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Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:28 am
by Giana
A hope to fill this thread with funny stories ,funny events that hapend to you and you related them to a superstition,you something hapend to you on friday the 13rd,or you spill the salt and something hapend after that.stuff like that!
So,who wants to be first?

When my son was 2,6 years old,he wasnt speaking very good,so,according to a superstition,when Christmas came i gave him water to drink from the bell and also gave him a piece of bread from a gipsy woman.And after one year(present time included)i am asking him to stop speaking at least for 5 minutes,so i can hear my thoughts!
So...i gues it worked! :lol:

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:28 pm
by raiden676
I have one around my house.

The superstition is "if you leave a fully decorated christmas tree up past Jan 1st, you will have bad luck". Frankly, I don't believe in this, but try telling my mom that. She took our tree down on Dec 31st. Her luck isn't so good right now.

On Jan 1st. I went out and bought a new tree (artificial), and fully decorated it. I put up a bet with mom that if I left my tree up throughout the month of January and didn't have any bad luck, I would have proven that theory wrong.

So far nothing bad has gone wrong except for my backboard to my basketball breaking a couple of days ago. That was totally my fault and I should have known better to throw the ball at the cracked side of the backboard. I hope to get it fixed real soon.

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:01 pm
by Blondie
I thought that the superstition about the Christmas Tree was about taking it down before the twelfth night of Christmas, as the Festival of Christmas is supposed to last for twelve days.
Hence the song, Twelve Days of Christmas.
I always get confused and can never work out if that counts Christmas Eve or not.
I think that the twelfth night is supposed to be 5th January but ours always come down by 4th January, just incase. :lol:

So raiden, I think you've blown it. LOL

Let us know, one way or another.

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:05 pm
by chex
smurf the superstition. My tree came down on the 29th this Christmas. I wanted my living room back.

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:17 pm
by Blondie
I hate taking the decs down because everything looks so plain and bare afterwards.

My sister's son's Birthday falls on 2nd January, so she takes all the decs down on New Years Day and puts up Birthday decorations instead.

I think that as he gets older he will want the Christmas ones left up and he will celebrate his Birthday and New Year big time. In a big way!

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:31 pm
by chex
My SIL was born on December 27th, and her son's birthday is a few days after hers. We know better than to even use Christmas paper on their birthday presents. :lol:

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:48 pm
by Blondie
Oh yes I know about that. :D
My sister in law's Birthday is on 25th Dec itself. She's always very particular about wanting seperate birthday and christmas everything. :|
On the other hand my dad's Birthday was on 28th Dec and he never minded at all, at least he said he didn't.
Dad's birthday was always another excuse for celebrating again. :D I miss him so much.
We always have a family get together now, on that day, if we can.

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:02 pm
by Dowster
Our tree is still up, but it's only a small one (roughly 1 metre high) prelit with fibre optics, and it's on top of a shelving unit at the moment so it's out of the way

For Christmas 2006 - when we bought the tree, we had it on the floor with a little musical light up village - houses, people, snowmen skating on a frozen pond etc, along with a candle bridge and a nativity scene. We arranged them all together on a couple of those white fluffy insulation sheets, so it looked like snow. It stayed there all year until Christmas 2007, and eventually got put away in Feb 08

I've always had shazam! awful luck all my life, so it makes no difference :lol:

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:22 pm
by Blondie
Dowster wrote:
For Christmas 2006 - when we bought the tree, we had it on the floor with a little musical light up village - houses, people, snowmen skating on a frozen pond etc, along with a candle bridge and a nativity scene. We arranged them all together on a couple of those white fluffy insulation sheets, so it looked like snow. It stayed there all year until Christmas 2007, and eventually got put away in Feb 08
It sounds like you could have set up a Father Christmas Grotto quite easily. All in the comfort of your own home. :lol:
No seriously, it sounds lovely, but who dusted it, if it was up all year? :)

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:47 am
by SingerGirl1369
i always make wishes at 11:11:11... sadly i cant remember if they come true or not because i always forget my wish by the time it comes true if it comes true... haha

but i like to defy superstitions... i like to spill salt, i open umbrellas indoors, i walk under ladders, etc. :) sadly, it might explain all this shazam! luck i have haha

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:52 am
by raiden676
Oh yeah

I left my little christmas tree up for more than a year.
Guess what happened to me

2009 NCAA Men's Division I National Champions.
UNC Tar Heels

Take that to the bank.

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:36 am
by Eff
I believe in sending things to the universe while just talking .

Few years ago , I said " oh ..god..i just wanna lay down for few days " Two days later i was in the hospital for 3 days , laying , not moving . Nothing was wrong with me except for the fact that i was not allowed to move . for 3 days .

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:27 am
by Dowster
Blondie wrote:
Dowster wrote:
For Christmas 2006 - when we bought the tree, we had it on the floor with a little musical light up village - houses, people, snowmen skating on a frozen pond etc, along with a candle bridge and a nativity scene. We arranged them all together on a couple of those white fluffy insulation sheets, so it looked like snow. It stayed there all year until Christmas 2007, and eventually got put away in Feb 08
It sounds like you could have set up a Father Christmas Grotto quite easily. All in the comfort of your own home. :lol:
No seriously, it sounds lovely, but who dusted it, if it was up all year? :)
Dusted?? I think I heard of that somewhere, maybe on Wiki..

It wasn't touched at all, but you could only actually see dust if you got down on the floor and looked closely at it. We don't seem to accumilate much dust in our place for some reason, even the TV only needs dusting about once a year and that usually picks up a lot because of the static attracting it in the air..

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:03 pm
by Shay
I have a couple superstitions. Friday the 13th and black cats, but in the opposite. I believe these bring me good luck. And fortune cookies from The Great Wall. :lol:

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:12 pm
by Blondie
I avoid ladders and I will not put my shoes on the table - ever!
Oh and I throw some salt over my shoulder if I spill some. :roll:

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:26 pm
by SingerGirl1369
Shay wrote:I have a couple superstitions. Friday the 13th and black cats, but in the opposite. I believe these bring me good luck. And fortune cookies from The Great Wall. :lol:
yeah friday the 13th brings me good luck too... why? cause i was born on a cursed day. Ides of March :)

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:26 am
by raiden676
Very superstitious for me

I will not walk under a ladder, even for a million dollars.
I will not cross a black cat's path without drawing a big "X" in the air

although one I don't believe in is stepping on cracks. I have at least stepped on thousands of cracks in my life and my mother has not broke her back.

What's up with that?

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:47 am
by Eff
raiden676 wrote:
I will not walk under a ladder, even for a million dollars.
I doubt it .. Bet ya do it for a 100$ if you could .

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:43 pm
by Dowster
Wow, I would eat a friggin ladder for a million dollars...

Re: Superstitions

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:54 pm
by Blondie
But you may not survive to enjoy the money. :notme: