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EZ Baby Saver

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:50 pm
by Clarence

So this kid made tied a bunch of elastics together and gave it to stupid parents.

And I quote the kid as he demonstrates using this "invention":

"I can't get out without remembering ... oh my kid is in the car ... I better check"


If you're too dumb to remember you have a kid then you sure aren't smart enough to remember to hook rubber bands to your door so you don't forget about them!

This makes me sick and sad that we as humans are this stupid. That we have to set up an elaborate trap for ourselves to prevent us from leaving the car and FORGETTING ABOUT OUR KIDS?!??!?!


And this:


... it makes me sad that we are so stupid as a people that we would need to have this sign in every parking lot.

What next, signs that say "hey ... don't forget to breathe in and out or you might suffocate!"

Re: EZ Baby Saver

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:43 pm
by chex
Leaving a kid in a car could be a very easy thing to do. Think about it. If you're not the parent who usually takes the kid to daycare, but the other parent was ill or something, so you put the kid in the back of your car and plan to take him to daycare on your way to work. The kid falls asleep, as many babies tend to do in the car. You're driving along to work, and since it's a drive you make every day, your brain is going on autopilot. You make the same turns you do every day. Fight the same traffic every day. Nothing out of the ordinary. You drive to work, thinking about that meeting you have this afternoon. You arrive at work, and get out of the car. You close the door behind you, and hit the lock button on your keys as you walk away. Nothing out of the ordinary. When your brain functions on autopilot like that, it's easy to forget something that you don't usually do.

When I would bring a baby Corn Pop to the grocery store with me (I usually left all three kids home with exchex) I put my purse in the back seat, under her carseat, so I'd HAVE to go in the back. Otherwise, forgetting that she was there was a scarily real possibility.

Re: EZ Baby Saver

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:14 pm
by bella
But your own child? Did that actually happen that parents forgot their kid in the car without purpose?

Re: EZ Baby Saver

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:52 am
by Beany
It's a reassurance. It (hopefully) won't be used for people actually forgetting their kids, but it means that they know there's something in place to help them to remember. It's like people who double check they locked their front door when they leave. They know it's locked, but they know that no harm can come from checking and get into this mindset that the one time they don't check will be the one time it isn't locked.

Re: EZ Baby Saver

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:15 am
by Eff
Sadly, it happens a lot. ppl don't forget their mobile phone in their car but they do forget their chaild. I THINK MOR THEN 5 CHILLDREN LOST THEIR LIFE THIS WAY IN iSR IN THE LAST FEW YEARRS. SO SAD WHEN ONE CAN BE BOTHERED BY HIS EVERYDAY PROBLEMS N SH!T AND FORGET HIS BABY IN TTHE smurf CAR.

OHH lol sorry for the CAPS :?

Re: EZ Baby Saver

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:03 pm
by Beany
I read an article about people leaving kids in cars this morning. I can't find it now, but the statistics were shocking. I remember one man had taken his daughter to the GP and then forgotten he had her and gone to work and left her in the car. And there were also cases of people being accused of murder for leaving their children in the car.

Despite how ridiculous the system may seem, would you rather have some gimmicky device on your car, or risk being on trial for the 'murder' of your own child?