Chapter 158 --> Time for a Change

Game Destroyer
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Chapter 158 --> Time for a Change

Post by Clarence »

Show the mansion and we hear loud and terrible noises coming from it. Steve is screaming and crying so loud that the whole neighbourhood is disturbed. Weed Man enters the mansion to find Samantha on the couch petting Kiera on one one side and Conky on the other.

Weed Man (eating): Wow, he's still going at it huh?

Samantha: Yes ... he's been like this for days ... I NEVER seen him like this and I don't know what to do!

Weed Man: Fig Newton?

Samantha: ... what?

Weed Man: I just tried Fig Newtons for the first time ever and they're DELICIOUS! Come on, try one.

Samantha: No thanks...

Weed Man: More for me then!

Weed Man goes to town on these Fig Newtons and Steve comes down the stairs very slow and very sad.

Weed Man: Oh wow!

Steve looks very bad! Unshaven, dark circles under eyes ... fatter... and wearing clothes that are covered in mustard and other food stains.

Samantha: Oh Daddy...

Steve (yelling with raspy voice): LOOK HOW LOUDLY MY LIFE SUCKS NOW!


Weed Man: Fig Newton?


Show Amanda's car pull up to a big and beautiful newer mansion. Amanda, David and Max get out.

Amanda: Ok everyone, this is our new home.

David: So we're never moving back in with Daddy or my sister or that guy who smokes weed a lot?

Max: Or the other cats...

Amanda: I don't know son .... right now Mommy and Daddy need some time apart. But let's make the best out of this ok? It will be fun like a sleep over or something.

David: Will there be candy and chocolate involved?

Amanda: Sure....

Max: And cat treats!

Amanda: *sigh*

Amanda lights a cigarette now and smokes it.

David: What's that?

Amanda: Mommy smokes now.


Show Steve going into the fridge and beginning to drink a 2 liter carton of milk.

Samantha: What are you doing??

Steve: I can't drink alcohol anymore or you'll leave me too ... so I'm going to get drunk off milk!

Samantha: ...what?

Steve chugs down the whole carton of milk and spills it over himself.

Steve: Ohh.... I really have remorse over that move!

Steve runs out of the room and Weed Man joins Samantha.

Samantha: We got to do something!

Weed Man: Yeah ... but what?


Max is out in the back yard getting used to his new neighbourhood when he sees something.

Max: It's ... beautiful!!!

Show a beautiful white female cat and romantic music plays.

Max: I think I'm in love!

Max comes up to this cat.

Max: What's your name?

Female Cat: Meow?

Max: Are you seeing anyone ...?

Female Cat: Purrr....


Amanda and David are at the store getting groceries.

David: I'm scared in here ... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??!?!

Amanda:'s cabbage.

David: I don't like this!

Amanda: David ... you got to get used to society! SERIOUSLY!

They shop some more and David sees shelves filled with chocolate bars.

David: Mommy! Can I have all these?

Amanda: No, I need you to sleep tonight so I can sleep!

As Amanda turns the corner David looks longingly at the chocolate bars.

David: Hmmmm....

David looks around a few times and then sneaks some bars into his pockets!


Steve: DAVE!!!!! HELP!!!!

Weed Man comes running into the kitchen!

Weed Man: What's up? Are we out of Fig Newtons?

Steve: No... I dropped my insulin needle under the fridge.

Weed Man: I hate to say this bro but ummm... you're really just ... kind of pathetic now.

Steve: Just use your super powers to lift the fridge so I can get it!

Weed Man: Fine!

Weed Man goes to lift the fridge ... but can't.

Steve: Come on! I need this!

Weed Man: I'm having a hard time for some reason man ... hold on....

Weed Man tries and tries but the fridge won't budge. He ends up having to push it out of the way and not so easily.

Weed Man: Something is wrong here.

Weed Man goes outside as Steve watches and is joined by Samantha. Weed Man tries to lift up his car using all his strength but is unsuccessful.

Samantha: What's going on?

