
Want to rant about something? Or see me go on about something stupid? This is the place.
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Post by LaLou »

My mom moved house. In the 45+ years that she lived in the old place, she had collected a lot of stuff. And she never threw anything out.

And now she is in the process of moving to a smaller place. This means she cannot keep everything she owns. This means that there is some stuff that my brothers and I can have. However....

The stuff that my brothers want to keep, they still did not take with them (I took all that was given to me). The house therefor is still cluthered with stuff. And I am not going to bring it to them.
What the hell are they thinking. Do they think that it will come to them by itself?
It's a rented house, so everything has to be brought in the way the owner wants it. That means that the hard wood floor has to be taken out. All the holes in the wall, where the paintings were hanging have to be repaired. The laminate on the first floor has to be taken out. There are a gazillion other things that have to be done. And to top it off, the extension has to be taken down. Within the next ten days.
All three of them can only come over for one or two days a week.
IT'S NOT GOING TO GET CLEARED BY ITSELF! Do they expect me to do it?

BTW. I contacted a company that is specialised in clearing buildings and bringing them in perfect shape. Hope he isn't too expensive.

Thanks for reading this.
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by Eff »

I think it would be really expensive to pay for the pro to do it , why can't you shout at them?
You said they can come for two days - well in that case - two days might be enough if all of you would come with your grown-up children and smash the house (floor and stuff) you can do it all in two days if you want to . kids have to join .

the 3rd day would be for painting the place - easy - you can do it yourself :P
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by LaLou »

The professional said that he would need about 80 hours to do the job.
And my brother is not a professional. It would take him longer. Especially with the chaotic way he works.
It would totaly be worth my money to have it done.
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by Eff »

pro' always say that .. if you ppl would take a pill or somewhat :notme: you'd do it in one day ;)
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by LaLou »

No pills like that for me. :horse:
the two timer
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by bella »

Give your brother a deadline. If he's not willing to help you until then or do it on his own make him pay the pro.
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by Eff »

umm yeah alot better then the pill :D maybe if all bro's whould share the payment it won't be so much -but take a good care while choosing the pro .
- was few days ago..what has been done?
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by LaLou »


Bro got his way. He can do it the way he wants it. By himnself. But I'm not gonna pay for a thing, and I'm not gonna let mum pay for a thing.
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by Eff »

Look - its delicate situation coz you're gonna run out'a time . so there is no way to play around -you need to talk it over and decide what to do . what i'm saying is that there is no time for waisting time :? you ppl need to TALK . NOW .
No arguing - just listening and trying to understand each other .
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by Eff »

So Lal what has happened since??
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by LaLou »

My older brother took out the wooden floor.
The three of them took of the glue residue from the tapistry on the upper floor.
The stuff that we needed to get rid of was taken out by a second hand store (free of charge), and for the waste and the rubble he rented a 4 cubic meter dumpster, at the cost of 325 euro.

I wish I would have taken a pic of the dumpster. It was half a meter high, but the rubble stuck out a meter above it. I am actually suprised that they took it at all.

My mum's move is over, and she is very happy where she is now.
Last edited by LaLou on Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brothers!!!

Post by Eff »

:D Well done
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday