Chapter 147 --> Turkey's Done!

Game Destroyer
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Chapter 147 --> Turkey's Done!

Post by Clarence »

---4 year anniversary episode!!! ---

Show a scary planet that looks like Earth ... but is red and spooky ...

zoom to outside of a large evil looking castle with Pterodactyls flying all over!


A large portal opens and Steve comes through! Also coming through are his army of alternate Steroids Men:

Technological Steroids Man
Anorexic Steroids Man
Morbidly Obese Steroids Man
Lactose Intolerant Steroids Man
Racist Steroids Man
Teenage Pregnant Steroids Man
Very smurf Ugly Steroids Man
Comatose Steroids Man
Weed Steroids Man
Steroids Cow
Half Shark Half Man Steroids Man
Scuba Diving Steroids Man

Everyone looks around to get their surrounds figured out ...

They are in a large elaborate old fashioned and creepy stone room with red lighting and demon artifacts all over .... at the end of the room is steps leading to a giant evil chair ... in the chair is Evil Steroids Man!

Evil Steroids Man looks EXTREMELY EVIL and has red skin ... a red Steroids Man suit with a skull on it and spikes all over and large pointy demon horns and glowing red eyes!

All the Steroids Men look up at this evil version of them with fear in their eyes.

Steve: shazam! ... that giant me wasn't screwing around... he sent us straight to the evil us!

Evil Steroids Man (Mega demonic voice!): I have been expecting you ..... (rattle snake noises)

Steve: Oh crap! Somehow he knows we're here!

Evil Steroids Man presses a button on his spooky throne and doors open around him. An army of traditional looking Phils walk out like military soldiers, all in black business suits and each from an alternate reality.

All the good Steroids Men groan in horror.....

Morbidly Obese Steroids Man: Not those dicks!

Comatose Steroids Man -- says nothing but his blood pressure raises and IV unit beeps loudly.

Weed Steroids Man: There's not enough weed in the universe for this!

Steve: What is this!!??

Evil Steroids Man: One thing I learned while conquering alternate realities ... is that Phil is always EXACTLY the same and will always obey me!

All the Steroids Men get into a fighting stance.

Evil Steroids Man: Now my Phil army .... kill them all.

All the Phil soldiers stand at attention like army men and begin marching in unison to the Steroids Men heroes!

Steve: Son of a jabberwocky! How can they be so in sync!!!?!

The army of Phils spring into action and a great battle ensues!

Morbidly Obese Steroids Man is punching some of the Phils out but gets tired and passes out....

Teenage Pregnant Steroids Man's water breaks and she hides behind Steroids Cow for protection!

Very Forgettable Steroids Man accidentally gets elbowed to the temple during the fight and dies!

Anorexic Steroids Man pukes on a few Phils but then collapses!

Half Shark Half Man Steroids Man bites a few of the Phil's head off with his shark teeth but they get the better of him and beat him down!

Steve: Come on guys! We're getting our asses kicked!

Steve is still in great shape from living on Cokima and hunting etc and holds his own while more Steroids Men such as Scuba Diving Steroids Man and Racist Steroids Man fall...

Technological Steroids Man is using a futuristic laser weapon to shoot some Phils down!

Steve: Son of a jabberwocky, why didn't we ALL get weapons!?!?!


Back to Amanda, David, Samantha, Max and Weed Man who are very bored in a large empty room with just Giant Steroids Man and his machines that keep him alive.... Giant Steroids Man is snoring loudly while everyone else is pissed off.

They all watch as his giant head rolls around and he wakes himself up with a snore.

Giant Steroids Man: Huh? What? ... oh sorry ... must have dozed off....

Weed Man takes more space weed from his duffel bag and puts it in his bong.

Weed Man: This space weed isn't even enough to make this situation less boring....

Giant Steroids Man: Wait a minute ... oh shazam!....

Samantha: What?

Giant Steroids Man: Hopefully it's nothing ... but could one of you open the door to that storage locker for me?

David gets up and walks over a sleeping Max and opens the locker to see a multitude of high tech futuristic weapons.

