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Chapter 130 --> UK Steroids Man

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:51 pm
by Clarence
We cut to Washing, DC .... Senator Half Man / Half Speedboat is meeting with two other senators. Everyone is wearing business suits.

Senator Morgan: We are making great stride thanks to you!

Senator Herman: You are the best Senator ever.

Senator Half Man / Half Speedboat: Thanks a lot guys, this means more to me than you'll ever know. Being the first half man and half speedboat senator has made my life worth living again! I feel so great being able to help people... I actually feel useful unlike when I was on that Council of Heroes!

Suddenly everyone looks over as a shadowy figure approaches.

Senator Half Man / Half Speedboat: No ... it can't be!!

Shadowy figure: It is!

The Senator Half Man / Half Speedboat gets shot a dozen times and collapses dead as the other two senators watch in horror.


Late at night we see a silhouette of a man sleeping in bed but a crashing noise is heard and he wakes up and turns on the lamp illuminating the room.

Pylon Man (sitting up in bed): What ... is happening ... GASP!!!

Pylon Man looks around his room to see destroyed and flattened pylons all over.

Pylon Man: Who would do such a thing???

Suddenly an arm holding a gun comes on screen.

Pylon Man: You????

Voice: Me.

*BANG BANG BANG* ... Pylon Man dies.


In a dark alleyway ... we see what appears to be two red dots moving but stop when the alleyway ends at a fence.

Unknown voice coming from the area of the red dots: Please!!!! Don't kill me!

An arm holding a gun appears on screen aiming at the two red dots.

Gun Holder: Time for you to die an invisible death!

Shots are fired at the red dots which fall to the ground and a puddle of blood forms on the dirt.

Gun Holder: Now you are Invisible DEAD Man!


A man in a huge cumbersome owl costume is walking in the park trying to find good deeds to do.

Owl Man: What a beautiful day! I hope I can make good use of my amazing vision today!

Suddenly a gun appears on screen and we only see the arm of the gun holder.

Owl Man: What is that?

The gun draws closer.

Owl Man: Is it a candy cane???

The gun now is in Owl Man's mouth.

Owl Man: ... it doesn't taste like a candy cane.



At the mansion... Steve is on the couch with Amanda. Steve is watching cartoons and Amanda is playing on her laptop.

Amanda: Hey hun... you got an e-mail.

Steve: I have an e-mail?

Amanda: Yeah.... when you were a super hero you had an e-mail that Phil used to check before he died... I check it from time to time.

Steve: This is the first I heard of it.

Amanda: This is the first e-mail you ever got.

Steve: Who and what now?

Amanda: UK Steroids Man...... he is requesting your help.

Steve: UK Steroids Man?

Amanda: Yeah, remember? There are other Steroids Men in other countries paying you royalties to use your name .... and he auditioned to be your replacement down here.

Steve: Ok ... why does he need my help?

Amanda: He says he's having a hard time over there and needs advise from the original Steroids Man ... this e-mail makes it seem like he really respects you and only you can help him with your experience and wisdom.

Steve: Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'm not going to want to do that.

Amanda: Why not? We will get to go to England! You know how much I love England! Please Steve! This will mean a lot to me and you can help out a hero who in turn can help out many others! This will be like you're a real hero again!

Steve: Oh... fine.

Amanda: I'll e-mail him and let him know.

Amanda sends the message and she gets a reply shortly later.

Amanda: Oh wow! He's going to send his personal jet to come get us! This is exciting.

Steve: *sigh* I better tell Dave.

Steve goes to the Weed Man garage to see Dave.

Steve: I'm going to England for a bit.

Dave: K.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ back to yesterday.

We cut to a fancy skyscraper, at the top of this large building, on secret floors of the buildings, we pan to the inside of the structure which is HUGE and rich looking, we hear music playing:

"Homage for Satan" by Deicide is playing very loudly.

This is the secret base of operations by the dark figure who recently became the head of all major crime operations in the world, sitting on his big desk that's full of crime monitors that control everything on earth. He has redecorated to give the place a more evil look with evil ornaments and imagery all over.

Dark Figure (extraordinarily evil voice): Weed Man still lives....

Mr. Weasely (gulp): Yes sir.... our last assassin was unable to complete the hit....

Dark Figure: Find me someone who will not fail me this time...

Mr. Weasely: I will try.

Dark Figure: Don't try ... just succeed .. you're on thin ice! If the next assassin fails to take Weed Man's life, I may take yours!

Mr. Weasely: Want some Tang?

Dark Figure (very evil look): What?

Mr. Weasely: My previous boss... when he was upset with me I gave him Tang and it made him like me again....

Dark Figure (loud echoey evil voice): JUST FIND A NEW ASSASSIN!

~~~ later

It's late at night and the Dark Figure is working on his computers when suddenly a man falls out from the ceiling and lands hard on the floor and is not moving.

Dark Figure: Ummm... what the hell just happened?

There is silence as this mysterious man lies still on the floor.

Dark Figure: Guess I'll have to get a guard to clean that up....

Mysterious Man: SURPRISE!

The mysterious Man gets up off the floor and cleans himself up and limps as he approaches the dark figure's desk.

Dark Figure: Who are you and how did you get in here?

The Mysterious Man: I can get in anywhere... for I am the magnificent ... SNEAKY SNAKE!

Sneaky Snake is a tanned, well built guy with sunglasses on and appears cool.... like Fonzy, back when he was cool.... Slick leather jacket, extreme self confidence, oh and here's the best part, he has a tattoo of a SNAKE running down his face. Like right on his FACE, the snake tail starts on the right side of his mouth, and runs over the nose, and ends past the left eye, having his snake body go over his eyelid... must have been painful to get that tattoo done.

Dark Figure: I must kill you.

Sneaky Snake: Wait! I'm the assassin you hired to kill Weed Man! I'm better than ever and have new deadly skills! I'll get the job done before he even knows what happened!

Dark Figure: Damn that Mr. Weasely....

Sneaky Snake: So how excited are you for me to kill Weed Man?

Dark Figure: You can't kill anyone. What a waste of my time!

The dark figure presses a button on his desk and a guard comes out with a machine gun.

Dark Figure: Kill this annoying human.

Guard: Sure thing boss!

The guard aims the gun at Sneaky Snake who begins to bite the tip of one of his finger nails.

Guard: So scared you're biting your nails huh? Well get ready to bite the bullet!

Sneaky Snake finishes biting off his finger nail tip and spits it out at the guard. It's razor sharp and sticks in the guard's throat as he chokes and gasps for air.

Sneaky Snake: You just got NAILED!

The guard collapses to the ground dead.

Dark Figure: Hmmmmm.... (presses another button to reveal another guard with a chain-gun) ... kill this man.

Guard #2 (seeing his dead guard friend): What the....

Sneaky snake quickly removes an eglet from his sneaker lace and throws it with tremendous force up the guard's nose piercing his brain.


The guard screams in pain and falls while shooting wildly until out of bullets. Sneaky Snake expertly dodges the bullets and the Dark Figure catches one that was headed for him and crushes it in his hand.

Dark Figure: Ok, you have sparked my interest. Go forth and kill Weed Man!

Sneaky Snake: My pleasure!

Sneaky Snake leaves the room with a big smile on his face.

Sneaky Snake: I'm a legend... I'm unstoppable! The world will soon know my name and soon there will be nobody who can stop me!!!


For anyone who remembers the end of episode 61 - The Cat and the Snake ... Sneaky Snake found himself in a pope costume and cornered by the Council of Heroes....

Ultra Man: You're going to jail buddy!

Sneaky Snake is still cornered and surrounded by the Council of Heroes.

Sneaky Snake: You'll never catch me jabberwocky!

Ultra Man: You're already trapped!

Sneaky Snake: Oh yeah?

Sneaky Snake pulls out a grenade and holds it up in the air, then pulls the pin.

Ultra Man: What the hell.... *clutches heart* ... oh no... my blood pressure....

Hawk Eyes: What is that in his hand, an avocado??

Invisible Man: That's a live grenade, and he just pulled the pin!

Polaroid Man: Is that a real Grenade?

Pylon Man: Let's get the hell out of here!!!

Everyone begins to run out of the room.

Sneaky Snake: HAHAHAHAH!!! Nobody will ever catch Sneaky Sn.....


The council remains outside and coughing from the smoke.

Ultra Man: Well he clearly didn't survive that ... the idiot!

Invisible Man: That's it ... let's call it a day and go home!

As they all leave and the smoke clears, we see Sneaky Snake is still holding the grenade and is fine.

Sneaky Snake: Perfect .... now the Council of Heroes think I am dead and will stop bothering me... I'm so clever! A smoke bomb and loud recording of an explosion noise! Suckers!!!!!


After the Council of Heroes disbanded at Steve and Amanda's wedding, Sneaky Snake no longer had to worry about being so secretive and could take on larger missions with his new more advanced skills!

Back to present day....


Pigeon Man is in his house just finishing up a long poop. He flushes the toilet and enters the room to see his pigeon men gathered around the living room but without their usual alcoholic beverages ... and something else is different.

Pigeon Man: Who the hell are you?

The mysterious man is in a large suit that appears to be of a large white bird with a long beak.

Mysterious costumed man: I am Pelican Man!!

Pigeon Man: ...what do you want?

Pelican Man: I see you are moving up in the super villain world.

Pigeon Man: I'm trying too.

Pelican Man: I'm here to get you there!

Pigeon Man: Wha....

Pelican Man: I'm going to transform you and your men into the most feared evil force ever!

Pigeon Man grabs a beer and is about to drink when Pelican Man smacks it out of his hand.

Pelican Man: Step one ... no more drinking!

Pigeon Man looks very concerned about this new presence in his house.


Amanda and Steve are now in England and get off the jet to meet UK Steroids Man at his palace.

Amanda: Oh my ... this is beautiful!

Steve: Yeah... nice castle I guess.

UK Steroids Man (very English accent): This is a palace, not a castle my friend. Much superior!

Amanda: I love England so much!

Steve: So what did you call us here for?

UK Steroids Man: My goodness you got some fat huh?

Steve: ...

UK Steroids Man: It's stunning ... the sheer magnitude of your girth.... you're more pregnant than your wife!

Steve: Now just a minute...

UK Steroids Man: Look at my body! It's great, wouldn't you say, Amanda? I work out very rigorously! I probably remind you of your husband when he used to be a hero before he stopped caring about his looks!

Amanda is too busy taking in the sights to notice how insulting UK Steroids Man is being to Steve.

Steve: What the smurf did you bring us down here for balloon knot?

UK Steroids Man gets on a knee and feels Amanda's belly.

UK Steroids Man: I bet you're quite thrilled to have a kid .... I hope he gets all your genes and he'll be as charming as you.

Amanda: Awww, thank you!

UK Steroids Man: ...and I mean I hope he gets 100% of your genes... none of his.

Steve is pissed.

UK Steroids Man takes Amanda's hand and kisses it.

UK Steroids Man: Thanks so much for coming here to England, want to go for a drive with me and I'll show you around?

Amanda: I would very much like that!

UK Steroids Man: Splendid!

UK Steroids Man turns to Steve.

UK Steroids Man: You can get settled in here if you want.

Steve: I'm coming too!

UK Steroids Man: Very well then, let's make our way to my very luxurious car!

Steve (thinking): I really hate this guy.


Cut to a very tall building ... a rope attached to this building is running across to a slightly less tall building. This rope is attached to a paint can that's filled with nails.

Sneaky Snake is on this roof and crouches down and does some kind of a creepy crab walk to the side. He peeks over the ledge to see that way down, Weed Man is in costume walking on the sidewalk smoking a joint.

Sneaky Snake: Good bye, Weed Man.

Sneaky Snake lets the paint can full of nails go and it swings down from the rope on a direct intercept course with Weed Man's walking path.

Sneaky Snake has a huge smile on his face as the can of nails is about to strike! *BAM* The can of nails hits Weed Man so hard in the head that he side steps into the brick wall of the building next to him..... but he then continues to walk up the street while smoking weed and seems unaware of what just happened. Meanwhile the paint can of nails just sways back and forth with a huge dent in it.

Zoom in to see Sneaky Snake's face as his jaw is just stuck open.


We cut to the back yard behind Pigeon Man's house. Pigeon Man and all his men are doing push ups while Pelican Man watches.

Pelican Man: Go! More push ups! Faster! You need to be in tip top shape if you want to dominate the world!

Pigeon Man: We're tired!

Pelican Man: Pigeon Man, come with me.

Pigeon Man (gulp): OK....

