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Chapter 118 --> Thunder Bolt and Sparky

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:55 pm
by Clarence
We cut to the top floor of Steve's mansion. Amanda and Steve are in one of the rooms up there trying to figure out what to do.

Steve: How did this happen?

Amanda: Did you leave the window open?

Steve: I don't even think I've ever been in this room.

We pan out to see a dusty looking room with lots of boxes.... it looks like an attic loft type room. Also there's a large beehive hanging down from an low light fixture, hanging very low and Amanda and Steve are looking down at it.

Amanda: We have to get this bee hive out of here.

Steve: How? I'm not on steroids anymore.... I don't think I can take them all on.

Amanda: Come on, you don't need Steroids to just take a broom and hit the beehive out the window.

Steve: I'll do you one better, I'll just smack it with my hand.

Amanda: NO!!!!

Steve smacks at the beehive and the hive swings back and forth but is still securely attached to the low light fixture. Bees begin to come out and are pissed and Amanda and Steve get stung a few times.

Steve: Let's get the hell out of here!!!

Steve and Amanda run out of the room and Amanda quickly pushes the inside door nob in and locks it from the inside and they both rest against the door outside in the hallway panting.

Amanda: Ok.... let's just never go in that room again.

Steve: What are we even doing up here?

Amanda: We got bored waiting for your replacement hero to arrive.

Steve: Let's just go back down and wait.


Steve and Amanda are now in the kitchen waiting for the replacement to arrive. Dougette comes into the kitchen to get some milk.

Amanda: Hey Dougette, there's a bees nest on the top floor.

Dougette: Ok. Thanks for telling me?

Amanda: We need you to get rid of it.

Dougette: How the hell is that my job?

Amanda: You're the janitor!

Dougette: You people work me to the BONE! Look at my finger nails!

Dougette shows Steve and Amanda her perfect finger nails that look amazing.

Amanda: They're beautiful....

Dougette: Well they won't be for long under these conditions!

Dougette storms out of the room.

Steve: I'm pretty sure he's on his period.

Suddenly the door bell rings.

Steve: Finally!

Steve runs to the door and opens it to reveal a skinny man who looks kind of dirty.

Guy: Hello there... you hired me?

Steve: Yes, we have a major plumbing issue upstairs.

Guy: Don't worry, I'm the best plumber in town, I'll have it fixed in no time!

The plumber runs upstairs as Steve shuts the door.

Amanda: When is the hero getting here?

Steve: He should be here now, really.

Suddenly the door bell rings again and Steve opens it to Dougette looking in pain and feeling her head.

Steve: Oh come on!

Dougette: ...I fell out the window....

Steve lets her in and shuts the door and is getting real impatient and grabs a beer.

Amanda: You sure have been drinking a lot lately.

Steve: I'm just transitioning out of Steroids, we been over this.

The door bell rings again.

Steve: This better be it or I swear....

Steve opens the door to reveal two masked guys dressed up in red costumes with gold flames in the design. One slightly taller and much more bulkier than the other one.

Steve: Thunder Bolt! You finally made it!

Thunder Bolt: Of course I did! Traffic was a jabberwocky!

Steve: And you brought your partner, Sparky!

Thunder Bold looks down to Sparky on his left and jumps back in shock.

Thunder Bolt: Ahhhh!!! You followed me here!

Sparky: Of course I did... I'm your sidekick.... I been in the car the whole drive here....

Thunder Bolt (to Steroids Man): Sorry about that, he's very forgettable.

Steve: No problem. Come in guys and I'll show you around!


Steroids Man shows the new heroes around and we get to the exercise room.

Steve: So here you can lift weights and all that.

Thunder Bolt goes over to a very large set of weights on a barbell and strains and works hard but is able to do a few curls.

Thunder Bolt: I like it!

Sparky goes over and lifts a 5 pound weight.

Sparky: Yes... nice room.

Thunder Bolt: Oh Sparky, you're such a JOKE!

Thunder Bolt pulls out his cell phone and whispers to Steve.

Thunder Bolt: Watch this, it's going to be hilarious!