Giant Steroids Man: Crap.... I forgot to hand out the advanced demon killing weaponry....


Giant Steroids Man: Hey... I have a lot on my mind lately, ok lady? I goofed!

Amanda: How could you forget THAT!?!?! How are you a mega genius with advanced equations on the wall and all these technology and ...

Weed Man (interrupting): Here ... take a hit of this.

Amanda takes a hit off the bong and relaxes.

Amanda: Thanks ... I needed that.


Evil Steroids Man sits on his thrown, swirling an evil drink in his hand while watching with an evil smile as his army of alternate Phils are winning this battle!

One of the Phils leaves the battle and approaches the demon with a broken arm, broken glasses and ripped up business suit. He's holding his arm in pain.

Phil: Hey there boss ... I'm really badly hurt ... wondering if I can have a sit down for a few minutes?

Evil Steroids Man looks especially mad and summons a demon whip with his mind that materializes into his hand ... he proceeds to whip Phil in the face causing half his face to tear off. Phil is just standing there with half a face gone and the bloody underneath exposed....

Evil Steroids Man: No breaks! Get back to the fight.

Phil: Alright then friend, will do.

Phil walks back to the fight scene and joins the other Phils who are winning. In fact all that's left standing is Steve who's in a circle of Phils and holding them off with a chair.

Steve: How the smurf did this happen???

The Phils close in and Steve gets desperate.

Steve: ... think Steve, think!

Closing in and more desperate.

Steve: I got it!

Steve looks at all the Phils and stands up more confidently.

Steve: Phils! Listen up!

All the Phils stop and you can hear them all murmuring in confusion.

Steve: You guys are all lame! Nobody likes you and you should just quit life!

All the Phils hang their head in shame.

Steve: Seriously you guys ... kill yourselves.

All the Phils run out of the room crying like little girls and with arms flailing about. This causes Evil Steroids Man to finally rise out of his chair!


Phils: No! We suck!!!

Evil Steroids Man: Damn it!

Technological Steroids Man: *Cough* Steve ... come here.

Steve goes up to Technological Steroids Man who is beat up and on the ground.

Technological Steroids Man (handing item to Steve): Here ... use this .. it's a secret weapon ....

Steve (taking it): ... what is it?

It appears to be a ball with a button on it that's half red and white.

Technological Steroids Man: Throw it at him....

Steve (confused): ....ok

Steve swings back and throws the ball at Evil Steroids Man! The ball hits him in the head and makes a funny noise and then drops and rolls a bit while Evil Steroids Man looks annoyed.

Steve: ...

Suddenly! The ball shakes and opens and smoke comes out! As the smoke is cleared .... a small turtle is revealed...

Technological Steroids Man has a big smile on his face.

Evil Steroids Man: SON OF A jabberwocky!!! A TURTLE!?!?! WHAT THE HELL!!!?!?!

Evil Steroids Man freaks out and kicks the turtle to Steve's feet!


Lactose Intolerant Steroids Man (beat up): Mine too!!!!!

Steroids Cow MOOs in terror and poops!

Technological Steroids Man: Oh crap ... this was a bad idea because we're all equally afraid of turtles...

Technological Steroids Man shoots the turtle with his laser gun and it explodes!

Steve: Hey!!!! Shoot the evil Steroids Man!

Technological Steroids Man: Oh yeah!

Technological Steroids Man fires lasers at Evil Steroids Man ... but has no effect....


Suddenly we all hear a baby crying...

Steve: What the hell?

Teenage Pregnant Steroids Man is in the corner of the room holding a new born baby and rocking back and forth.

Teenage Pregnant Steroids Man: Anyone have a knife so I can cut the umbilical cord???

Steve: Ok .... that is my new nightmare for life. And I'm no longer afraid of turtles...

Evil Steroids Man: Enough of this!

Evil Steroids Man grows taller and more demon like in appearance ... sprouting a spiked tail and demonic wings, fangs and claws and the whole nine years! This demonic Steroids Man comes right up to Steve.

Evil Steroids Man: Your life ends now!

Steve: Does it?