Pelican Man (to the henchmen): Do jumping jacks until I return!

Pelican Man and Pigeon Man go talk inside the house.

Pigeon Man: Listen... thanks for your help ... who ever you are ... but I think we can take it from here.... we kind of liked our life before you randomly came here and took over....

Pelican Man: Well that's a shame... because I'm running the show now.

Pigeon Man: What....

Pelican Man: I'm going to steal your henchmen and make them work for me! I already am having fancy new Pelican suits shipped in!

Pigeon Man: But we are a pigeon themed group of bad guys!

Pelican Man: Not anymore .....

Pelican Man draws a gun.

Pelican Man: This world is not big enough for two bird themed super villains .... I'm taking the monopoly on this! And there's nothing you can do!

Pelican Man now aims the gun at Pigeon Man's face.

Pigeon Man: My wonderful life!


Pelican Man: Damn it ... the gun appears to be jammed.

Pigeon Man runs to his henchmen.

Pelican Man: Get back here!!!

Pelican Man hits the gun a few times and it goes off.

Pelican Man: There we go.

Outside Pigeon Man is pleading with his men.

Pigeon Man: This new pelican guy is trying to take over! We have to stop him!

henchman #4: But he's scary!

Pelican Man (with gun drawn): Damn right I'm scary!

Pigeon Man runs away and gets shot a few times but escapes as everyone watches on in horror!


The henchmen begin to work out again in their hot and heavy pigeon costumes.


UK Steroids Man is showing Amanda and Steve around as Steve sits in the back alone. There are billboards of UK Steroids Man all over and everyone waves to him as he drives by.

Amanda: Wow, you sure are popular here! Everyone loves you!

UK Steroids Man: Of course they do! I'm delightful! Surely when your husband was not a tubby and paraded around as Steroids Man they treated him the same way?

Amanda: No....

UK Steroids Man: Surely he had billboards and people waved to him all the time ... always wanting his autograph and the like.

Amanda: ....not at all.

UK Steroids Man: Well I'm sure he made quite the difference and didn't simply go around having steroids induced periods of rage where he killed random innocent people.

Amanda: Ummmmm.....

Steve: Hey bud, when I was a hero I made a difference! I'm a far better hero than you'll ever be!

UK Steroids Man: You WERE a hero... now you're just some bloke who will probably only succeed at being a real bad father.

UK Steroids Man stops the vehicle abruptly and reaches out to keep Amanda in her seat ... he also gets a Brest squeeze in there.

UK Steroids Man: Look guys a crime!

Amanda and Steve look around and see nothing that even resembles a crime. UK Steroids Man gets out of the car and approaches a random pedestrian.

UK Steroids Man: Excuse me sir?

Pedestrian: Yes?

UK Steroids Man: You have littered by dropping your gum on the sidewalk!

Pedestrian: MY sincerest apologies!! I intended to throw it in the garbage can but must have missed!

The pedestrian picks up the gum and drops it into an open street receptacle.

Pedestrian: My apologies again!

UK Steroids Man: No problem, good day!

Pedestrian: Good day!

UK Steroids Man gets back into the car as Amanda and Steve are shocked.

UK Steroids Man: As you can see a hero is always needed around these parts. My job never ends! How about we go to my palace now and we get to the reason I brought you here!

Steve: Yeah let's get this crap over with!

Amanda: Steve ... try to have a good time. We're in ENGLAND!!!!


Weed Man is returning to the driveway leading to the garage next to the mansion. Weed Man opens the garage doors to reveal his base of operations ... where all the weed and games are.

Sneaky Snake: Aha!

Weed Man turns around to see Sneaky Snake standing in the driveway.

Sneaky Snake: I have been following you with my expert skills....

Weed Man: Hello.

Sneaky Snake: Now I will kill you in your own home!!

Weed Man (lighting a joint): What are we talking about?

Sneaky Snake bites off one of his finger nail tips and spits it at Weed Man and it lands on his lip... Weed Man quickly spits it off and drops the joint out of his mouth.

Weed Man: *cough* *cough* *spit* What the hell is wrong with you man! You just spit your finger nail at me???

Sneaky Snake: And yet somehow ... you are still alive...

Weed Man: Please leave my driveway, I want to play video games!

Weed Man goes inside his Weed Man garage and shuts the door.