Weed Man runs back into the house and opens the cutlery drawer and takes out a spoon. Steve and Samantha watch on in shock as Weed Man struggles to bend it ... but is unsuccessful!

Weed Man: I lost my powers!

Steve: What?

Weed Man: Yeah man .... my super soldier powers ... wore off!

Steve: Ok, that's it! I can't take this anymore! Too many bad things have happened to us, it's time to fix this once and for all!!

Samantha: How?

Steve: I got a plan that will undo all this damage ... but I'll need your help!

Weed Man: I'm in man, without my powers it will be hard to keep control of my secret underground drug gang!

Samantha: And I just want the family back together and for us all to be happy again!

Steve: Me too! Let's do this!


Show David in his room after the shopping trip. He unloads many chocolate bars that he snuck home as well as a few key chains and other crap.

David: This is awesome! I took all this stuff and got away with it ... I love the way this feels!

David suddenly looks very happy.

David: I must steal some more!!


Max brings this new white kitty friend inside the new mansion.

Max: Amanda?

Amanda is on her laptop looking at pictures of Steve while tearing up. As she looks at the pictures she misses him but yet hates him for what he's done but yet also feels bad for what she's done ... it's awkward. As Amanda looks at the pictures, Max sticks his face between her and the laptop.

Max: Hello!

Amanda: What do you want Max??

Max: You gotta meet my new girlfriend, Milkshake!

Amanda: Girlfriend???

Amanda moves her laptop and Max out of the way to see this adorable white female cat ... clawing up her new lazy boy chair!

Amanda: Hey!

The white cat jumps up on the lazy boy, squats and pees all over it.

Amanda: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Max: Milkshake!!!!! I'm so embarrassed!

Amanda: Get that smurf cat out of here!

Max and the white cat begin to leave.

Max (to Amanda): I'm so sorry she behaved like this, she's really better than that! You just got to get to know her more!

As they leave Max talks to Milkshake while shutting the door.

Max: We have to have a talk... you really embarrassed me just there... (door shuts)


Steve, Samantha and Weed Man stand together in the living room.

Steve: Ok ... here goes nothing!

Everyone watches as Steve clears his throat and begins his plan.


There's a silence and nothing happens.


Nothing happens even more so...

Weed Man: Ummm.... this ain't workin.

Steve holds up his hand as if to say keep waiting.


Suddenly a portal opens above Steve's expensive and large TV.

Steve: Oh hell no!

From the portal, Technological Steroids Man falls and lands on the TV and it breaks apart. Technological Steroids Man stands up still wearing his advanced and futuristic suit that's covered in technology. His suit flashes with multiple lights and he also sports a cool eye visor and also .... bandages on his middle fingers/hands keeping his middle fingers in the upright position.

Technological Steroids Man: Why do you bother me YET again!?!?

Steve: Your hands are all bandaged up!

Technological Steroids Man: Did you forget that you broke my middle fingers a few weeks ago??

Steve: Wait up ..... you're from the future and....

Technological Steroids Man: You keep saying that, but I'm not from the future, I'm from an alternate reality where technology has advanced MUCH further than yours.

Steve: So with all your technology, how come you can't fix fingers quicker?

Technological Steroids Man: Cause health care sucks in any dimension. Can you get to why you called me here please?

Steve: Just to talk buddy, Mountain Dew?

Samantha presents a Mountain Dew to Technological Steroids Man.

Weed Man: Fig Newton?

Technological Steroids Man: What is this?

Steve: We just want to make you happy. Are you happy in your alternate timeline?

Technological Steroids Man: Very much so, let me show you a picture of my dogs.

Steve: No .... but I'm glad your happy, cause ... I'm not.

Technological Steroids Man: That sucks man.

Steve: Yeah... my life is falling apart. You gotta sympathize right? Cause really you're just me but under different circumstances.

Technological Steroids Man: Ummmm....

Steve: Doesn't it bother you to know my life is so terrible here? My wife left me .... my family is split apart!

Samantha: And you have diabetes now!

Weed Man: Not to mention how fat and ugly he got....

Steve: I think my point is made.

