Chapter 95 --> Steroids Man's Bastard Robot Child

Game Destroyer
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Joined: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:49 pm
Location: Saint John

Chapter 95 --> Steroids Man's Bastard Robot Child

Post by Clarence »

At the Council of Heroes meeting room....

The council is discussing super hero related matters.

Sitting around the large table are Ultra Man, Invisible Man, Half man Half Speedboat, Crochet Lady, Pylon Man, Hawk Eyes and Polaroid Man.

Ultra Man is sitting back relaxed and drinking tang and the rest all look at ease as well.

Ultra Man: We are good... there's no real major criminal or super villain activity to discuss at all right now!

Hawk Eyes: And my pants have NEVER fit so well!

Invisible Man: This is it everyone, the golden age.

Crochet Lady: What's that?

Crochet Lady points to one of the security cameras which reveals Steroids Man at the outside door.

Ultra Man: It's Steroids Man... what the hell is he doing here!?

Crochet Lady: He's so dreamy....

We see Steroids Man poking at the access panel pressing buttons and swearing.

Half Man Half Speedboat: We changed the numeric password after Steroids Man left the council right?

Ultra Man: You better believe it.

Crochet Lady: What's going on?

Ultra Man: A while back we put Steroids Man on the council to keep a watchful eye on him because we never trusted him as a good-guy.... but...

Half Man Half Speedboat: He annoyed the crap out us!

Pylon Man: Yes he needed to go!

Ultra Man: Then he died and we thought we were rid of him forever.

Polaroid Man: But he came back to life somehow! Probably the work of the devil!

Hawk Eyes: Since he came back to life he hasn't come back to a council meeting... but he was never formerly removed from our group.

Ultra Man: Oh no... he probably wants to hang out with us!

Hawk Eyes busts open some Jack Daniels and drinks it straight.

Hawk Eyes: There goes my sobriety!

Suddenly everyone notices that Steroids Man kicks the outside door in and runs inside, other inside cameras reveal he is getting closer to the meeting room.


Half Man Half Speedboat: Close the blast doors!

Ultra Man presses a button and thick steel doors slam down sealing the meeting room in.

Invisible Man: Everyone be quiet!

Invisible Man turns invisible except for his nipples and everyone else shivers in fear and holds each other and Crochet Lady uses her hooks to make a sweater.

We slowly zoom in on the door as everyone watches and then *BANG* a loud noise and a dent protrudes inwards towards the council.

Again... *BOOM* and another large dent, and more.

Polaroid Man: This is the end!

More punches and the door falls down towards the inside of the room to reveal Steroids Man behind it and everyone is silent in fear.

Steroids Man: Hi everyone.

Steroids Man sits down in the empty seat.

Steroids Man: You guys changed all the passwords and locked all the doors but I still made it for the meeting!

Ultra Man: You're no longer in this council!

Steroids Man: Yes I am... I never quit... I just died and then went back in time... and then been busy, but I'm here for the next meeting. Also nobody told me I was kicked out so....

Ultra Man: No.... you can't do this.... you're.... no... you ... get out!

Steroids Man: Hey, I have every right to be here and help you guys fight crime! Hands up if anyone here saved the world.

Everyone gives Steroids Man a nasty look as Steroids Man has both hands up.

Steroids Man: That's right, I saved the world TWICE jabberwocky.

Ultra Man is pissed as he or the council never really saved the world to the degree Steroids Man has.

Steroids Man: You guys need me, I add popularity and class to this group.

Ultra Man's eyes begin twitching rapidly and his face turns red and he takes an insulin shot.

Ultra Man: This meeting is over...

Ultra Man shakes violently as he busts open some high blood-pressure pills and devours then.


Steroids Man leaves and in the hallway jumps back as suddenly the ghost of The Manager is here and is looking more evil than usual.

Steroids Man: Oh crap man, you spooked me!

The Manager: This is your final mission... just acquire the ring and we can be done.

Steroids Man: Well I got my foot in the door... I just got to get Ultra Man alone somehow....

