Chapter 97 --> The Return

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Chapter 97 --> The Return

Post by Clarence »

Forget about the silly Avengers - this is what you REALLY want to see today!


The gateway machine is loud and spinning very fast and the inside of the large circular structure it glows and a portal opens. It's like looking into a red pool of water, but sideways. The Manager emerges from the portal looking very tall and evil and with horns... he's glowing and very powerful looking.

Steroids Man: You're back.... hello.

The Manager: Finally! I am finally back!

Steroids Man: So.... now what?

The Manager: Now I kill you.

Steroids Man: Ummm....... that wasn't part of the deal.

The Manager reaches over and grabs Steroids Man's throat and lifts him high above the air and squeezes until Steroids Man's face turns bright purple and his eyes explode out of his head.... The Manager then drops Steroids Man's lifeless body on the ground.

The Manager: Die even more you smurf!!!

The manager kicks the crap out of Steroids Man's dead body while laughing and smiling.....

Steroids Man: Manager?

Suddenly we see wavy lines and show The Manager's ghost next to the portal machine.

Steroids Man: Manager! Can you hear me?

The Manager: Yes, yes I can hear you, shut up already.

Steroids Man: What were you doing?

The Manager: I was day dreaming, OK?

Steroids Man: About what?

The Manager: .... popcorn.


Amanda is driving her car with Dougette in the front seat and Phil and the robot in back. The sky is still an eerie orange and zombies are walking the streets.

Amanda: We have to find Steroids Man!

Dougette: How are we going to do that?

Phil: What if we follow the zombies? They all seem to be heading to the same place... maybe that's where Steroids Man is!

Amanda: Good idea!

They begin driving in the direction that zombies are walking when Jan the police officer drives past them on the other side of the street. Jan and Amanda make brief eye contact.

Amanda: Oh crap.

Jan immediately does a U-turn and blares the police sirens and Amanda pulls over and gets out. Jan has her gun aimed at Amanda.

Amanda: Come on Jan, what is this?

Jan: We have been giving orders to stop you!

Amanda: You have to trust me, I'm on the way to possibly save the world! You have to let me go!

Jan: I'm really sorry about this. But you have to get on the ground now and put your hands behind your head!

Amanda gives her a dirty look when suddenly Amanda's car begins to back up.

Jan: What the hell?

The car backs up faster and Jan shoots at it as Dougette is driving in reverse from the passenger seat.

Dougette: Get down!!!

Dougette drives faster as the back window gets shot out and Jan gets hit with the car and thrown over the roof and lands past the hood unconscious.

Amanda gets in the car.

Amanda (To Dougette): Ummm.... thanks?

They drive away.


At the warehouse of The Manager... more zombies gather and a huge circular wall of zombies surround the building where The Manager is set to make his return.

We pan out to a van for the channel 6 news.

Reporter: Look at that! Something amazing must be going on in that building! We have to get inside!

Driver (sarcastically): Yeah, let's just drive through those living dead people and go inside and set up the cameras.

Reporter: Really?

Driver: No, are you mad?

Pan out of the news van and on the other side of the warehouse and wall of zombies is a man in the shadows of an old building.

Mysterious Man wearing a huge crucifix: This is it.... it's time.... good thing I brought my extra bibles with me! You're going down demon!


Steroids Man is watching the gateway machine spin faster and faster.

Steroids Man: It's at 40%....

The Manager: That's it? Crap this is slow....

Suddenly the warehouse door opens and Prisoner X enters the room along with some creepy looking demon people, one of them being Evil Satanic Bastard who Steroids Man dealt with in season 4. Steroids Man also dealt with Prisoner X but we all know how good Steroids Man's memory is....

Steroids Man: Who are these people?

The Manager: These people? ... these are old college buddies of mine... here to wish me good luck on my return.

Steroids Man: Oh cool, hi guys.

Drew the head zombie comes out and serves the demons fresh blood served in skull bowls.

Steroids Man: Right.... I'm bored.... want to play some bored games or something?

The Manager: There's no bored games around here!

Steroids Man: Yes there is, I hid some outside behind the warehouse in case of an emergency! I'll be right back!

Steroids Man skips outside happily to retrieve the games.

Prisoner X (To Manager's ghost): I thought you were going to kill this guy.

The Manager: I will ... as soon as I make my return! 50% done!


Amanda and friends are following a group of slow moving zombies in tattered clothes.

Amanda: Damn it, why are these guys going so slow? And how come there are no other zombies around to follow?

Dougette: Wait... there's more zombies up ahead.... but they're heading left.... these guys are going straight.... what the hell is going on?

Amanda: Damn it! They were all going the same direction before!

Suddenly the small group Amanda has been following stop and look at her vehicle.

Phil: I don't like the look of this....

The group comes over to the car.

Robot: I'M SCARED!!!

They begin to clean Amanda's car and use a squeegee on the windshield. And one of them taps on the window and says:

"Got any change?"

Amanda: What?

Dougette: Ohhhh..... they weren't zombies like everyone else... these are just homeless people!

Amanda: Damn it!

Amanda speeds away and gets back on track following the real zombies.

Phil: Guys... if this is the team we have to help save Steroids Man and possibly the world... then I don't like our chances....


Steroids Man enters the warehouse super excited.

Steroids Man: Ok guys... do you know how to play Jenga! (HUGE smile on his face)

The Manager: Damn it... 60%.... (to demon friends) ... will one of you guys play with Steroids Man... I have to take care of something outside real quick....


Army men suddenly come up to the wall of zombies outside the warehouse and begin to shoot at them while the Zombies fight back. A huge war ensues! Some jets appear and get blown out of the sky by The Manager's powers. It's total chaos outside!

At the news van....

Reporter: Are you filming this?

Camera Man: Yes, this is crazy! We're going to get rich off this!

They watch and film from inside the van and looking through the windshield as all this stuff goes down when suddenly a demon jumps up at them from outside and is on the hood of the van.

Driver: What the hell!

The Demon uses his hand to make a finger motion and then points at the warehouse.

Reporter: I think he wants us to follow him to the warehouse... *gulp*

The van slowly drives down a hill and approaches the warehouse and zombies and a field of dead military men. The Van draws closer to the wall of zombies around the warehouse and they push aside and allow the van to enter.

Once the van is past the zombies and next to the warehouse, the zombies gather back up and close the circle. The van of reporters is trapped.

Prisoner X, the only human looking (yet extremely evil) of The Manager's men approaches the van.

Prisoner X: Could you guys kindly come out here?

The new crew cautiously exit the van and are scared.

Prisoner X: Are you able to film something for live TV for us?

Reporter: Sure.

Prisoner X: Good. Be sure to help us or we will chew every part of your body off but be sure to leave enough of you alive to suffer for weeks on end.

The camera crew enter the warehouse and begin to set up the equipment. Steroids Man is playing Jenga with Drew.

Van driver: It's extra spooky in here!

Steroids Man: What's going on?

The Manager: I just thought it would be very great to kill you in front of the world on life TV.

Steroids Man: Oh, you joker you.

The Manager (To prisoner X and demon pals): See what I mean? This guy is either totally retarded or in extreme denial of what's really going on around him.

The Jenga tower falls down.

Steroids Man: DAMN IT!!! My Jenga tower fell down! Screw this game, who wants to play Connect 4?

The Manager: See?

Steroids Man (Thinking): The jokes on YOU Manager, I'm really good at Jenga! And when you return I will beat you in front of all your friends and then kick your bottom and send you back to hell and you won't be invited to my wedding after all!



We cut to the president and a general.

General: President... we sent a small army to investigate the strange zombie gathering.... they are all dead. Should we send a full scale assault against them?

The president slowly raises his head and has dark eyes.

President: No.... do nothing.....

General: But president....

President: Do nothing!!!

We pan out to see the red ghostly Manager with his arm stretched out using his powers to control the president.

The Manager: Right... do nothing while I make my return! Weak humans...

The Manager disappears and the president just sits in his chair in a trance as his assistant comes in.

Assistant: Want a coffee?

President: I will do .... nothing....

The general and president's assistant look at each other puzzled.


Amanda pulls her car over to the top of a hill where the news van was.... there from a distance they have a clear view of the warehouse and the ever growing amount of zombies surrounding the building.

Dougette: Holy crap! Look at all the dead people!

Amanda: Everyone quietly get out of the car and meet me at the trunk....

Amanda, Dougette, Phil and the robot all meet at the trunk as she opens it.

Robot: WOW!!!!

Phil: Where did you get all the weapons?

Amanda: Everyone grab what ever you can and let's get ready... (zoom into Amanda's intense face)... to kill.

They all get their guns and ammo and what ever they can carry. Amanda, Phil and the robot are all holding large guns except for Dougette... who has a pocket knife.

Amanda: Did you maybe... want to grab a gun too?

Dougette: No thanks, I work much better with a knife... I used to kill professionally and a knife has got me through more situations then a gun ever could have.

Amanda: Ok.... let's do this!

The zombies are just walking around the building, a huge wall of them and more constantly coming when they all stop and look up the hill as Amanda's car loudly revs it's engine.

They all look up as the car begins to speed down at them. We cut to inside the car which has a cinder block on the accelerator. The car comes down and plows through a lot of zombies until they get ground up in the wheels. Zombies pile on top of the car as it EXPLODES and it rains down zombies.

Amanda: Attack!

A lot of zombies just died, but many still remain as Amanda, Dougette, Phil and the robot storm down the hill firing their weapons and Dougette twirling his knife around all fancy like.


Inside the warehouse the machine reads 90%.

The Manager looks outside with a raises eyebrow.

The Manager: I'll be right back....

Steroids Man: Ok.