Technological Steroids Man: Sorry for your luck buddy, but ... shazam! happens.

Steve: You can help me...

Technological Steroids Man: I can't loan you money cause my money has alternate presidents on it.

Steve: No.... help me travel back in time to fix things.

Technological Steroids Man: I can't! I can't just manipulate time just for personal benefit! Otherwise don't you think I would have healed my middle fingers that you broke?

Steve: So you're not going to help me?

Technological Steroids Man: Never.

Steve: Final answer?

Technological Steroids Man: Final answer.

Steve: Ok then, no problem. Thanks for stopping by.

Steve reaches out for a hand shake and Technological Steroids Man shakes back.

Steve: PLAN B!!!

Technological Steroids Man: Hmmm?

Steve grabs Technological Steroids Man's hand tightly and kicks him in the nuts.... to no effect.

Technological Steroids Man: Did you just try to kick me in the balls?

Steve: Ummmm....

Technological Steroids Man: My technological suit is equipped with a shield generator to protect my balls and....

Steve: Oh smurf it! Let's just kick his bottom!

Steve, Samantha and Weed Man swarm Technological Steroids Man and begin attacking him!

Despite losing his super strength, Weed Man delivers a mighty punch with his robot hand and knocks down Technological Steroids Man. Technological Steroids Man grabs a strange ray gun but Samantha kicks it out of his hand!

Steve: Rip his clothes off!!!

Technological Steroids Man: WHAT??!?!

Technological Steroids Man is getting beat down by Samantha but he manages to grab her and toss her out the window and through the glass!

Steve: Samantha!!!!!

Steve gets pissed and punches and punches as Technological Steroids Man! Technological Steroids Man gets bloody but Steve has to stop punching cause he's soooo out of shape.

Steve: Oh no...


Technological Steroids Man: What the...?

Weed Man does a running scream and leaps up and drop kicks Technological Steroids Man out the window!!! Weed Man gets up really excited.

Weed Man: Did you see that sweet drop kick! And I did it without my powers!

Steve: Nice job, but let's get out there!

Steve and Weed Man run outside to see Samantha is ok after being thrown through a window! More than ok she's kicking Technological Steroids Man's bottom with amazing kicks and punches.

Technological Steroids Man: Got to ... *cough* ... get out of here!

Technological Steroids Man reaches for some buttons on his suit.

Samantha: No you don't!

Samantha delivers a spectacular spinning high kick to Technological Steroids Man's skull and he goes flying ... and smashes his temple on a fire hydrant!!!

Samantha: Oh shazam!!

Weed Man and Steve check over Technological Steroids Man's body.

Steve: ... he's dead.

Samantha: *GASP* !!!


Back to Amanda's mansion... Max barges in crying.

Amanda: Max?

Max: It's over!

Amanda: ... what's over?

Max: My girlfriend broke up with me!

Amanda: You mean that cat?

Max: Hey! She was more than just some cat ... she was the love of my life.

Amanda: Hey now, cheer up! There will be other ... cats.

Max: That's just it ... half the problem was .... I'm not a normal cat anymore ... I'm so much more. I don't think I will ever be able to connect with the cats of Earth because ....I'm too evolved.

Amanda: I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry Max!

Max: I think maybe I need to be with a human instead!

Amanda: Ummmm....

Max: Now that you and Steve are separated ... maybe we could ... date each other?

Amanda: Oh no ... that's really .... creepy.

Max: Can I have just one kiss ... just to see what it feels like?

Max puckers his lips and leans in but Amanda smacks him!

Amanda: NO!!!!

Max: FINE!!!

Max runs and digs his way into a crawl space.

Amanda (knocking on wall): Come on Max, come on out of there!

Max: No! *sob* I'm never coming out! I'm not human enough for a human and I'm not cat enough for a cat! There is nobody for MAX!

Amanda: I feel for you Max, but you can't hide in the crawl space! Come out and let me scratch you and make you feel better!

Max suddenly gets distracted because of his limited cat attention span.

Max: Hey ... there's a lot of stuff in here.

Amanda: ... what?

Max: Yeah, there's like lots of crazy things in here ... a bunch of new looking things with no smells on them....

Amanda: Odd....

Amanda looks around the mansion and notices that there's a bunch of things around that she doesn't remember being here before.

Amanda: Ok ... I feel like we own more stuff than we used too.

Amanda then realizes that she hasn't seen David in a bit and goes to his room and knocks on the door.

Amanda: David?

After no answer, Amanda opens the door to his room and gets BURIED in chocolate bars, office supplies and other new goods. Amanda notices lots of things still in packages and never opened.

Amanda: What the hell??? This stuff looks like it's all stolen!!

Suddenly David comes home.

David: MOMMY!!!!

Amanda runs down stairs to confront David.

Amanda: What's going on??? Have you been stealing stuff all over town???

David: *cry* yes! I started out small but got addicted!!!

Amanda: Why???

David: I just was having a hard time getting used to Earth ... this was making me feel better.

Amanda: You got to return all this stuff!

David: It may be too late! Look what I just stole!

David opens his palm to reveal a strange, small silver device with two wires attached to it.

Amanda: What is that???

David looks really sad and scared at the same time.

Amanda: Please tell me what it is!

Suddenly some large old man barges in clutching his bloody chest.

Old Man: My pacemaker!!!!! *cough*

The old man collapses and dies in the hallway.


David: I heard him talking on his phone about it and .... got caught up in the thrill of stealing things that are more and more challenging to get and .... I just HAD to have it!

Amanda looks terrified.

Amanda: ... what am I going to do???

Amanda and David look up to hear a baby crying upstairs.

David: Yeah, it gets worse.

Amanda: Ohh.... I am going to need so many more cigarettes today.

David pulls out a carton of smokes.

David: Here you go.

Amanda: ...


Steve is now wearing Technological Steroids Man's futuristic vest as this part of his uniform contains the time traveling machine. He really stretched it out to wear it.

Steve: I think I figured out how to work this ... ish.

Samantha: I feel so horrible for killing that guy!

Steve: It was an accident.

Samantha: Yeah, I just wanted to knock him out.

Weed Man: I could take his body to the weed tunnels to be disposed off ... but they would see me struggle to carry him and know I lost my powers. If they know I lost my powers they will probably take over this city!

Steve: Don't worry guys ... I'm going to fix time and your powers will come back and everybody will be unkilled.

Samantha: Wait ... if we change things and that other version of you comes back to life ... then he'll undo what we did!

Steve: Yes but if he does that ... then he'll die again! So he won't.

Weed Man (smoking joint): This shazam!'s wayyyy to hard to follow...

Steve: Trust me, everything will work out!

Steve presses some buttons on the futuristic vest and a portal opens.

Steve: Here goes nothing! Come on guys!

Steve, Samantha and Weed Man jump through the portal and it closes!!


These symbols above and below represent time being traveled!


Suddenly a portal opens HIGH up in the sky and Steve, Weed Man and Samantha fall out of it in that order. Everyone screams while falling and they land on some random person of the past.

Steve: Ouch ... is everyone ok?

Weed Man: Yeah, you broke my fall.

Samantha: Yeah, and you broke mine!

Steve: But I landed on someone!

Everyone gets up and looks down to see some long haired guy face down on the streets.

Weed Man: Huh ... this area looks familiar.

Samantha: I wonder what year we're in?

Steve rolls over the body to reveal ... Dave!

Steve: Oh shazam!!

Weed Man: What the hell!

Steve: He's dead!

Weed Man: You killed me!!!!

Steve: What have I done!? I changed time!

Steve looks over at Weed Man and Samantha and they begin to fade away ....


Samantha: No we're not....

Steve: Wait a sec....

Steve checks his blood sugar levels and realizes that he needs more insulin and takes it. Samantha and Weed Man appear as normal again.

Steve: Whew.

Weed Man: What do we do with dead past me???

Steve punches his vest.

Steve: Damn this time traveling vest!

Samantha: Don't do that! It may be our only way to fix this!!

Weed Man: I remember now guys ... this is my old apartment that I had when I first met "Steroids Man" ....

Steve: Yes ... I think you're right.

Weed Man searches the dead past version of himself and finds some keys. He then opens the door to the apartment.

Weed Man: Yes this is it!

Steve: Let's bring the body in there.

They drag the body into the familiar apartment living room of the past and Steve reads a date.

Steve: May 27th, 2010 ...

Weed Man: Huh......

Steve: Did anything happen on this date I should remember?

Weed Man: Wait man, my new TV! Look, the packaging is still here, I must have just got it!

Samantha: What does that mean?

Weed Man: If I remember right, I got my new TV and met Steroids Man shortly after .....

Weed Man thinks hard....

Weed Man: Steve! I think this is the day I first met you!

Weed Man turns on the TV while Steve looks out the window to see an ENORMOUS and muscular man in the distance wearing red.

Steve: OH crap!!! It's past me!

Weed Man: What do we do?!?!?

Steve: Quickly! You need to take that Weed Man costume off and switch with your past self's clothes!

They scramble to make the switch and Steve and Samantha hide in the next room with the dead past Dave!

Future Dave: What about my robot hand?

Steve: Just make sure he doesn't see it!

Future Dave: But ... I don't remember what happens when he comes in!

Steve: Just roll with it man!

Suddenly the door gets pushed in from outside and falls and crashes to the floor to reveal Steroids Man in his super muscular form and with his hand in a knocking position. He knocked the door right off it's hinges with his super strength by accident...

Future Dave: Come in...

Steroids Man steps in the apartment and looks around.

Future Dave: Hi, my name is Dave.

Steroids Man: Hey, I got your ad about looking for a room mate?

As the conversation goes on, Steve and Samantha stay hidden in the next room with the dead body of past Dave.

Samantha listens to Steroids Man tell Dave his life story to this point and hears things she never knew of before.

Eventually a news report comes on the new TV.

Reporter: Breaking News .... it appears some guy in a pigeon costume is robbing our local smoke shops.....

Steroids Man: A guy in a pigeon costume?

Reporter: It appears he calls himself Pigeon Man .... and he promised he will not stop his reign of terror .... the police consider this a minor inconvenience.

Steroids Man: A Pigeon Man ... my arch nemesis ... soon he will taste my mighty fists of JUSTICE!

Future Dave: Didn't you JUST hear about this guy ... like RIGHT NOW?

Steroids Man: My arch nemesis....

Steroids Man leaves and Future Dave watches as he heads down the road while punching out random street people.

Future Dave: Ok guys, he left to fight Pigeon Dude. You can come out now!

They come out.

Samantha: Wow Dad, that was you from the past?

Steve: Yeah ... sure was different huh?

Samantha: Yeah, you were sooooo muscular!

Steve: Anyway ... we have to figure out this problem.

Future Dave: Say ... if I died here in the past ... then why am I still alive now?

Steve: I don't know....

Future Dave *smoking joint*: I got it! Maybe I have to relive all these events over.

Samantha: ... what?

Future Dave: Yeah ... I mean since we killed my past self ... it's the only way to fix the timeline ... right?

Steve: That makes sense but .... damn that's more than 3 years of shazam! to live over.

Future Dave: That's cool man. I can get my super powers back and smoke lots of weed and meet you in the future when it's all over with!

Samantha: What about your robot hand? You didn't have that yet, right?

Future Dave: Oh yeah.

Steve: Me and Samantha will go to the paint store and you can paint your hand skin colour!

Future Dave: Brilliant! I'm gonna stay here and smoke weed.

As Steve and Samantha get the paint, Future Dave stays behind and gets used to the old apartment again and smokes some weed and finds some food. He watches on the TV for updates on the Steroids Man vrs Pigeon Man fight.

Future Dave: Oh Man ... I should do something ... but I'm soooooooooooooooooooo smurf high ..... sooooooooooooooooooooooooo high....


Future Dave: I need some smurf cake .... cake with Doritos in them!