Steve pulls out the strange zig zaggy glowing time traveling knife!

Evil Steroids Man: Hey ... is that one of those time traveling knives?

Steve: Yeah!

Steve STABS Evil Steroids Man in the chest but the knife doesn't penetrate.....


Evil Steroids Man rips off the top part of his costume exposing his red skinned chest ... which is covered by a metal chest plate!

Evil Steroids Man: I prepared for everything! You will NEVER stab me with this chest plate on!

Steve rips off the chest plate and then stabs Evil Steroids Man directly in the heart with the time traveling knife.

Evil Steroids Man: Oh balls....

Evil Steroids Man takes a step back and SCREAMS in pain!

Steve walks a safe distance as fire begins to shoot out of Evil Steroids Man's eyes, nose, mouth, ears and anus!

We see the effects of the time traveling knife sticking out of Evil Steroids Man's heart is causing him to revert to a younger age.... Evil Steroids Man is dying but now with the appearance of a teenager... now a little boy ... now a baby ... now a baby fetus ....

Evil Steroids Man then downgrades to a sperm and disappears as all that remains is the time traveling knife.


Because of the effects of the time traveling knife, we now show a moment back in time of reality #666 ... show Alvin, Evil Steroids Man's Dad on the couch in a sweater reading the newspaper prior to Evil Steroids Man being conceived......

Alvin (turning newspaper page): Do we have any milk?


There's an explosion in Alvin's pants and he falls off the couch and rolls around on the floor in pain.

Alvin: MY BALLS EXPLODED!!!!!!!!


Back to the last scene where Evil Steroids Man was just killed... Steve picks up the time traveling knife. The other Steroids Men pick themselves up and join him.

Steve: I think we did it!

Technological Steroids Man: Yup, the time traveling knife effectively ensured he will never be born...

One of the random Phils come into the room and approaches Steve.

Phil: Hey there ... there's nothing here for me ... can I come and live on your reality?

Steve: No.

Teenage Pregnant Steroids Man: Guys??? How come the baby won't latch on???

Steve: Please get us out of here ......


Everyone is teleported back to the room with Giant Steroids Man. Technological Steroids Man uses a heal gun to fix everyone's injuries.

Giant Steroids Man: You did it ... reality is restored. Steve... you are the greatest hero of all of us ... you saved all of space time and reality!

Steve: That's awesome but ... how can we be sure everything is fixed?

Giant Steroids Man nods to a light on the wall.

Giant Steroids Man: Because that green light is on.

Steve: ....

Giant Steroids Man: Everything is finally as it should be!

Steve: Can you take us home now?

Giant Steroids Man: Technological Steroids Man will take you all home, but I'll let him take you first. *smile*

Amanda: Oh, can you take us back to 2014? Back to right after we left the Earth?

Giant Steroids Man: Technological Steroids Man will be able to assist you with that easily.

Technological Steroids Man: Ok guys, let's do it!

Technological Steroids Man opens a portal and enters it with Steve, Amanda, David, Samantha, Max and Weed Man!


Cut to the Mansion ... in the living room on 2014, the same they were previously abducted by Ultra Man's brothers.

A portal opens on the ceiling and Steve along with his wife, kids, brother and talking large cat all come through and land on the coffee table, crushing it. Also coming through is Technological Steroids Man who uses them to break his fall. The portal closes and everyone picks themselves and look pissed.

Steve: You're really bad at portals, you know that!

Technological Steroids Man: Sorry.

Amanda (teary eyed): This is it ... it's our living room! We're really home!

Technological Steroids Man: Let me fix your coffee table.

Technological Steroids Man uses a gun that shines a green spotlight on the broken table and it fixes itself.

David: How did you do that?

Technological Steroids Man: This gun speeds up time forward or backwards.

Samantha: So this is it? This is home now?

Amanda looks at an electric calendar thing.

Amanda: Yup, this is the exact day we were taken from this planet ... and we're all back ... but 20 years older.

Steve: Hey! You can use that time gun to make us younger! I don't want to be 48 anymore!

Technological Steroids Man: Sorry ... this gun causes cancer .... big time.