Thunder Bolt puts the phone to his ear.

Thunder Bolt: Hey Sparky, you got a phone call.

Sparky (excited): - oh? Who is it from?

Thunder Bolt: It's from someone called "Go smurf yourself"

Sparky looks devastated and Thunder Bolt presents the phone to Sparky.

Thunder Bolt: Answer it.


Thunder Bolt: Take the phone call, it's for you!

Sparky: I'm not taking that phone call...

Thunder Bolt: You better take this, it's a long distance call....

Sparky looks like his world just ended.

Thunder Bolt: oh, wait a sec....

Thunder Bolt places the phone next to his ear.

Thunder Bolt: Hold on, I got another call on the other line...

Sparky looks like he's about to cry.

Thunder Bolt: Hello? Go jump off a cliff? You're ALSO looking for Sparky?

Sparky runs out of the room crying.

Thunder Bolt: Classic.

Thunder Bolt puts his arm on Steve's shoulder.

Thunder Bolt: Nice mansion. I got to take a shazam!.

Thunder Bolt leaves the weight room and Steve looks down at the weights that Thunder Bolt lifted earlier.

Steve: Hmmm...

Steve bends down and tries to lift the weights but after a few moments realizes that he can't. He then looks at the mirror at his body which has gone down considerably in size since he quit steroids.

Steve: *sigh*


Dougette and the robot are watching reruns of Dragons' Den.

Dougette: I love this show.

Suddenly Phil enters the room.

Phil: Hey guys, what are you up too?


Phil: Yeah? Nothing much going on lately huh? No crazy adventures?

Dougette: Not lately, just taking it easy with my metal man here.

Phil: If you guys aren't doing anything... I was thinking maybe we could hang out.

Dougette: Oh gee... ummm... so busy today.... I have to fight off a beehive or something.


Phil: No problem... I mean... nobody had time for me when I was alive... why would they have time for me now that I'm dead and a hologram?

Dougette: Crap.... ok we will hang out.


Phil: We can go to the games room and watch a movie, maybe play some checkers. It will be so great for me to really interact with people!

Dougette: Oh my... this day is going to suck....


Cut to the locked door on the top floor and a buzzing noise from behind. Max the cat goes up to the door and meows confused.


Steve is out doing field testing with the new hero duo and seeing how they react to real situations.

Steve: There's a guy trying to steal a woman's purse! We get a lot of that in this city....

Thunder Bolt: No prob, Bob.

Thunder Bolt shoots out a thunder bolt with his hands and a large magnificent flare of lightening whizzes past the thief's head.

Purse Thief: shazam! on that!!!!

The purse thief runs off in a straight line as fast as possible away from the scene.

Woman: Thanks you guys!

Steve: Wow.... that guy made quite a fast B line out of here!

Thunder Bolt: More like an upper case I line.

Thunder Bolt and Steve laugh heartily at the joke until Sparky speaks.

Sparky: More like a lower case L line if you ask me.



After Thunder Bolt and Sparky take a few bad-guys off the streets, they attract the attention of the media and make it on a prestigious super hero show. Steve and Amanda are watching from home while Steve drinks a beer.

TV: Welcome back to Super Hero Spotlight! Tonight, we are interviewing Thunder Bolt and Sparky, two newer heroes who busted into the scene to replace a retiring Steroids Man.

Steve: What the smurf... I never even heard of this show.... how come I never got invited on it?

Amanda: Don't worry about it, let them have the fame and we can finally settle down and start a family.

We cut to the TV to see a man in a costume interviewing Thunder Bolt and Sparky. The interviewer is wearing a costume with a microphone on it.

Interview Man: What's it like fighting crime here in Marzipan City?

Sparky: Well we....

Thunder Bolt: Don't let him say anything.

Sparky sobs quietly.

Thunder Bolt: So far it hasn't been bad, my spectacular powers have been keeping the criminals in check.

Interview Man: And what exactly are your powers?

Thunder Bolt: Check this out!

Thunder Bolt creates lightening with his hands and makes it dance around, from one hand to another.