Sneaky Snake: Ok.... you may have won the first two rounds ... but in the third strike YOU WILL BE DEAD!!


UK Steroids Man is in his fancy palace, hanging out with Amanda and Steve in the living room. UK Steroids Man keep sharing interesting stories about England which is entertaining Amanda.

Steve: I got to take a shazam!.

Steve leaves the room to go to the bathroom.

UK Steroids Man: That guy is such a bore, isn't he?

Amanda: He's cool.

UK Steroids Man: Don't you ever get sick of that guy?

Amanda: We have our moments I guess....

UK Steroids Man: Amanda, I care about you very much and I worry about you.

Amanda: Huh?

UK Steroids Man: You live in such a dangerous place... why not leave here in England? I know you love it here... you can live with me and be safe here and I can help you bring up the baby right.

Amanda: What is happening?

We hear Steve is back in the room zipping up his pants.

Steve: Yeah, what IS happening?!

UK Steroids Man: You're a bad husband ... I'm giving your wife a chance at a decent life! One you could never provide!

Steve: I'm going to kick your bottom!

Steve punches UK Steroids Man in the face and he falls to his knees.

Amanda: Come on Steve, let's go home!

Suddenly a gun appears on the screen aimed at Steve.

Ultra Man: Not so fast....

Amanda: What the hell now?

Ultra Man appears on screen with a gun and is bulked up and is wearing dark eye shadow.

Ultra Man (To UK Steroids Man): You failed me you balloon knot!

Amanda (Also to UK Steroids Man): You were working for him?

UK Steroids Man: I had no choice ... he threatened to use his magical powers to blow up England!

Ultra Man: You were suppose to steal Amanda away from Steroids Man and have tickle fight with her in front of him! It would have destroyed him!!!

Amanda: I thought you went to jail!!!

Ultra Man: The jail walls exploded and everyone escaped remember? You're so dumb!!! I'm back now and have all my fancy powers restored!

Steve thinks back to his retirement party and remembers Ultra Man tried to cause some shazam! there but Phil as a solid hologram defeated him and crushed the magical ring and tossing it away.

Steve: But your fancy ring that gives you powers ... it was destroyed!

Ultra Man: You mean this one?

Ultra Man holds up his ring hand to reveal a ring that is being held together with Scotch Tape.

Ultra Man: After I was free from jail I went to the hotel where your retirement party was ... the place was abandoned due to the level of damage and the state of the city ... I searched until I found all the pieces of my ring and fixed it! Now I have all my powers back!

Amanda: What do you want with us?

Ultra Man: Steroids Man ruined my life ... because of him my precious Council of Heroes left me ... I had to kill all the former members to feel better about myself!

Steve: ....what? You killed everyone who used to be on the council?

Ultra Man: I killed them all with this gun.... all except for Crochet Lady who I found is currently in Dubai for some reason... I'm not traveling that far.

Amanda: You're the worst person ever! You had no reason to kill those people! They used to work for you!

Ultra Man: All they ever did was work against me... thanks to you Steroids Man!

Steve: You're Evil!

Ultra Man: Damn right I'm evil ... didn't you notice my uniform?

On Ultra Man's uniform, the word "Evil" is written in Sharpie between the words "Ultra" and "Man".

Ultra Man: From now on I will be known as "Ultra Evil Man"! Since my life as a hero didn't seem to work, I will now pursue a life of EVIL!

Ultra Evil Man laughs an evil laugh as they wonder how they will get out of this situation.

UK Steroids Man: Can I go now?

Ultra Evil Man: No, you must all be killed! I'm going to murder you all with this same gun I have been using to murder people with recently!!


Weed Man is smoking a huge bong inside his Weed Garage when there is pounding on the garage door.

Weed Man: Awww.

Weed Man opens the garage door to see a distraught Pigeon Man with gun shot wounds.

Weed Man: What's up pigeon dude?

Pigeon Man: You got to help me!

Weed Man: Oh?

Pigeon Man: There's a new villain who took over my house and is VERY evil! You need to stop him!

Weed Man: I would rather play video games right now than fight joke villains.

Pigeon Man: This guy isn't like me! He's SERIOUS! He's going to take over the world!!!