The Manager: Work quickly, I've spent enough time in this horrible limbo!

Steroids Man: Ok... but just to confirm that when you come back... you won't kill anyone, right?

The Manger: No, I'll even show up to your wedding and shower you with gifts.

Steroids Man: Sweet!

Steroids Man skips home happily.

The Manager: After I come back to life I'm going to kill you with my bare hands after all the hell you put me through.


The next morning....

Amanda leaves for police work and Steroids Man sits on his bottom and plays video games. Dougette enters the room with a new look.

Steroids Man: Holy crap! Did you get a boob job?

Dougette: You bet I did.... look how huge they are!

Dougette is hunched over holding her back.

Dougette: I might have got them too big.... my back hurts now and I'm very front heavy.

Steroids Man: You're an idiot.... anyway, got any news or anything for me?

Dougette: Should I?

Steroids Man: Well you are my manager... what have you been up too?

Dougette: All sorts of things....

Dougette thinks back to earlier when he was coloring on the walls and playing tic tac toe with himself using crayons.

Dougette: Gotta go!

Dougette runs back to his office but falls down because of the heavy boobs and picks himself up and slowly and painfully walks inside and shuts the office door.

Steroids Man: Anyway... back to video games.

Suddenly the phone rings and Steroids Man answers.

Steroids Man: Hello?

Robot (on phone): STEROIDS MAN!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!

Steroids Man: I don't care.


Steroids Man: I am pretty kick bottom.

We cut to the other end of the phone call. The robot is strapped to the wall with huge metal restraints and a hand over his mouth. The hand over the robot's mouth belongs to another robot of similar resemblance but very futuristic looking with fancy metal and lights and exposed red insides but very solid looking. Also he has some skin on half his face and one arm.

Futuristic Robot (With the other robot's voice): THAT'S RIGHT STEROIDS MAN, YOU RULE. YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL!

Steroids Man (On phone): Ok, I'll come save ya, where are you?


Steroids Man (on phone): Ok, I'll be right there.

The futuristic robot hangs up the phone and releases his hold over the other robot's mouth.


Futuristic Robot (Now speaking in an echoing but less annoying voice): When Mommy arrives.... His fate will be yours!


Futuristic Robot: I'm going to kill the shazam! out of both of you Daddy!


Steroids Man prepares to leave and calls Phil in the room. Phil enters wearing a business suit and top hat and a cleaning apron.

Phil: Yes?

Steroids Man has a tall glass of chocolate milk and pours it all over the couch and then whips it at the TV screen causing glass to explode all over.

Steroids Man: Clean this jabberwocky.

Steroids Man leaves.

Phil: Hmmm.... less of a mess than usual... Steroids Man must be in a good mood today.


Amanda is at her desk working away.

Amanda: Oh no... I'm so hungry and I missed breakfast..... (checks her purse) ... and of course I left my money at home.


Steroids Man enters the mysterious house he was sent too to see the robot bounded to the wall.

Steroids Man: What the hell? who did this to you?

Robot: OUR SON!!!

Steroids Man: .... what


Steroids Man gets taken to his knees and then kicked in the face by this crazy looking futuristic robot.

Steroids Man: What the hell... why is this power ranger kicking my bottom!?!

Steroids Man gets picked up and thrown into a wall and punched and kicked super fast and multiple times. Then the robot teleports behind him and throws a kick, teleports to the side and throws a punch... teleports again and drop kicks from the ceiling....


Steroids Man wakes up in the back of a transport truck and with the word balloon knot spray painted to his chest.

Steroids Man: Hey! My shirt never used to say this!

Futuristic Robot: Welcome to your coffin you child abuser!

Steroids Man: Am I on drugs again?

Futuristic Robot: I'm going to seal you in here forever, and you will meet your demise through suffocation!

Steroids Man: Doesn't seem like I could really suffocate in here...

Futuristic Robot: You will when I throw all these oxygen absorbers at you I took from packages of beef jerky!

The futuristic robot throws a bunch of tiny white packets at Steroids Man and then leaves shutting Steroids Man inside the tractor tailor.

Steroids Man: Oh crap it's dark in here!


The futuristic robot returns inside the house to the robot bound to the wall.


Futuristic Robot: Soon Mommy will be dead forever along with you!


Futuristic Robot: There is no talk! You have left me to die and now I will leave you all to die!


Steroids Man is sitting inside the back of a tractor trailer sad.

Steroids Man: So ... after all these adventures... this is how I die.... I can feel the oxygen running out of my body!

Suddenly Steroids Man becomes visible as the inside of the darkened trailer lights ups red and The Manager appears.

The Manager: I hate you.

Steroids Man: Oh no!!! You're trapped in here too!

The Manager: ... so much...

Steroids Man: Can you use your cool Undertaker powers to bust us out?

The Manager: Damn it, you're Steroids Man! Take a steroid and bust yourself out!

Steroids Man: You're right!

Steroids Man takes some super steroids and punches his way out of the trailer to see he's actually in the back yard of the futuristic robot's house.

Steroids Man: ... seriously?


The futuristic robot is about to cut into the robot with a giant diamond toothed saw when Steroids Man busts in through the door.

Steroids Man: Prepare to die bottom face!!!


Steroids Man has a black eye and bruises and is restrained on the wall with metal devices next to the robot.


Steroids Man: Man... who is this guy?

Futuristic Robot: I'm your son!

Steroids Man: What?

Robot: UMMMM.... REMEMBER OUR GAY LOVE AFFAIR A WHILE BACK? (Episode 60 - My Robot Homosexual)

Steroids Man: I'm pretty sure I have been taking pills to supress that memory.


Steroids Man: Ok...


Steroids Man: That's not cool.... so I'm this robot's dad?


Steroids Man (hanging his head): I want to go home now.

Futuristic Robot: You never told him the rest of the story.


Steroids Man: I don't care...

Futuristic Robot: Yes, you will care, when I kill you all! I have been waiting for this for centuries! Aren't you going to ask how I became centuries old?

Steroids Man: Nope.

Futuristic Robot: I was left in the woods to die but survived for decades until I was found by scientists and rebuilt, from there I took charge and kept adding advanced technology to myself for many years, until the 23rd century when I gained access to a time machine and...

Steroids Man: I can't take much more of this! If you're going to kill us then kill us already!


Futuristic Robot: Prepare to die!

The futuristic robot turns the saw back on.

Steroids Man: Oh crap, this is for reals! Manager help!!!

The Manager appears visible to Steroids Man only and uses his powers to send a huge jolt of energy towards the futuristic robot. The futuristic robot falls to the floor but seems fine and gets back up, glowing and looking slightly bigger.

The Manager: What the hell?

The Manager uses even more energy to blast at the robot and he gets sent out of the house in flames, but once again stands up and is fine and he looks even stronger.

The Manager fades away to Steroids Man.

The Manager: So weak...

The futuristic robot approaches.

Steroids Man: How are you still alive?


Futuristic Robot: I have no idea how you managed to make those energy blasts attack me but I am from the future! Part of my futuristic technology allows me to absorb any energy that I come into contact with! Nothing can stop me!!

The futuristic robot goes to use the saw again but it doesn't work.

Futuristic Robot: Damn it! The power is out... probably from all those energy surges... now I have to go to the hardware store and find something else to kill you horribly with! I'll be back!

The futuristic robot leaves.

Steroids Man: Now's our chance..... what do we do?

Robot: I DON'T KNOW!!!

Steroids Man: Do you still have your built in phone?

Robot: YES.

Steroids Man: Let's make a phone call!


At the steroids mansion, Phil is vacuuming the house when Dougette enters the room... he ... I mean she looks like crap.

Phil: Whoa... what happened to you?

Dougette: My tits are sore and enormous and I'm taking pain killers and I'm all high....

Phil: Oh....

Dougette walks around and we hear loud grinding noises.

Phil: What is that.... is that your robot legs?

Dougette: Yes, they have been acting funny, you may have to fix them.

Dougette drops her pill bottle.

Dougette: HELL!!!

Dougette bends down to pick them up when smoke rises from her dress and we hear loud bangs and she collapses face down and can't get up.

Dougette: My robot legs!!!

Phil lifts her dress just enough to see her robot legs have been destroyed.

Dougette: What happened?

Phil Your breasts are too heavy... the robot legs couldn't take it.

Suddenly Phil's phone rings.

Phil: Hold on, I gotta take this.

Dougette: Help me!

Phil: Hello?

We cut to Steroids Man and the robot stuck to the wall. Steroids Man is yelling into the robot's ear.

Steroids Man: Phil, you got to help us!

We cut back to Phil on the phone.

Phil: Ummmm.... you want me to put you through to Dougette?

Steroids Man (on phone): Dougette? No... I need YOUR help.

Phil: What's wrong?

Steroids Man: We're being held prisoner by a scary robot.

Phil: You mean the robot that lives with us?

Steroids Man: No, another scary robot.

Phil: Hmmm... this seems to go beyond my expertise as the mansion janitor....

Steroids Man: Cut the crap and help us!

Phil: Make me manager again and we will talk.

Steroids Man: You are such a conceited bastard!

Phil: Want to speak to Dougette?

Steroids Man: Damn it fine, you're the manager again, now come and help us!

Steroids Man gives Phil directions on how to get there and Phil hangs up the phone and looks down at Dougette on the floor.

Dougette: Please... help me...

Phil wheels over a mop and bucket and leaves it next to Dougette.

Phil: You can mop the kitchen for me and when I come home I'll probably fix ya.

Dougette: You Shay!


The futuristic robot returns.

Futuristic Robot: There, I got this excellent pair of garden sheers from the hardware store! I'm going to cut off your faces!

Phil: Not so fast!

Steroids Man and the robot look up excited while the futuristic robot it shocked.

Futuristic Robot: Who the hell are you?

Phil: I'm Steroids Man's manager and I'm here to do an awesome job!

Phil takes out a strange weapon he designed himself on the car ride over and zaps the futuristic robot full of laser beams.

The futuristic robot absorbs the beams and grows stronger.

Steroids Man (To Phil): You dumbass, he can absorb energy!

Phil: You never told me that!

The futuristic robot zaps Phil with an electric projectile and he falls to the floor and seizures.


Phil wakes up bound along side of the robot and Steroids Man.

Steroids Man: Real nice job Phil, you smurf us again.

Phil: Hey... I tried.

Steroids Man: You're demoted again. I'm going to give you the worst job possible! I don't even know what that is but I'm going to create it for you!

Phil: Hey, I seriously tried to save you guys, you shouldn't demote me! Please, please let me stay manager!

Steroids Man: Fine, you can stay manager. Does it really matter if we're all going to die soon?

Phil: Well I would rather die a manager then a janitor!

Steroids Man: I hate you.

Phil: Hey... where is that evil robot?


Steroids Man: We should try to call someone else to save us!

Phil: Who?

Steroids Man: Ummm... Dougette?


We cut to Dougette in the kitchen... on the floor with heavy boobs and broken robot legs trying to mop while laying down and spilling water all over.

Dougette: This is the worst day of my life! ... or at least in the top 20.


Phil: No, not Dougette.

Steroids Man: Then who?

robot: I GOT IT!!!

We hear loud dialing noises then someone answers.

Amanda (on phone): Police department, Amanda speaking.


Steroids Man: No, don't get her involved!

We cut to Amanda on the other side of the phone and she stands up quickly.

Amanda: I'll be right there baby!

Back to Steroids man, Phil and the robot.

Steroids Man: You idiot! I don't want her to die with us!

The futuristic robot returns to the room.

Futuristic Robot: You don't want who to die?


Steroids Man (to robot): I'm going to destroy you!

Futuristic Robot: This could be fun.

