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Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:06 am
by Beany
I'm sorry if there's already a thread for this. I hate how there are people who hear that you're not an athiest and automatically assume that all you do with your life is protest about things that go against your beliefs and try to force beliefs on others. I was sitting at lunch with a friend once and she just suddenly said that she thought that anyone who believed in God was stupid and needed to get a life. Usually I'd let her get away with making a couple of off remarks - she often just speaks her mind - but to say that? Has she herself proven that there is no God? I didn't flare up at her in the end; I just told her that I was a Christian, and not to make assumptions. I was chatting to another friend a few months later, and she suddenly says something about how Christians were really annoying to be around and always thought they were right. Someone mentioned that I was Christian. She then said, "Oh, well, except you, Ali." Yeah, that doesn't make it better. I don't define people by the colour of their hair or their skin tone, so why should you define people by their religion? Reading news articles and Youtube videos that people have commented on, "You're the only religious person I've spoken to who's seemed normal," "I wish religious people would stop preaching at us,". I have six very close friends at school, all of which are agnostic or athiest, and a lot of them didn't know that I was a Christian for a long time. Most people I know don't, and still manage to get on well with me. I'm not embarrassed to be a Christian, but I wish people would look past that. Just because I'm a Christian it doesn't mean I'm going to spend all of my spare time trying to convert everyone around me into Christians. It doesn't mean I'm against gay marriage. It doesn't mean I hate non-Christians. I am a person, just like everybody else. If we have different beliefs, what does it matter? I'm not forcing you to go to church or believe in God.

Sorry for not explaining my point very clearly in all of that. My point is that there are too many people who are supportive of racial equality, gender equality, etc. yet still class people by their religion. What people choose to believe is their own business. I know that, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses can be annoying when they ring your doorbell and won't go away, but firstly, they don't mean to be annoying, and secondly, don't assume that 86% of the people in this world (using figures from online) - 86% of 6.8 billion, so that's around 5.8 billion people - are all like that.

A friend of mine's dad is actively against religion, buying books and t-shirts that go on about how God isn't real and anyone who believes in him is stupid and deserves nothing - not evidence, but often making harsh stereotypical jokes about people who believe in God. It's up to you to decide not to believe in God, but what will you achieve by assuming that everyone religious is like that? My friend sometimes talks about it in front of me, knowing how I feel about it. There is not one thing that makes up a person. It's a combination of things, and how they decide to use that combination. When my friend told some other friends that I was a Christian, they looked really surprised and said, "YOU'RE a Christian? But you're so normal!" Yes, I believe in God. I am still 'normal'. When I was younger, I believed in Father Christmas. I was still 'normal'.

I don't know how to end this rant. Every time I try, I just make it longer. And sorry for all of that. It's in the rants section and I just needed to vent.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:53 am
by Shay
No need to apologize. Your point got across well and is definitely shared by others, as well as myself. I am not Christian. However I respect others and their beliefs. Unfortunately, people are going to hate on others regardless of the topic. And as sad as it is, that will likely never change with so many differing perspectives. I can't really speak for what's going on in the UK, but here in the States it is especially emphasized with the current debate of women's rights to healthcare and same tickle fight marriages. One of the biggest arguments against both of those things right now is the Bible. So there's been a lot of hate lately here towards those who favor the Christian God. And it's really unfortunate because as you said, not everyone is like that. However it's the radicals that are getting all the publicity and that's all people have to go off of. One of our best friends (our being mine and Sean's) is a die-hard Christian. We see him every weekend and cook for each other, watch tv, and just talk or debate. Most people are completely surprised by this as we - being Pagan - are definitely on opposite sides of the spiritual spectrum. So it always saddens me that several others cannot see past the religion or stereotypes rather than treat people as individuals based on their actions. Not only that, but it's extremely hypocritical to ignorantly speak out against a specific religion as a whole as being forceful in the preaching of their beliefs when they turn around and do the exact same thing by stating anything along the lines that there isn't a God, and anyone who believes otherwise is stupid.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:30 pm
by chex
That's basically how atheists get treated over here.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:35 am
by Yaz Pistachio

Maybe not so much in my town, but there have definitely been some cases where people are like, "le gasp, you don't believe in a god? But but but.... the Bible!" Well, whatever. I myself am an atheist as well, but I definitely have loads of respect for other people and their beliefs - that is, unless they try and force them on me. Because frankly, someone else's beliefs have nothing to do with my own. I don't care if you believe in the Christian God, Allah, Krishna, Vishnu. Hell, I don't care if you worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As long as you don't try and convince me to do so as well. Which is why I hate to see everyone hating on everyone else for just being who they are. However, like Shay said, it is all the crazy Christians that get the media's attention, so Christians get a bad rep, which is really unfortunate. But there's no denying that there are some crazy smurf out there, who are Christian. Have you heard of this Westboro Baptist Church or whatever? They're a bunch of bumbling imbeciles and they're the kind of people that give Christians a bad name. Their website is, in case you want to check them out. GREAT url, right? :|

But anyways, the point of this whole thing being that I don't care what religion you are, if you have one, what your spiritual beliefs are. I'll respect them, and never come at you in a disrespectful way. BUT if you start to tell me why I should change or why I should convert, then we're going to have some problems.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:52 am
by Moe
I'll be honest, before I clicked on the topic, I made an assumption about what the topic was going to be about... and was very off!