Suddenly Steve and Samantha come in and paint his hand and it dries quickly.

Future Dave: Cool ... it looks just like a real hand.

Samantha: ... no it doesn't.

Steve: Well it will have to pass.

Samantha: So now what? Are we sure we're leaving Dave here?

Future Dave: I see other way, do you guys?

Steve: Guess not.

Suddenly someone knocks at the door which hasn't been locked.

Steve: Oh shazam!!

Steve and Samantha duck in the next room while a man in a king costume enters with a large K on his chest.

Future Dave: Who are you?

Guy in King Costume: I am the King of Spades! And I'm here to kidnap you!

Future Dave: Ok ... well I guess I better play along.

Future Dave leaves with this strange man.

Samantha: Are we just going to let him take him???

Steve: We have no choice ... this is probably how it happened... time is now going to repeat itself ...

Samantha: Wow.

Steve: Now .. about the body of original Dave...

Samantha: Oh yeah!

Steve: I got it! Dinosaurs!

Samantha: Dinosaurs?

Steve (confident): Dinosaurs.


Steve and Samantha travel MILLIONS and MILLIONS of years in the past with Past Dave's dead body.


Steve and Samantha fall into an area that looks like the amazon... crazy and wet and wild unknown plants all over.

Samantha: Where are we?

Steve: This is the perfect place to leave the body. The dinosaurs will eat him and it won't effect time at all!

Samantha: What are dinosaurs?

Steve: Let me show you.

Samantha looks very confused.


Suddenly a Velociraptor gets Steve and Samantha in it's sights!

Steve: Oh shazam!, let's get out of here!!

Steve presses a button and he and Samantha jump through the portal before it closes!!


Steve and Samantha travel back to just right after they first left their own timeline.


A portal opens high up in the air by the mansion and Steve and Samantha fall out.

Samantha: Ouch! I wish you could make these portals open right next to the ground.

Steve: Me too....

Just as the portal closes the Velociraptor falls out and lands on the ground right next to them!

Samantha: Run!!!

Steve runs to the mansion door, takes out his keys and quickly unlocks the door and runs inside with Samantha and closes it and locks it! The Velociraptor bangs on the door and then runs away.

Samantha: Thank goodness you got that door open so fast!

Steve: I know, did you see that? I was so pumped up I found the right key and used it super fast! Horror movies are full of shazam!!

They look out the window as the Velociraptor runs around and bites people.

Samantha: Ummm... this looks bad.

Steve: We'll figure that one out later. For now let's just wait for Dave to come back home.

Samantha: Ok.


Show Police Chief Milton's office and an officer runs in.

Officer Triston: Chief!!! There's a DINOSAUR going around town KILLING people!!!

Police Chief Milton: What???

Police Chief Milton turns on the TV to see this all over the news.

Officer Triston: We need a hero like Weed Man or Glitter Girl for this one!

Police Chief Milton: This police force can handle everything! Let's take care of this right now!

Later all the cops and Police Chief Milton have their guns on a surrounded Velociraptor.

Police Chief Milton: Shoot him in the mouth when he screams!

The Velociraptor screams and everyone aims for inside his mouth and opens fire and the dinosaur gets taken down!

Police Chief Milton: Ha! The city is safe again!


Much later....

Steve: Where is Dave? He should have lived out his life again and met back up with us!

Samantha: Maybe he forgot....

Steve: He couldn't forget!

Samantha: Hold on ... if he lives out his life again for the last few years or so ... he'll come back to the point where he travels back in time and has to replace his past self again ...

Steve: Oh no....

Samantha: He's never coming back!

Steve: How could we be so stupid!

Samantha: This is bad! We created a time loop!!! How do we fix THAT?

Steve: We have to go back in time and stop myself from using this vest in the first place!

Samantha: But if we did that then how would we get to this point to be able to go back and stop ourselves?

Steve thorws up a bit in his mouth.

Steve: Let's not over think this, ok? Let's just REACT!


Steve and Samantha travel back to just right before Steve uses his time traveling vest.


Past Steve presses some buttons on the futuristic vest and a portal opens.