Interview Man: Wow! That's amazing! and what can your partner do?

Thunder Bolt: You mean the guy sitting next to me? He's pretty useless.

Sparky wipes off his tears with a beach towel.

Interview Man: How did you get the ability to control lightening?

Thunder Bolt removes his rubber gloves to see a strange technological attachment to his hands.

Thunder Bolt: I invented these electricity producing hand things. I'm sort of a genius.

Sparky: I invented those!

Thunder Bolt: You didn't invent shazam!!

Sparky: Yes I did! I worked really hard on it and even gave you the good ones, all mine can do is make sparks since you spilled Mountain Dew all over them!

Thunder Bolt: That's it! I'm taking your microphone away.

Sparky: NOOO!!! I earned it!!!

Thunder Bolt grabs at Sparky trying to remove his tiny microphone and Sparky fights back and they both struggle on the interview couch.

Interview Man: Ummm.... let's go to a commercial break and come right back.

--watching from home.

Amanda: Wow.... did you ever notice that Thunder Bolt is a bit of an bottom?

Steve: No, I never noticed.

Suddenly Phil enters the room.

Phil: Hi guys.

Steve: Get the smurf out of my face!

Phil: Ok, see you later.

Back to the TV after the commercial break. We see a couch on fire and destruction through out the room and Interview Man with a ripped costume and some burn marks.

Interview Man: Well... we're going to end the show early today folks. Goodnight!

Interview Man collapses on stage and Amanda and Steve watch on puzzled until the screen turns to colour bars and a beeping noise.


Dougette and the Robot are hanging out on the couch.


Dougette: Yes!

Robot: DAMN!

Suddenly Phil enters looking very happy.

Phil: Hey guys!

Dougette: (monotone) ...hey....

Robot: HI.

Phil: Remember that fun time we had the other day?


Phil: I thought the three of us could hang out again. Three great pals!

Dougette: Ugg.... I'm sure I have something to do today.

(Show beehive in the locked room growing bigger and with more angry bees around)

Phil: Ok... if you guys are busy..... I'll just go back to being alone... and dead...

Dougette: Oh.....

Cut to the three of them in the games room watching a movie, the robot and Dougette look extremely bored and Phil is over-joyed.


Thunder Bolt and Sparky and Steve are looking for more crime to fight when suddenly... this group of very scary looking men come out and smash up a car with crowbars and baseball bats and etc.

Criminal #1: Wooooo!!! We're Bad-guys!

Criminal #2: Let's go destroy more things!!!

Steve: This is it, go get them!

Thunder Bolt and Sparky approach the group of criminals, must be 7 or 8 of them.

Thunder Bolt: Stop right there!

Criminal #3: And just who the hell are you?

Thunder Bolt: I'm the mighty Thunder Bolt!

Sparky: And I'm...

Thunder Bolt: We're going to put an end to you!

Criminal #4: Oh really?

Criminal #2: Let's kick their asses!

The criminals approach and suddenly Thunder Bolt gets a call on his cell.

Thunder Bolt: Hold on a sec.

Sparky: What?

The criminals grab Sparky and pull him into their circle.

Sparky: Thunder Bolt!!! Help!!!

Thunder Bolt (on phone): Hello? Mom! How are you doing?

The criminals take turns punching and kicking Sparky.

Thunder Bolt (on phone): No, no, no, not like that at all. Let's start from the beginning, is the computer on?

The criminals continue to beat up on Sparky and Steve looks concerned.

Steve (To Thunder Bolt): Ummm... I think your friend is in serious trouble.

Thunder Bolt (placing hand over phone to answer Steve): Oh, he's not my friend.

Sparky makes a desperate attempt to defend himself and pushes at one of the criminals with his sparking hand.

Criminal #7: You singed my shirt! Oh! You're going to get it now! (pulls out a crowbar)

Thunder Bolt (on phone): You need to look for the arrow on the screen.... uh huh.... right... well keep looking, it's got to be there somewhere.

The criminals violently beat up Sparky with weapons and he curls up into a fetal position on the ground.