Amanda: Oh! Wait a second!

Amanda runs to the basement and rummages around in a freezer and comes back up.

Amanda: I knew we left a turkey in the freezer! Can you speed thaw this so we can have a glorious feast tonight?

David: What is it?

Steve: You gotta try it!

Technological Steroids Man aims the time gun at the turkey and it is instantly dethawed and dripping on the floor.

Amanda: Nice!

Amanda goes and throws it in the oven.

Technological Steroids Man: Anyway ... I got to go help all the other Steroids Men home now ... it's been fun guys.

Conky begins to peek into the room and sees a portal opened and Technological Steroids Man walk through and Conky runs away like hell into the basement.

Steve puts one arm each around David and Samantha.

Steve: It's over.

Weed Man (opening his duffel bag of space weed): Time to celebrate!

Suddenly Kiera comes in and hisses at Max, not concerned that he's the size of a person now and standing upright.

Max: Oh shazam!! This jabberwocky is STILL crazy!!!

Suddenly everyone looks over as the door is being unlocked and opening.

Steve: What the ....

The door opens to reveal ... Steve! From the past! Returning home from another boring day in Dave Town!

Past Steve: What the .....

Past Steve walks in with a pregnant Past Amanda holding baby Past Samantha in her arms. Also Past Weed Man.

Around the room everyone looks at each other in awe...

Past Amanda (in shock): ... are we still bored?

Characters from the past will be captioned as Past, but our current characters will be captioned as normal.

Steve: Amanda ... you may want to come see this!

Standing on the right side of the coffee table in the living room are Steve, Amanda, David, Samantha, Weed Man and humanoid Max... on the left side are their past versions of Steve, Amanda (pregnant), baby Samantha, and Weed Man.

Past Steve: What's ... going on? Why are there an older looking us in the room wearing weird hippy clothes?

Amanda: Hey, I made all our clothes! I think they're awesome!

Past Weed Man: Whoa man.... you're me!

Weed Man: You're me too!

Past Weed Man: Oh man, we gotta smoke a joint together.

Weed Man: You gotta try this SPACE dope!

Past Weed Man: Space dope sounds AWESOME!

Samantha looks over at the little baby version of her in her younger Mother's arms....

Samantha: Wow ... it's me ... as a baby!

Past Amanda: You're .... my daughter?

Max: We're all from 20 years in the future ....

Past Steve: .... Max? What HAPPENED to you?

Max: It was the planet we were on .... it turned me more like you guys. It slowed down my aging but made me more ... human.... but I'm still mostly a cat.

Past Amanda: We go to another planet?

Amanda: Yeah .... you spend 20 years on a planet named Cokima .... and then eventually end up back here....

Steve: But we meant to arrive back here AFTER you guys left......

Past Steve: I don't know if I want to spent 20 years on a random planet!

Steve: Yeah ... it did kind of suck. But look what it did to my penis!

Steve begins to unzip his pants but Amanda stops him.

Amanda: Steve!!

Steve: Anyway, you guys are going to have some epic adventures.

Weed Man: Yeah .... he he ... I die and everything.

Steve: That's right, I killed you!

Past Weed Man: whaaa....?

Weed Man: But Steve turns into a genie and wishes me back to live! It was EPIC!!

Samantha: We were in space and everything!

David: On different space ships!

Max: I killed a bird!

Steve: And an army of my clones fought this evil version of me!

All the past characters look at each other very confused by all this ...

Past Steve: .... that's too much shazam! to go through.

Past Amanda: Yeah... I'm too pregnant for space travel.

Past Weed Man: Come on guys, it could be a blast!

Past Steve: Dave, you get dead!

Past Weed Man: Yeah but I get resurrected! And get some awesome space weed apparently!

Weed Man: Yeah, you're gonna wanna do it for the space weed!

Max: Come on guys ... I kind of like my new life!

David: Yeah, and we actually did have fun on that planet!

Amanda: It was kind of nice to take a break from society.

Steve: Most importantly, Steve, you save all of reality and stop Ultra Man's Dad from collecting all the rings!

Past Steve: I'm so confused...