Past Steve: Here goes nothing! Come on guys!

Suddenly a second portal opens and Steve and Samantha fall out.

Past Steve: What the hell!?

Steve: Don't go through that portal!

Past Steve: What the hell is this????

The portals close....

Steve: I'm you from hours from now!

Samantha: If you go through the portal, Dave will die!

Past Weed Man: Wha.....

Past Steve: Ok, we won't do it!

Steve: Whew....

Past Samantha: So what DO we do now?

Steve: Maybe we can all work together to properly fix the time line this time!

Past Steve: I like it!


They use the vest many more times.... until we find ourselves to where they very first summoned Technological Steroids Man earlier in this episode...


Technological Steroids Man: What is going on....

Technological Steroids Man gazes upon a room full of Steves, Samanthas and Weed Men.

Technological Steroids Man: What the hell did you guys do?

Steve #22: Ummmmm..... we kind of broke time and need you to fix it.

Samantha #5: I don't know which one of us is even real anymore!!

Weed Man #14: And I'm running out of weed trying to share it with so many duplicates!

Suddenly there's an EXPLOSION and Technological Steroids Man looks out the window to see a T-Rex destroying cars and other dinosaurs wrecking up the city.

Steve #8: Oh yeah, there's dinosaurs now.

Technological Steroids Man: How did you guys cause all this damage!?!

Steve #12: Cause in one reality we stole your suit after summoning you...

Samantha #3: Yeah, so we decided to come back to this point before we killed you to see if you could fix all this!

Technological Steroids Man: You killed me?!?!

Weed Man #4: Sorry Dude.

Technological Steroids Man: *sigh* ..... let me just press the reset button.

Technological Steroids Man presses a button on his time traveling uniform and suddenly all the Steves, Samanthas and Weed Men merge together.

Weed Man: WHOA!!!!!

Steve, Samantha and Weed Man all look themselves over and are happy to be one again. Also all the duplicate time traveling uniforms that Steve was wearing has merged back with Technological Steroids Man's uniform. Also the dinosaurs are now gone too.

Steve: You fixed it! Thanks Man!

Technological Steroids Man: Yes ... everything is as it was before you called me to this dimension.... except you retained additional memories of stuff that no longer happened...

Steve: Ok, sooooo .... how about you help me reverse time and get back with my Wife before we cheated on each other?

Technological Steroids Man: Didn't you learn ANYTHING!!!? You can't smurf with time like this!!

Steve: Hey now, one way or another you're helping us, ok?

Technological Steroids Man: No I'm not!

Steve: Either you help us or we kill you again and try all over!

Samantha: Oh Daddy....

Weed Man: Yeah, this is really like ... dancing on the line of being evil.

Technological Steroids Man: I can't believe there's a reality where I turn out like you....

Steve: I can't believe there's a reality where there's a selfish me who won't help me!!!

Technological Steroids Man: Listen, you need to fix this on your own, ok? Life isn't like a video game where you can just reset things ... this timeline has to play out properly ... but it's up to you how to play it. Get it?

Steve: I don't think I can fix things by myself!

Technological Steroids Man: You can if you try and if you believe. Talk to your wife if you want her back. Work on it, ok?

Steve: ....please

Technological Steroids Man: The only one who can help you right now is you.

Steve looks really sad.

Technological Steroids Man: I'm leaving this dimension forever and then blocking it from my favourite dimensions. Good luck.

Steve: Wait!!!

Technological Steroids Man fades out.....

Technological Steroids Man: Don't try calling my name because I'll never return!

Technological Steroids Man is gone....

Samantha: Maybe he's right Dad ... maybe we can fix this ourselves.

Weed Man: Yeah man ... and maybe my powers will come back somehow.

Steve looks up with a new found hope and determination.

Steve: Don't worry guys ... I will fix this .... no matter what it takes!

Everyone smiles and there's a feeling of hopefulness and potential for the future .... until Steve disappoints everyone by screaming for Technological Steroids Man for 3 days straight and without stop until his voice gives out...