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Blatant Ignorance

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:23 am
by Jonny Boy
Today my aunt posted something on facebook about "Strawberry Quick" which is supposed to be meth mixed with poprocks so that they can get kids hooked. It clearly stated that it was currently circulating around our city and heading towards their small town. One quick google search later, I found out that it was a hoax from back in 2007 so I politely commented on her post with the information that it was a hoax, how I found out it was a hoax, and then gave a url to an anti-hoax website with the full details.

I mean come on, it sounded stupid to me so I did a search that took less than 60 seconds and I was better for it. I used common sense and a little research to back up my suspicion about it and I came away with a little bit of education. Why do people find it so difficult to do google searches? It's not like they had to ride their horse to the library and look over the papyrus scrolls by torch light. It's something that literally takes less than a minute to do and you come away not looking like an idiot. Come on, it's not hard. You're sitting a big information box!

So after that someone else commented under her post asking how sure of myself I was. I suppose that's a fair question but really... I not only posted information from a reliable site but I also included instructions on how I got that information. If they would have taken a few seconds of their time and did the research for themselves, instead of trying to discredit me and my information source, they would have realized how silly and ignorant they sounded. Good work, you made me hate the human race just a little more. I'm sure you believe in unicorns and bigfoot too simply because they haven't found a body yet.

After I informed that lady who called my information into question, that my information was 100% correct, she and my aunt started talking about how it's important to sit down with children and inform them about drugs. The thing that blows my mind is that they want to educate other people on a subject that they are ignorant about. Strawberry Quick? That even sounds like a hoax! They didn't even bother using common sense or research, instead they just choose to spread ignorance and fear. I'm sure that kids know more about drugs than they do, I know I will never touch drugs and I certainly have forgotten more about drugs than either of them will ever know.