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Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:11 pm
by Clovvach

OK, if you've seen this comercial, you probably already know why I think it's dumb.

I mean how can it get any more sexist?

For women... sorry Dr. Pepper 10 is NOT FOR WOMEN! Because apparently the only people truly deserving of such low calorie count are meant only for men.

For men... yah this commercial is targeted towards men. I mean how sexist do you think we are? "Oh look it's not for women! That makes me want to buy it even more! Manliness GRRRR"

to be honest I never really cared for "manliness" because I think the whole concept is overrated. I don't like it how people seem to make fun of you if your not as masculin as possible. Screw masculinity!

The reason I posted this in the comedy corner is that there is a really great parody here:

Re: Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:12 pm
by Clovvach

double post because I can only post one URL.

Re: Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:13 pm
by Beany
Have you ever heard of a Yorkie bar? They do the same thing, and other companies imply it. It's just for advertising.

Re: Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:17 pm
by Clovvach
Well that's the point. Why are the advertisements just targeting men? Not all men even, just the guys who are worried about "manliness" I think it's quite ridiculous, you are just one step closer to cutting your market in half.

Re: Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:20 pm
by Beany
It really annoys me when they do that, but a lot of people eat them out of defiance for the stupid slogans. It's just annoying when you get some arrogant prick as the cashier and they start making jokes about how they can't sell it to you.

Re: Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:54 pm
by Wesley
I'll just say this: Lighten the hell up. The original Dr Pepper 10 commercial is already a self-parody. It is totally meant as a joke. Note how he spills it all over as he is trying to pour it. Observe how he misses the target from the jeep. Historically, diet drinks have been marketed to women. So in a kind of tongue-in-cheek sort of way, they are going over the top in the other direction to make the point that they don't care who drinks their stuff.

It is not sexist. If you think it is, then you missed the joke and you are overly sensitive. If anything, it is negative toward men, because surely not all men are macho, truck driving, gun shooting, dinosaur eating meat heads. Oh, wait! It is a joke, and I don't care! Ha ha ha ha, that frees up the rest of my intellect to appreciate the humor and not worry about the psychology in a 30 second advert.

Re: Dr. Pepper 10... IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:22 am
by Clovvach
My god, I know it's not a serious issue, but come on seriously? "It's not for women!" it would have been better as "it's not just for women!" This was kind of not to rant about it anyway, it was about the parody, wich I personally thought was better.