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Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:45 pm
by Wesley
Hi there.

I live here in the United States of America, where we have a minimum of healthcare coverage and a large dose of uninformed citizens.

Recently, a gentleman I went to school with claimed some uniquely personal experience that the Universal Healthcare in other countries is bad for the citizens, and bad for the economy, and is, "A joke."

Could those of you with any experience in the healthcare in your country please share some of your opinions?

Any stories are also welcomed.

Thanks! :)

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:45 am
by bella
How can it be bad for the citizens? Seriously, go to work, pay your taxes and get the health care everyone should be granted. This is neither a selection process nor survival of the fittest. If your personal American Dream is to work hard, so you are able to afford health care and all others are sad losers and the lord or lady of their own fate you are quite antisocial.
This is no communist idea that everything belongs to everybody, if you want to enjoy the advantages of living in a community which enables you to earn your living, you should also care for the ones who can't work. And we don't talk about people relying on the welfare system. Let's talk about single parents, students, people too sick to work and older people. Every single person should be granted access to affordable health care. Period.
The health care industry has become inflated and it has turned into big business. Having to go to hospital has become unaffordable for many, hospital often means debts for life.
Want to know if someone has money? Look at their teeth, you can tell if someone can afford basic treatment or none at all. Employers offer health care packages to be more attractive. Lost your job there? Good luck in finding a new one with the same offer.
There are many hard working people out there and still cannot go and see a doctor when they need to.

If a government ensures that it has healthy citizens it is neither bad for its people nor for its economy. Due to demographic change there are more older people these days, taking care of them and offering services creates jobs.
Know the movie "Elysium"? Interesting dystopia, we might be like that some day.