The Manager reappears before Steroids Man very weak.

The Manager: I'm almost too weak now to influence your world... but here's one last thing I can do!

The Manager uses his powers to blast at the shackles off Steroids Man freeing him. The Manager disappears and is exhausted and needs to rest and recharge.

Steroids Man (to futuristic robot): I'm free and I'm going to kick your bottom!



Steroids Man wakes up back in his spot restrained to the wall and we hear police sirens in the distance.

Steroids Man: Oh come on! This is febreeze!!!

Cops begin to bust into the old house and the futuristic robot one by one melts them with his laser eyes until Amanda approaches.

Amanda: What the f.....

The futuristic robot backhands her in the throat and....


...Amanda wakes up next to Steroids Man, Phil and the robot all bound to the wall.

Amanda: What is this?

Steroids Man: I'm sorry... I never meant to get you involved...

Amanda: I'm starving to death and haven't eaten all day and... what the smurf is that? (referring to the futuristic robot)

Steroids Man: That's my son.

Amanda: WHAT THE smurf!?!?!

Futuristic Robot: And now to kill you all, using this!

The futuristic robot pulls out a push lawnmower and starts it and aims it blades first at Steroids Man and company stuck to the wall.

Futuristic Robot: Nothing will save you now, you will all die!


Steroids Man: What are you waiting for?

Futuristic Robot: Dramatic effect and suspense.

Amanda: I'm going to starve to death before you manage to kill us!

Futuristic Robot: What the hell is wrong with you people? You seem like you have no will to live!

Phil: It's just been a crappy week... I think it's the weather... it's been cloudy and rainy every day and that can effect people's mood. Lack of sun and vitamin D are ....

Steroids Man: Shut your boring assed face!


Futuristic Robot: Fine.

The futuristic robot comes closer with the spinning lawn mower blades when suddenly part of the roof collapses and dust fills the room.

Steroids Man: Now what?

The dust clears to reveal the council of heroes!

Ultra Man: We're here to stop you evil robot!

Futuristic Robot: Who the hell are you guys?

Phil: The council of heroes???

Steroids Man: How did you find us?

Ultra Man: We're the council of heroes damn it! We know where trouble is and when cops start dying then it's time for us to take action!

Amanda: Like half of my officers are already dead!

Futuristic Robot: Council of heroes is it? How about we take this outside?

The futuristic robot teleports and kicks Invisible Man through the wall and teleports again and grabs Half Man Half Speedboat and throws him through another wall. Some council members run outside while others get through through walls until the outer walls of the house collapse!

The robot then shows us his ability to fly with rocket powered feet and goes outside.

All the council members hurdle back together outside in the rain while Steroids Man, Phil, Amanda and the robot can see the action with the house demolished.... however their wall is still in tact and they are still restrained.

Futuristic Robot: You fools can't stop me! I AM THE MOST POWERFUL ENTITY IN THE UNIVERSE! BEHOLD!!!

The futuristic robot's inside exposed red parts glows and he begins to get bigger and bigger. Suddenly he manages to expand to the size of a giant and towers over the council of heroes.

Ultra Man: Oh crap....

Hawk Eyes: Where did he go??? Did he run away?

Polaroid Man (Regarding Hawk Eyes): Why is he even on our team???

Half Man Half Speedboat: Let's just attack and fight with everything we have!!

They all charge at the giant futuristic robot and the robot kicks Half Man Half Speedboat across 4 city blocks. slaps Invisible Man into a shed with his giant hand.... Steps on Polaroid Man.... blasts at Ultra Man knocking him out... stuffs pylon man in a sewer while Hawk Eyes looks around confused and Crochet Lady is paralyzed with fear.

Futuristic Robot: Nobody can stop me! Soon the universe will be mine!

The futuristic robot laughs and returns to normal size and approaches Steroids Man and company. Suddenly Crochet Lady gets in his way.

Crochet Lady: Don't hurt him!

Amanda: You mean them....

Futuristic Robot: Move it or lost it sister!

Crochet Lady suddenly pulls out two crochet hooks and speed knits a blanket in the futuristic robot's direction which wraps around him and traps him in spot.

Crochet Lady: I got you! That yarn is made out of indestructible super fish wire.

Steroids Man: Cool!

The futuristic robot suddenly breaks free and approaches Crochet Lady as she backpedals. The Robot charges up his energy hands as he gets closer.

Futuristic Robot: Got any other bright ideas?

Crochet Lady: Ummm... ummm..... what's 55 divided by zero?

Suddenly the futuristic robot's head explodes along with Steroids Man's robot's head and metal parts come raining down. The futuristic robot's lifeless body comes crashing to the ground. Steroids Man's robot is still restrained and headless.

Phil: No way....

Amanda: What happened?

Crochet Lady: I just did what I know confuses calculators... I asked it to divide by zero.

Steroids Man: How about you get us out of here now?

Crochet Lady goes over to Steroids Man and tries to undo the locks whole rubbing Steroids Man's chest.

Crochet Lady: Ohhhhhhh

Amanda gives a dirty look.


A little later Steroids Man, Phil, the robot and Amanda are free and the council are injured but all standing together and nobody died.

Steroids Man: Ok, well I guess we should get going .... thanks again for saving us...

Ultra Man: Yeah, I think that if we knew that you were in trouble we wouldn't have come by.

The council begins to leave as Steroids Man watches.

Steroids Man: Wait!!!

Ultra Man: What?

Steroids Man: Let me back in the council!

Ultra Man: No damn it, we all hate you!

Steroids Man: Ok... but do this for me.

Ultra Man: What?

Steroids Man: Let's go out for lunch, just you and me. You have lunch with me alone and I'll never bother you guys again or try to join up.

Ultra Man: You mean it? I have lunch with you and you'll never come around us again!

Steroids Man: Yes!

Ultra Man: It's a deal!

They shake hands and part ways.


Steroids Man and Amanda are on the couch and Dougette is also here in the other single seat couch. Dougette got his legs fixed by Phil and had weight counter balances put in. Also Phil is now the manager as Dougette is back to cleaning lady.

Suddenly the robot comes flying in with fire coming out of his feet and then lands.

Steroids Man: What the? I thought you died?

Phil (entering the room): His head exploded... but there are spare heads that were still in tact from that multiple robot fight so I just installed one of those. Also I played around with that futuristic robot's parts and thought I would give our robot friend here his rocket boots.

Steroids Man: Why the hell would you do that?

Phil: You never know... it could come in handy, maybe he will help us out of a bind with it some day.

Dougette: Show me you flying again.

The robot smiles and flies around the room and lands.


Dougette: Thank you! Your rocket boots are a real turn on!

Amanda (to Steroids Man): We're moving out here when we get married right?

Steroids Man: Hell yes.


It's the morning of the day that Steroids Man is to have lunch with Ultra Man and he's dressed up.

The Manager appears.

The Manager: Ok, so you know the plan?

Steroids Man: Yes, steal the ring and bring it to the warehouse.

The Manager: Right. This is big, this is the last component I need.... once you have the ring we will need to work quickly to bring me back to life. But it may be a late night... you better tell Amanda not to wait up for you.

Steroids Man has a concerned look on his face.


At the door Amanda is ready to leave.

Amanda: Have a good day baby *kiss on the cheek*

Steroids Man: Amanda, wait!

Amanda: What?

Steroids Man: I'm going to finally be rid of that demon tonight.... but I may be home super late.

Amanda: Are you going to be ok?

Steroids Man: I think so.

Amanda: Keep in contact with me baby.

Steroids Man: I will. I'm going to be OK and we're going to be OK. We're getting married!

They both smile and Amanda leaves for work, hopeful that Steroids Man knows what he's doing and that everything will be alright.

Steroids Man: I'm so smurf....

Steroids Man gets in his car and heads to the restaurant for lunch with Ultra Man.

___to be continued

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