Thunder Bolt checks his phone to see "low battery".

Thunder Bolt (on phone): Hold on a second Mom.

Thunder Bolt puts the phone in his pocket and addresses the criminals who are still beating up Sparky.

Thunder Bolt: STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!

Thunder Bolt makes a scary show with his thunder bolts and the criminals run away. Thunder Bolt goes over to the lifeless Sparky who has a severely busted up face.

Thunder Bolt: I hope you're ok....

Thunder Bolt reaches into Sparky's pocket and pulls out Sparky's cell phone and looks it over.

Thunder Bolt: Whew, you're ok.

Thunder Bolt dials a number and begins speaking into Sparky's phone.

Thunder Bolt (on phone): Hello Mom? Sorry about that, my phone was dying and I had to borrow someone elses. Did you find the arrow yet? .... right.... ok.... it looks like an arrow.

Steve examines Sparky.

Steve: I think this guy needs a doctor or something.... Thunder Bolt?

Thunder Bolt: Can you be a little considerate please? I'm on the phone!


Phil is sitting across from Dougette and a game of checkers is set up. The robot is also here and very bored.

Phil: I'm so excited! I haven't played checkers in a long time!

Dougette: Ok, well it's your go.

Phil: Ok, but you're going to have to move the pieces for me.

Dougette: What?

Phil: I'm just a projection of light remember, I can't touch anything.

Dougette: So I have to move your pieces too.... you're so annoying!

Phil looks very sad.

Dougette: Fine, we'll play!

Phil: Sweet! And then after this we can play Battleship and then Scrabble and then Monopoly! A wonderful day full of games with my best friends!

Suddenly there's a popping noise and some smoke coming from the robot.

Phil: What happened?



Steve comes home and is helping a beat up Sparky walk to the couch. Thunder Bolt also comes home and is still on the phone.

Thunder Bolt (on phone): No, double click.... DOUBLE CLICK!!!

Amanda and Phil come in to see Steve helping Sparky hold himself up.

Amanda: What happened?

Steve: Sparky got beat up pretty bad....

Amanda: Why are YOU helping him, shouldn't Thunder Bolt be helping?

Steve points to Thunder Bolt on his cell.... or more correctly Sparky's cell.

Thunder Bolt (on phone): You know what Mom, I'll call you back later to help you.

Thunder Bolt hangs up the phone.

Thunder Bolt: Wow..... what a jabberwocky!

Amanda drops her jaw in shock.

Amanda: You can't talk about your Mother like that!

Thunder Bolt: Seems like I just did though..... anyway, I have to take a shazam!! (leaves the room)

Phil: Ok, that guy really sucks.

Amanda tends to Sparky on the couch.

Amanda: Is there anything I can do for you?

Sparky: Can I have a Popsicle?

Amanda: ...sure.


Back to Phil, Dougette and the robot.

Phil: Ok, move my pawn over there.

Dougette: *sigh*

Phil (excited): Check-mate!

Dougette: Oh wow.... you win again....

Phil: This is so great, I have real friends!


Phil: Oh, I'm doing that!

Dougette: Huh?

Phil: I found a way to duplicate myself and run multiples of me through out the mansion!

Dougette: That's horrifying.

Phil: Anyway, let's play another game!

Dougette: It's kind of no fun... you're way smarter than us and beat us every time.

Phil: hmmm... I think I know what you're getting at! We need to even things up.... how about you and me versus the robot and ME!

Robot: WHAT....

Phil concentrates and suddenly another Phil materializes into the room.

New Phil: Hello everyone!

Phil: Welcome to the party!!!

Dougette: The suicide party?

New Phil: Oh Dougette, you're so funny!

Phil: Four best friends, just paling around! Give me a hug, Phil!

Dougette and the robot watch as Phil hugs another Phil.

Phil: Ohh... the loving embrace.

New Phil: It's so nice that we can touch each other....

Phil: Yes! Holograms can touch each other if nothing else.

New Phil: Hug me tighter!

Phil: I LOVE IT!!!

Dougette and the robot are scared for their lives.