Steve: Ultra Man is going to come by soon with a gun trying to get his ring back and lead you all to the bedroom and then you'll all be beamed to a spaceship! It has to happen soon or all will be lost!

Past Amanda: We know way too much about this now ... this could never work.

Past Steve: Yeah ... you guys go instead.

Steve: Oh we are NOT going through THAT shazam! again!

Past Steve: Aha! I tricked you! It's no fun after all!

Steve: Damn ... this guy knows me too well...

Samantha: Great ... now what do we do?

Suddenly a portal opens up and Technological Steroids Man comes through in a manner that leaves him sitting comfortably on the couch.

Steve: Oh yeah, when we're not there to break your fall you suddenly know how to operate portals!

Technological Steroids Man: Hey guys, my contact lens fell out and was wonder if it ended up here....

Technological Steroids Man looks around to see the past versions of them are also here....

Technological Steroids Man (standing up): Oh crap.... I dropped you guys off too early, didn't I?

Amanda: Yes! I remember now that Ultra Man comes by in a half hour to start all this! What are we going to do???

Technological Steroids Man: Don't worry guys, I can fix this. Do you guys remember EXACTLY what you were doing on this day when this Ultra Man comes by?

Amanda: Yes... we were all outside hanging out in the sun.

Technological Steroids Man: Ok then.

Technological Steroids Man goes up to the past characters with a weird flash light looking thing that has a long handle and lights on the side.

Technological Steroids Man: Ok guys... I need to erase your memories of these last few minutes.

Past Steve: I don't think I want too!

Steve: Please guys ... do it for us .... do it for the universe!

Amanda: Past Amanda will give you a blow job if you do it!

Past Amanda: I didn't agree to that!!

Past Steve: Fine. But let me drink this entire bottle of Jack Daniels first. *gulps it down*

Technological Steroids Man: Everyone from this timeline look into the lights ... everyone else cover your eyes!

Past characters all keep their eyes open while the others close them ... Technological Steroids Man then proceeds to hit Past Steve in the head knocking him out!

Past Amanda: Hey!

Technological Steroids Man hits Past Amanda in the head and she collapses. Technological Steroids Man taps baby Samantha on the head and she goes to sleep.

Technological Steroids Man goes over to the two Weed Men ... who look identical.

Technological Steroids Man: Ok, which one of you is the Weed Man from now and the one from 20 years from now?

Weed Man 1: Dude... I'm too high to remember that shazam!!

Weed Man 2: Yeah, I have no idea either! *smokes bong with space weed*

Technological Steroids Man: smurf it, I'll just pick one.

Technological Steroids Man knocks out one of the Weed Men.

Technological Steroids Man: Ok, everyone else can open their eyes now.

They all spot their past selves on the floor asleep.

Steve: So now what???

Technological Steroids Man: We have to drag them to where this whole thing started.

Amanda: That's just outside.

Steve: Follow me!

Steve grabs past Steve's arms and drags him along .... Technological Steroids Man grabs Past Amanda and drags her along ... Weed Man drags Weed Man along.... and Samantha carries little Samantha to the spot.

They set up the scene as best as they remember it. They have Past Amanda on a lawn chair with little Samantha in her arms .... Steve laying on the grass with booze around him... and Weed Man laying on the grass with weed around him.

Steve: Ok, this looks about right!

In the distance Amanda spots Ultra Man coming.

Amanda: Quickly! Everyone get inside!

They all go inside and lock the door as the past begins to repeat itself.... from behind the blinds of the living room, they see Ultra Man with his gun talking to them.

They watch as all the stuff repeats itself exactly as in episode 140.

Technological Steroids Man: Well guys, seems like things are under control. Also I found my contact! I'm leaving now.

Technological Steroids Man leaves through the portal as the rest still watch what's going on outside...

Outside, F Man gets shot again by Ultra Man. Back to inside.

Steve: Oh yeah, I remember that!

Max looks down at the couch in the living room and spots something.....

Max: Guys .... why am I on the couch? Shouldn't I be with them guys?

Everyone looks down at Past Max on the couch looking really happy and butting future Max's arm.

Steve: shazam! ... you were on the bed when this happened!

Everyone looks over as the door handle begins to move.

Steve: shazam!!

Max: I don't want to be just a plain house cat anymore!

Steve: I got this! Everyone hide behind the couch!!!

Everyone hides behind the couch as the door is still trying to open.

Outside drunken Past Steve is having a hard time...

Past Steve fumbles around with key after key.

Past Ultra Evil Man: Stop stalling!

Past Steve: I'm not stalling! I'm drunk!

Steve grabs cat Max and runs up the stairs! He's just out of sight as the past versions of themselves enter....

Past Steve and them are at the bottom of the stairs, but can't see their future selves hiding behind the couch.

Past Steve: Up these stairs.

Past Ultra Evil Man: After you guys!

They go up the stairs and Past Ultra Evil Man follows ... slowly.

Steve runs to the bedroom hall with Max in his arms! Max is freaking out from being held and is clawing up Steve!

Steve: Stop it!

Steve tosses Max into the bed and jumps into a linen closet in the hall. As this happens the Past versions of themselves enter the bedroom. Max is on the bed very confused and looking around.

Steve quietly watches all this unfold again from cracks in the linen closet...

Past Steve stalls Ultra Man ... tries to trick him by giving wedding band instead and etc .... wedding band gets tossed in the room. The alien brothers beam in and abduct them all ... including Past Max while Steve watches it all unfold.

After everyone is beamed out....

Conky and Kiera enter the empty room to see what's going on and look at each other confused.

Conky: Meow?

Kiera: Meow meow?

Conky and Kiera suddenly get into a cat fight!

Steve comes out of the closet.

Steve: Stop it you too!

Conky and Kiera run down the stairs.

Steve looks very happy as he has successfully got time to repeat itself. He goes into the bedroom looking for one thing he's missed throughout the years.

Steve bends down and picks up his wedding ring.

Steve has a big smile on and places the wedding ring back on and kisses it.

Steve: I missed you!

Fade out.....

Back to the start of episode 140. Steve, David and Amanda are all around a large dining room table set for a glorious feast!

Steve: .... so then we all got together in this dining room. As we were waiting for supper to cook you guys asked me to recap all that has happened to us ....

David and Samantha look bored.

Steve: So then I recapped the whole story, and then I said this sentence ... then this next sentence.

Samantha: Ok Dad, you can stop now. You've caught up to where we presently are!

Steve: Oh yeah.

Amanda comes out with a glorious golden turkey that cooked the whole time Steve was retelling the adventure...

Amanda: It's ready!!!

David: It looks beautiful!

Samantha: I'm excited!

Amanda: You want to carve it up hubby?

Steve: Sure thing!

As Steve carves up the turkey, Weed Man enters the room.

Weed Man: Hey guys, sorry I was late. I had to re-connect with a lot of my favourite bongs!

Steve: No problem, dig in! You can too Max!

Max is sitting on a chair across the room with Conky on his lap. Conky is happy and purring as Max pets him.

Max: .... this is smurf up!

Suddenly Kiera comes in and growls at Max!

Max: smurf this!

Max gets up and runs away as Kiera chases him and Conky chases Kiera!

Later after all have eaten and are full ... everyone looks more relaxed and are holding their bellies.

David: That ... was awesome!

Amanda: Sure was! I missed Earth food so much!

Steve: Hmmmm....

Amanda: What?

Steve: I just thought of something .... we just sent our past selves to Cokima for 20 years.

Amanda: Right?

Steve: Well ... when they come back ... we will be here.

Amanda: No wait ... we will be dead ... we'll die when Evil Steroids Man takes over all the realities!!!

David: What?!?!?!?

Weed Man: Oh man... we got screwed....

Steve (yelling): FUTURE STEROIDS MAN GUY!!!! HELP!!!!

Technological Steroids Man suddenly teleports in.

Technological Steroids Man: Hey there .... what's up?

Steve: You smurf us over! Evil Steroids Man is going to kill us all while the other versions of us are on Cokima!

