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US General election, 2020

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:00 pm
by chex
Anyone up for another election shitshow thread?

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:58 pm
by bella
I'm in.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:58 pm
by chex
Anyone surprised by McConnell champing at the bit to replace RBG after refusing to hold a vote on Merrick Garland? I feel like I need to be prepared. Do I buy my own red dress and white winged bonnet now, or will they provide one for me. Blessed be the fruit!

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:54 pm
by Wesley
Before going into details regarding this particular election cycle, I just want to point out that the "Moral Majority" has been in the minority for a couple of generations, but because of how our political system is set up, the few maintain control over the many. I chose my words specifically on that last sentence, because if everyone just wanted what they thought was best for the people and the country, it would not be a big deal. However... these vocal and powerful minority groups are holding on to a misogynistic, racist, and outdated religion, and forcing everyone to play by their rules. Rather than,"Does this action benefit an individual while not harming anyone else?" these sycophants pretty much make EVERYTHING into,"You made little Baby Jesus cry!" They view someone quietly and peacefully having their own beliefs -- which do not agree with modern x-ianity -- as literally and forcefully attacking their belief system. And they vote accordingly. They unite and don't care how many "others" are harmed by the nonsense they put into law, as long as baby jesus is happy.

It is archaic, damaging nonsense that is bad for not only this country, but all of civilization.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:55 am
by bella
Ha, I got that reference! Although I only saw the first season so far.

Religion is not the root of all evil, extremist views are plus wanting to force them onto others. Seems like legislation is going back to medieval times. Whatever the outcome of the next election maybe, a lot of damage has been done. Sometimes even for a lifespan.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:32 am
by Moe
In other news, my father's Biden 2020 sign has been stolen once, and destroyed on the second go round. This is ridiculous. Even if you hate him, you can't just go around destroying stuff of people that like him.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:40 pm
by chex
How about them tax returns! As Clinton (and much of the US) predicted in 2016, Trumplethinskin wasn't paying taxes and generally being a huge drain on society.

But her emails...

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:51 pm
by Wesley
I watched the entire debate. What a mess! Both candidates were.... old. But have you ever visited a senior center, and you can tell the different personalities of the folks there? Trump was the guy in the corner, always confused, always yelling, picking fights with strangers, the staff having to try to calm him down repeatedly. Biden was the cool old guy who will tell you a story about driving his Edsel to the beach, but at the end of it, you can tell he is not quite all there, so he does indeed belong in the old people home.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:19 pm
by Wesley
In an interesting twist, mr trump has now contracted the coronavirus, which he has simultaneously downplayed and denied.

I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, I don't like people to suffer, etc.

On the other hand, trump is cruel, has no empathy, and him getting the virus feels like Cosmic Justice.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:31 pm
by Clarence
GreatZot wrote:In an interesting twist, mr trump has now contracted the coronavirus, which he has simultaneously downplayed and denied.

I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, I don't like people to suffer, etc.

On the other hand, trump is cruel, has no empathy, and him getting the virus feels like Cosmic Justice.
Yeah it's a bad situation

I don't wish ill will on ppl

But if he gets through this fine it will fuel the "just a flu" bros

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:10 pm
by chex
I worry about them using it to delay the election. And I also worry about him dying before the election, leaving us with President Pence, who would then get to run for two terms, and many people who wouldn’t vote for Trump would happily vote for Pence. (Under his eye) Hi, my name is chex and I have anxiety.

I have as much sympathy for Cheeto Mussolini as he has shown for all those who have died of Covid because his lying bottom intentionally downplayed the seriousness of it. smurf him in the bottom with a cactus. I only hope he lives so he can be brought to justice after his ra(c/p)ist bottom is voted out.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:35 am
by Clarence
chex wrote:I worry about them using it to delay the election. And I also worry about him dying before the election, leaving us with President Pence, who would then get to run for two terms, and many people who wouldn’t vote for Trump would happily vote for Pence. (Under his eye) Hi, my name is chex and I have anxiety.

I have as much sympathy for Cheeto Mussolini as he has shown for all those who have died of Covid because his lying bottom intentionally downplayed the seriousness of it. smurf him in the bottom with a cactus. I only hope he lives so he can be brought to justice after his ra(c/p)ist bottom is voted out.
I forget how that works you can run for two full terms but only if you serve less than 2 years on some other term?

self Pence became president for two terms it only be two terms and the few months of this year

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:59 am
by Moe
Clarence wrote:I forget how that works you can run for two full terms but only if you serve less than 2 years on some other term?
That is correct

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:14 pm
by bella
There would be no elections in November then? This is messed up.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:38 pm
by Moe
I don't see them having a viable enough reason to be able to delay the polls. It just means that Trump won't make the next debate (Oh No! How heartbreaking), and won't be able to go do his campaign rallies

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:12 am
by chex
If he kicks it, would the GOP automatically run Pence, or would they pick a new candidate?

Personally I think they should just declare Biden president then. If the Republicans want a candidate who doesn’t take Covid seriously, this is what happens. They made their bed and they can lie in it. This won’t actually happen of course, but a girl can dream.

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:05 am
by Moe
I mean, technically, the RNC would have to pick a new candidate, but I'm sure in like very state, it's too late to add a candidate to the ballot. At this point, it would probably go legal as the RNC would probably seek legal recourse to try to gain representation on the ballot.
As for who they would run if they were granted such recourse, who could know. Would Pence want to actually run? Would the GOP actually want Pence? Or was he only there because of Trump to begin with?

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:56 pm
by bella
That would mean to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. You think it could not get worse, but then...

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:03 am
by Moe
Just wait until he tries to pull the pity votes "Oohh I wasn't able to make the debates because of the CORONAVIRUS and the terribleness it brought upon me, so that isn't fair so I should get the votes" and you know people are dumb enough to vote for that...

Re: US General election, 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:59 am
by chex
So far we’re looking better than four years ago.