Sparky is on the couch flipping through channels, holding ice over his busted up face. Thunder Bolt enters the room and sits next to Sparky.

Thunder Bolt: Oh Sparky.....

Sparky: Yeah?

Thunder Bolt: I can't stand to see you like this.

Sparky (excited): Really?

Thunder Bolt: Yes.... here... put this garbage bag over your head.

Sparky takes the garbage bag and looks it over.

Sparky: ....there's no breathing holes in this garbage bag or anything....

Thunder Bolt: I know.

Sparky starts crying.

Thunder Bolt: Stop crying and put the garbage bag on.


Steve and Amanda are in bed.

Steve: What a crazy day huh?

Amanda: I really hate that Thunder Bolt guy....

Steve: I know.

Amanda: Like seriously... he's a major balloon knot.

Steve: We need him though...

Amanda: I know, it's the only way you can retire but man.... hate that guy.

Steve: Let's just think about finally having a life with just us have some wonderful dreams.

Steve downs some NyQuil and passes out.


As Thunder Bolt and Sparky take on more serious villains, they find themselves in the lair of Lord X. Lord X is a letter themed villain who likes to emphasize words with the letter X in them. His scary red Lair is covered with the letter X and he and his henchmen have the letter X on their uniforms.

Lord X and his henchmen have captured Sparky and are holding him in a cage over a lava pit. The cage swings and Sparky cries for help like a damsel in distress. Lord X is in his master chair with henchmen all over and is facing Thunder Bolt and Steve across the room. Everyone including the caged Sparky are in this large evil room of the lair.

Lord X: Good evening Thunder Bolt and Steve.... Welcome to my X-cellent lair of doom!!!!

Sparky (in the cage): Help me.

Steve (to Thunder Bolt): Now is your chance to shine, this is a classic super hero predicament.

Thunder Bolt: Ok.

Lord X: How are you going to save your sidekick and best friend, Sparky from this hideous X-ecution? WAHhahahahhahahahahhaha!

Thunder Bolt: I don't think I'm going to bother.

Lord X: X-cuse me?

Thunder Bolt: I don't think you're really going to kill him.

Lorx X: How can you be in a position to say that? I'm holding him over this pit of lava and only have to press this button and he will be X-tinct!!!

Sparky: He's going to do it!!!! Save me!!!

Thunder Bolt: Nah.

Lord X: Are you smurf serious?

Steve: Ummmm.

Thunder Bolt: I got to take a shazam!. Later!

Thunder Bolt leaves the room.

Steve: Crap... he's my ride.

Steve follows Thunder Bolt out of the evil lair.

Lord X: What the smurf just happened?

Henchmen #1: I don't know boss... I never seen anything like that before.

Lord X: What kind of crap hero just abandons his sidekick like that?

Henchmen #2: That's cold.

Lord X: Now what do we do?

Lord X looks over at Sparky and his puppy dog eyes as he clutches the cage.

Henchman #3: I'm sad, boss!


Cut to a red sports car with gold flames driving on the highway. Thunder Bolt is relaxed and sitting back driving with one hand and Steve is in the front passenger seat.

Steve: So... you really don't care? They probably killed him by now.

Thunder Bolt: No they didn't.

Steve: How can you say that? How can you be sure??

Thunder Bolt: Because I seen Batman and Robin... Robin never dies.

Steve: Ok... that's a ridiculous comparison.

Thunder Bolt: Trust me, now that I left they will lose interest in Sparky and set him free.

Steve: I hope you're right.


Steve: How about you say "Me too" ?

Thunder Bolt: I don't feel like saying that.


Cut to outside Lord X's lair. Lord X is talking to Sparky.

Sparky: So you're really letting me go?

Lord X: Yeah ... I just see no need to keep you hostage or kill you.

Sparky: Well... thanks.

Lord X: Here, this is a sandwich and some change for the bus.

Sparky: Well that's really nice.

Lord X: I'm not nice.... I'm actually quite evil... I just feel bad for you.

Sparky: Hey wait... aren't you suppose to use X words in your sentences?