Technological Steroids Man: No... not at all. We defeated Evil Steroids Man and erased him from time, space and reality .... nothing he's done will ever happen again. All that's left is the memories we've retained.

Steve: So... we'll truly never have to deal with him again?

Technological Steroids Man: Right.

Steve: But .... that means in 20 years instead of arriving to a ruined Earth with robots after us ... we'll arive back here to meet ourselves?

Technological Steroids Man: Oh shazam!... I never thought about that.... because events have changed ... there is a duplication in this reality....

Amanda: What?

Technological Steroids Man: Because events have changed, this reality will unfold differently ... the previous versions of you are no longer destined to actually become you.

Amanda: So we sent them away for nothing!!

Technological Steroids Man: Well it's a strain on the universe to have people duplicated ... so I'll have to kill them.

Amanda: What?!!?

Technological Steroids Man: .... nothing. Enjoy your dinner!

Technological Steroids Man teleports away.

Steve: Whatever. I forgot how sleepy turkey makes you ... I'm tied.

David: So that evil version of Dad is never coming here?

Amanda: No, he's gone for good son. Now let's figure out bedrooms for you guys.


That night, David and Samantha are looking at the stars.

Samantha: Can you believe it? One of those stars is Cokima ... and we're up there as infants....

David: I know.... it's so surreal!


Cut to present day Cokima:

After the space ship crashed into the moon and etc...

The past versions of everyone is gathered around a camp fire cooking and eating the unicorn like creature they killed earlier. They used some jerry rigged logs and etc to form a rotisserie for the creature and Past Weed Man is constantly rotating it around the fire. They also found a small amount of water near by.

Past Samantha sleeps a safe distance to the warmth of the fire in a bed made out of leaves and etc. Past Max keeps coming up and pawing at the meat on his hind legs.

They talk for a bit until....

Everyone looks up at the stars.

Past Steve: ... I wonder which one is Earth?

Past Amanda rubs Steve's back to comfort him.

Suddenly a portal opens up high above them and they all look up.

Past Steve: ... what the???

Technological Steroids Man falls from the portal and crushes them all! Technological Steroids Man gets up and cleans himself off as the others get to their feet.

Past Weed Man: Ouch dude... you landed right on us!

Past Amanda: What the hell is going on?

Technological Steroids Man: Hey guys ... wow, it took me FOREVER to find this planet!

Past Amanda: Who the hell are you?

Technological Steroids Man: Sorry guys ... there's been a duplication in this reality #218 ... and that can cause rips in time and space so I have to eliminate you .....

Steve: What the smurf does that mean!!?!?

Technological Steroids Man draws a gun.

Technological Steroids Man: Sorry guys.

Past Steve: Now wait just a minute here!!!!

Technological Steroids Man zaps Past Steve and he vanishes. Past Steve's clothes remain though and fall to the ground.

Past Amanda: Where did he go!?!??!?!

Technological Steroids Man: I have to erase you duplicates from this time. Again, super sorry!

Past Amanda: Wha.....

Technological Steroids Man zaps Past Amanda and she vanishes except for her clothes, he also zaps Past Weed Man and Past Samantha.....

Technological Steroids Man: There. Now all is right in the universe!

Suddenly Max the cat rubs up against Technological Steroids Man's legs all affectionate like.

Technological Steroids Man: Awwww

Technological Steroids Man takes his gun and zaps Max as well.

Technological Steroids Man: There, NOW all is right with the universe!


Back to present day Earth on that same night....

Steve and Amanda are in bed.

Amanda: It feels so good to be back in a real bed again after 20 years!

Steve: Yeah ...... this whole time and reality business still has me messed up.

Amanda: Why?

Steve: Ok ... I get Evil Steroids Man is defeated for good ... we'll never have to deal with him again .... but...

Amanda: What?

Steve: We are going to have to deal with ourselves ... 20 years from now when we return to Earth! And another thing .. if they never become us ... then ... it's all just so smurf up!

Suddenly a portal opens above their beds....

Amanda: Oh no....

Technological Steroids Man falls through the portal and lands in bed with them, then crawls into a laying position between them.