Steroids Man continues to play mouse trap with Drew.


Zombies keep coming as Amanda keeps shooting at them. Phil throws a grenade at a mass of zombies who explode. The robot continues to shoot at zombies as well and Dougette goes around cutting their heads off and is covered in blood.

Amanda: Be careful everyone! I don't know if these zombies go by movie rules or not, but better not let them touch you or get blood in you.

Dougette kills another zombie with her knife and then licks the blood off right next to Amanda.

Amanda: Really?

Dougette: You got to lick the blood off the knife.... it intimidates your remaining prey....

Amanda shoots guns off with each hand and more zombies fall... however a LOT more zombies begin to emerge in the distance.

Amanda: We have to get inside! Everyone come close to me!

Amanda, Phil, Dougette and the robot all huddle together and try to approach the door to the warehouse, but a multitude of zombies begin to block it.

They all shoot at the zombies but they keep coming. The robot runs out of bullets and Phil's gun jams.

Phil: shazam!!


They all move back as more zombies surround them, they waste their remaining ammo trying to fend them off until they all run out of bullets.

Amanda: Oh no!

Amanda, Phil, Dougette and the robot all get real close and back into each other as a circular wall of zombies begin to close in on them.

Amanda: This is it!

Phil: It's been a pleasure knowing you all.

Dougette: Oh... let's not do the tearful goodbye thing before we die, I'm on my period really bad and will cry my bottom off.


Amanda: I would sure as hell rather do the farewell thing than discuss Dougette's period!

Zombies close in and their hands reach out and prepare to claw at the good guys when..... they suddenly stop and take a few steps back giving our heroes some breathing room.

Phil: What's.... going on?

The zombies open up a walkway for Amanda and team that leads to the warehouse entrance. They have nowhere else to go as zombies are all over. All the zombies point at the warehouse.

Amanda: I guess... we should go inside.

They all go inside to see a spooky area with red lighting inside a large open warehouse with a strange large circular machine, Steroids Man playing dominoes with a demon, and more strange demons in the side of the room. Oh, and a camera crew.

The doors get shut behind them.

Steroids Man: Amanda?!!!

Steroids Man runs over to Amanda and gives her a big hug.

Amanda: What are you doing in here?

Steroids Man (whispering): I'm going to save the world. And look, it's going to be on TV!

Amanda: Ummmm..... I'm very confused.


Everyone looks over as the machine glows and spins and lights flash.

The ghost of The Manager is on the other side of the large gateway machine as a ghost.

The Manager (thinking) : Yes.... the time has come. Even better than I planned... I will kill you on life TV AND in front of the love your life and friends!

The Manager walks into the gateway machine and a large flash of red light and as the light dims we see The Manager has arrived to earth smoking and glowing red and looking extra evil and extra powerful.

The Manager: Finally I am back..... now I can continue what I have started last time I was on Earth... bringing hell to this world! Everyone will crumble before me! I have been waiting thousands of years for this!

(At the end of season 3, The Manager planned to open a portal but was thwarted by a nuclear bomb. His plan was to bring demons and hell to this world.... with the gateway machine and his increased powers he plans to succeed this time and rule the Earth as a demon world.)

Steroids Man walks over to The Manager and whispers at him.

Steroids Man: Pssst.... so..... are we still on for getting married and you leaving us alone now?

The Manager: No you fool! I'm going to kill you and everyone you love!

Amanda: Kick his bottom Steroids Man!

Steroids Man quickly grabs Ultra Man's ring from the gateway machine and puts it on and confronts The Manager.

Steroids Man: Ok, you're going down! I'm sending you back to hell!

Steroids Man injects steroids and with his steroids powers and Ultra Man's ring's powers he throws a superman punch at The Manager.... which is blocked by The Manager's index finger... absorbing all the blow and deflecting it back at Steroids Man causing his arm to swing back violently.

Steroids Man: Ouch!

The Manager punches Steroids Man and he flies into the wall across the room. Steroids Man is covered in rubble and gets up but The Manager flies over all creepy like. As he flies his demon hands and arms are stretched forward and his back legs are up in the air... sort of like he's swimming in the air. The Manager goes over to Steroids Man in this position and punches and scratches at him and then while floating in the air, bites Steroids Man's jugular and blood squirts out all over.

Steroids Man's lifeless body is then tossed and slides towards Amanda and friends.

The Manager stops floating and walks over towards Amanda and friends.

The Manager: Time to usher in my eternal reign over Earth ... by killing all of you!
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Re: Chapter 97 --> The Return

Post by Wesley »

I think nobody commented on this one because they were so wrapped up in the story waiting for it to conclude.

Also, the apprentice stuff.

I want to play Jenga with Steroids Man.
"Work hard, be humble and stay positive."

~ Donnie Yen ~
Game Destroyer
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Re: Chapter 97 --> The Return

Post by Clarence »

Thanks man, let me know what you think of the next ep :)