Weed Man: *sigh* fine...

Weed Man and Pigeon Man make their way to Pigeon Man's house. Pelican Man is still training the henchman hard who are all now in Pelican suits.

Pigeon Man: There he is over there.

Pelican Man looks over and sees Weed Man with Pigeon Man.

Pelican Man (to the henchmen): Keep doing burpees until I get back!

Pelican Man takes his gun and approaches Weed Man and Pigeon Man.

Meanwhile on the roof of Weed Man's mansion ... Sneaky Snake is here watching.

Sneaky Snake: Perfect ... now Weed Man will die for sure this time!

Sneaky Snake takes out a bow and arrow and prepares to aim it at Weed Man down below.

Pelican Man is now face to face with Weed Man and Pigeon Man.

Pelican Man: Well well well ... if it isn't the town hero .... killing you will surely move me up the ranks as one of the greatest villains ever!

Weed Man: You're just a guy in a seagull costume...

Pelican Man: I AM A PELICAN!!!

On the roof Sneaky Snake steadies his bow ... he has a clean shot at the back of Weed Man's head!

Pelican Man: Time to die Weed Man!!!!

Pelican Man aims the gun at Weed Man's face but Weed Man quickly bends back and kicks Pelican Man's arm upwards .... the gun fires and shoots at the roof of the mansion and goes into Sneaky Snake's skull which kills him, at the same time Sneaky Snake's bow launches the arrow into Pelican Man's skull and he dies as well!

Weed Man and Pigeon Man look down at Pelican Man's dead body with the arrow sticking out of his head, neither were aware Sneaky Snake was even on the roof.

Pigeon Man: That was friggin awesome!! How did you do that?

Weed Man: I ... don't know.....

Pigeon Man: Thanks pal!

Weed Man: I'm not your pal my weird little friend ... I'm going to get stoned and play video games now.

Weed Man leaves and Pigeon Man rejoins his henchmen.

Pigeon Man: Guys! Pelican Man is dead! Take off those costumes and let's get drunk!

All the henchmen cheer!

We cut to the roof as pigeons swarm and eat up Sneaky Snake's dead body. This time he is dead for good!


Ultra Evil Man has his gun aimed at Steve, Amanda and UK Steroids Man.

Ultra Evil Man: I'm going to get so much pleasure out of killing you right now!

Amanda has to do something that she knows will be upsetting to Steve, but at the same time is looking for a way to save him.

Amanda: UK Steroids Man!!! Do something!!

UK Steroids Man: I can't do nothing against that guy! He has a gun! Guns hurt people!

Amanda: You are the worst super hero ever!

Steve looks sad that Amanda reached out to UK Steroids Man but then has an idea....

Steve (To Ultra Evil Man): How about you put the gun down and fight me like a man?

Ultra Evil Man: You fool.... what makes you think you can beat me? I have a ring that gives me unlimited powers!

Steve: Are you scared?

Ultra Evil Man: Of course not!

Ultra Evil Man tosses the gun aside.

Ultra Evil Man: Let's do it jabberwocky!!

Ultra Evil Man puts a pacifier in his mouth and begins to circle Steve while shaking his fists in a fighting stance.

Steve: Ummm.... what the hell are you doing?

Ultra Evil Man takes the pacifier out of his mouth for a moment.

Ultra Evil Man: Despite my many powers this ring provides ... it also causes me many health problems! I have been using this pacifier to lower my blood pressure when I'm feeling stressed out!

Steve: Wow.... just ... wow.....

Ultra Evil Man: Oh smurf you!

Ultra Evil Man starts sucking on his pacifier again while getting ready to punch Steve to death. Meanwhile, Amanda sees some old wire coat hangers in a closet near by and has an idea.

Ultra Evil Man: This is it!!!!

Ultra Evil Man swings a punch and Steve squints and ducks as the fist of death draws ever closer.... but Amanda uses the curved pointy part of the coat-hanger to catch Ultra Evil Man's ring and flick it off his hand and out the window!

Ultra Evil Man drops his pacifier and becomes extra skinny from losing the ring.


Ultra Evil Man dives out the window and lands on UK Steroids Man's expensive car, flattening the roof and causing the car alarm to go off.

Amanda and Steve hug each other tightly and are happy to be safe again.

Steve: You saved my life! You're the best wife ever!

Amanda: You're the best husband! Let's go home now, England sucks bottom!

They leave as UK Steroids Man remains on the floor crying.

~~The End!

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