Steve: What do you want now?

Technological Steroids Man: I over heard you guys talking about time and space and things.

Steve: *angry sigh*

Technological Steroids Man: You guys should know.... I had to kill your previous versions on that alien planet.

Steve and Amanda sit up in bed. Max pops out from under the covers.

Max: Huh.... *rubbing eyes* ... what's going on guys?

Steve: Why did you kill our younger selves?

Technological Steroids Man: Because as you said, they never become you. Where you came back to this altered reality ... it caused a duplication ...

Amanda: So?

Technological Steroids Man: So that's bad news. If there's duplications in realities it can unravel the whole universe!

Amanda: ... did they suffer?

Technological Steroids Man: No I just zapped them out of time and space. Nice and clean.

Steve: But wait .... in this altered reality ... we won't be there to stop Ultra Evil Man's Dad from getting all 5 rings!

Amanda: Yeah! In 20 years he'll take over the universe!

Technological Steroids Man: Don't worry guys. I looked into all loose ends. Turns out Ultra Man dies of loneliness on that planet.

Amanda: What?

Technological Steroids Man: Yeah, in the previous timeline, he discovered you guys 7 years after landing and he died when he fell off the cliff, right?

Amanda: Yeah ... but we never told you any of this, how do you know?

Technological Steroids Man: Giant Steroids Man from reality #1 explained it all to me ... he has some kind of powers that let him know everything ... anyway..... in this altered timeline.... he never finds you because I erased them.

Steve: So what happened?

Technological Steroids Man: Instead of finding you 7 years later ... he gives up 12 years later and just ... dies.....

Amanda: Ok....

Technological Steroids Man: So, when I erased your past selves from time ... your clothes and stuff remained, including the magical ring. Ultra Evil Man's Dad does get all 5 rings and kills those 2 aliens....

Amanda: So he DOES get the rings???

Technological Steroids Man: Yes but.....

#Flash Forward to 20 years later....#

Ultra Evil Man's Dad puts on all 5 rings!

Ultra Evil Man's Dad: Yes! FINALLY! After all this time ... all 5 rings are MINE!!

Ultra Evil Man's Dad gets EXTRA excited and dances and screams in delight!

Ultra Evil Man's Dad: I have been waiting for this for so long!! I'm so overwhelmed!!! I can wish for anything! ANYTHING!!!!! I could even wish to be a chicken if I wanted!!!

In excitement, Ultra Evil Man's Dad accidentally wishes to be a chicken and instantly is on the floor pecking around while the 5 rings fall around him....

Zoom out to the mother-ship which is now flying on it's own and crashes into a sun and gets burned up....

#End flashback#

Technological Steroids Man: And that's what happened!

Amanda: But that nice alien race ... we never help them restore their home planet.... and the other 2 aliens still die!

Technological Steroids Man: Well you have to break a few eggs to save the universe!

Amanda: Shitty....

Technological Steroids Man: So now you guys have a fresh start back on Earth exactly where you left off! And you don't have to worry about Evil Steroids Men, the magical rings or running into your past selves again!

Amanda: When can we stop worrying about you?

Steve: Yeah... can you please ... never barge in on us again and return to your own reality.

Technological Steroids Man (kind of hurt): .....ok

Technological Steroids Man opens a portal and prepares to leave forever.

Technological Steroids Man: Bye bye now!

Steve: Yes! Bye bye already!

Steve kicks Technological Steroids Man in the bottom and he falls into the portal which closes.

Steve goes back into bed with Amanda and they cover up and meet face to face.

Steve: Ok ... everything is figured out ... now for us time.

Steve and Amanda prepare to kiss when Max's head pops out from in between.

Max: Hey guys!

Steve: Sorry Max.... now that you're not a tiny cat... I don't think you can sleep in bed with us anymore.

Max: ohhhh....


The ultimate ending - show Steve and Amanda, in front of them is David and Samantha. David and Samantha look around at the big city before them and all the moving cars and people and etc.....

David: This is so overwhelming....

Amanda: Come on kids.... we're going to teach you about ... Earth.

.... The End!