only under for maybe two seconds, but that was one of the scariest things I've been through!
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by LaLou »

We had a swimming pool, about half a meter high. One day I was gone, the kids were in school. I did lock the gate. When I came back there were two three-year-old neighbourhood boys, (twins) standing next to our pool, leaning over. Somehow they managed to open the gate and got in. The pool was covered with a plastic sheet. Had they fallen in they would not have been able to get out on theor own. That scared the hell out of me. We then got a bigger gate with a better lock.
But that's totaly off topic.

Nice ones Sizz, especially the first.
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Re: Old NELG Gallery of Poetry

Post by Yaz Pistachio »


People are different.
We all know that.
But that’s not as important
Because we’re really all the same

Human beings are different,
And it’s wrong that we use those differences,
Like gender, age, race, sexuality, religion,
To discriminate.
Instead, we should celebrate!

Everyone is different
But the same
Like trees.
Many different types,
But all the same thing…

But trees don’t discriminate.
Trees didn’t take until the 1960’s
To ease up on people of other colors
Besides white.

Trees aren’t still fighting
To get married in every state in the U.S.

Trees don’t make up jokes about
Black people,
And women.
But people do.
And yet humans are said to be
The most intelligent beings
On Earth.

This is the truth, and I know it is, but
Sometimes I doubt it because
As humans
We fail to recognize
The similarities between
Us all.


All things practiced
By the supposedly
Smartest animals on this green planet.

These are reasons
Why I doubt
And if we’re so smart,
Then why can’t we
Look past the major and even subtly

People have differences,
And it’s amazing.
But people look at differences in the wrong way.

They use them to
And exclude.

We’ve made great strides toward equality,
Mixing races,
Unifying sexes,
Tolerating other beliefs…
For the most part.
But we still have a long way to go.

There’ll always be
Prejudice and
Some people will always judge the book by its cover.
No one can eliminate this completely.

But hopefully
We can come to our senses –
Learn to celebrate the differences among us all,
And the people who have these differences,
Not victimize them.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Dr. Carl Sagan
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