Anywho... People who make such assumptions, are very hypocritical... Isn't going around ranting and proclaiming that people who are Christians/believe in God pushing what you believe on others? It's exactly what they're complaining about other people doing!

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:34 pm
by sizz
I love debates/rants like these!

I get the idea that the USA is more religious than the UK, just because if you're christian here its more unusual... most people where i live, like me, are of no particular religion i'd say.

I have to agree with Ali. The area that i live in is seriously multicultural, and I've never heard of any racism or religious stigma against people with different beliefs, different skin colours etc. However, there's no doubt a little bit of stigma against christians- it just gets ignored and isn't really recognised. Not a lot of prejudice, just a little bit, and its mainly within younger people. I know this because I myself stereotype stricter christians even though some of my friends are christian. I have nothing against religion (i love religion) or christianity, but I do stereotype, unintentionally. I don't do this with people who are hindu or muslim or anything else, but I do with strict Christians. Why? Probably because a couple of the Christians I know behave in a certain way that annoys me. That's probably about 2 people out of maybe 50 christians I know, which is why my way of thinking is so unfair... (not really doing myself any favours here hahaa) I think whereas fifty years ago people were prejudiced against people who don't believe in god, people are now more prejudiced against religious people.

But then you get complete and utter atheist bastards like Richard smurf Dawkins (you can tell i hate the guy) who basically hates religion and that. I watched the documentary of the God Delusion (haven't read the book) and lots of people i know agree with him to some extent, but i think that you can't just push your beliefs onto people like that. What a princess sophia. anyway, in my opinion religion's pretty cool and i'd like to believe in something but i know somehow that i'm totally in charge of my life and there is no higher power.... Christians believe in God so I say in general (not in all cases) they're probably more hopeful and more faithful in people, which is why we should probably be jealous of them in some way :lol:

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:44 pm
by chex
I'd be so much happier in the UK. Except for the driving on the wrong side of the road thing. ;)

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:29 am
by Shay
sizz wrote:anyway, in my opinion religion's pretty cool and i'd like to believe in something but i know somehow that i'm totally in charge of my life...
I hear ya there. A lot of religions I cannot personally get behind for the simple fact that a lot of them you are supposed to surrender yourself and your will to God and live by him. I dunno, something about that just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Some people really get behind that and that's great for them. I believe in the power of belief and I believe that everyone's belief is true for them.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:41 pm
by sizz
empress chex wrote:I'd be so much happier in the UK. Except for the driving on the wrong side of the road thing. ;)
It is so the right way! Everyone else is wrong, except for Ireland and Thailand and probably some others :P
Shay wrote:
sizz wrote:anyway, in my opinion religion's pretty cool and i'd like to believe in something but i know somehow that i'm totally in charge of my life...
I hear ya there. A lot of religions I cannot personally get behind for the simple fact that a lot of them you are supposed to surrender yourself and your will to God and live by him. I dunno, something about that just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Some people really get behind that and that's great for them. I believe in the power of belief and I believe that everyone's belief is true for them.
Yeah i think your life should revolve around you and not a God or a religion.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:46 pm
by bella
You drive at the wrong side!

Yeah i think your life should revolve around you and not a God or a religion.
That is not necessarily a contradiction; you live according to some rules but you can only follow them if you decided for yourself that you want to follow them and that it is right for you. It is your own free will, you're not forced to surrender yourself. If you are, you're either brainwashed or part of a sect.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:11 pm
by Beany
My friend's granny spends almost of her day inside praying (she doesn't go outside at all) because in her religion that's what she believes is right and is happy to do. Good for her. Just because others see it as a waste of time, if it's how she wants to live her life, so be it.

And Sizz is right about the driving thing.

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:24 pm
by chex
bella wrote:You drive at the wrong side!
See? The German gets it! :lol:

Crazy Brits...

Re: Assumptions about anyone who believes in God

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:18 am
by Amlak
I agree that Richard Dawkins is a snobby prick, but what's wrong with hating religion?

Anyhow, I don't condone belittling religious people for their beliefs. I just don't like the deep impact religion still has on western civilization whether it's to do with the laws, politics, or even education and science.