Lord X: I'm not in the mood right now... this whole day was kind of depressing.


We cut to the mansion door and hear the doorbell, the door opens to reveal Sparky in the rain getting soaked.

Sparky: Who the hell are you?

A person who is very muscular is wearing a red costume with golden stripes.

New guy (looking away from sparky): Hey Thunder Bolt, old Sparky is here.

Thunder Bolt (in the distance): Oh shazam!.

Sparky enters the mansion soaking wet and Phil happens to be here to witness what's happening.

Sparky: Who the hell is this guy???

Thunder Bolt: Listen Old Sparky, I can explain...

Sparky: I'm not old Sparky!!! I'm regular Sparky!

Thunder Bolt: I thought you were dead, so I hired a much better person to replace you, this is Glen.

Sparky: I was only gone for 2 hours!!! I'm back now!

Thunder Bolt: My hands are tied.

Sparky: But....

Thunder Bolt: I can't just fire Glen, he's been my dedicated partner for the last 10 minutes... it wouldn't be fair. Don't you have any morals?

Glen: What up T money?

Thunder Bolt and Glen high five and leave the room as Thunder Bolt has his arm around Glen.

Thunder Bolt: We're going to have some drinks and party it up tonight pal!

Glen: Right on!

Thunder Bolt: I just got to take a shazam! first.

After Thunder Bolt and Glen leave the room, Sparky sits on the couch really depressed.

Sparky: Now what do I do?

Phil sits next to him.

Phil: Hey there... I just seen what happened... I'm so sorry.

Sparky: *sob* My feelings hurt so bad...

Phil: Listen... I know what it's like to not have someone like me.

Sparky: *sniff* you do?

Phil: Yes... and that's why I'm going to help you out!

Sparky: Really?

Phil: Yes. I'm going to get rid of that new guy for you.

Sparky: Oh my goodness thanks so much!

Phil: And then maybe afterwards we can hang out some time... watch a movie... play some board games.

Sparky: Oh.... I suppose so.... sure.

Phil leaves the room with a smile on his face.

Sparky (alone): I don't think I want to hang out with that guy.


Glen is having a piss from drinking so much and then suddenly Phil walks through the wall to freak him out.

Glen: WHAT THE smurf!!!?!?!?!

Phil (waving his hands): I am a ghost.... leave this place right now!

Glen: Right smurf on!!! I'm out this jabberwocky!

Glen runs out of the mansion as fast as possible and Thunder Bolt catches him leaving.

Thunder Bolt: Where the hell did he go?

Sparky: He left.

Thunder Bolt gets startled by Sparky.

Thunder Bolt: AHhhhh!! You're still here? Where the hell did Glen go?

Phil: Glen just quit.

Thunder Bolt: But ... why? I paid him so handsomely!!

Sparky: What the hell... you never gave me money... ever.

Thunder Bolt sits down and looks VERY sad and takes a drink.

Thunder Bolt: *crying* I'm so devastated.... what am I going to do? My best friend... gone...

Sparky: I guess this means we're partners again!

Thunder Bolt: I guess.... until I find someone better to replace you...

Sparky has a big smile on his face.

Phil: Really... you're happy by that last remark?

Sparky: We're friends again!

Phil looks at Sparky with total bewilderment.


Some snippets of the following days -->

Thunder Bolt enters the room with a new sweater and sits next to Sparky. Thunder Bolt keeps tugging at the neck of this new sweater.

Thunder Bolt: Hey there.

Sparky: Hey!

Thunder Bolt: Can you try on my new sweater?

Sparky: Of course I can!

Thunder Bolt: Good, when you push your giant head through the neck hole it should stretch it out so it fits me more comfortably.

Sparky: Oh.... there goes another feeling.


Sparky is hanging out in his very small room and Thunder Bolt walks by.

Thunder Bolt: Hey, you know your favourite limited edition Death Star model?

Sparky: Yeah... I noticed it went missing.

Thunder Bolt: Yeah... I got really bored and just hucked it off a roof top to see if it would bounce... turns out it shatters.

Sparky: Well... that really sucks... but at least you apologized.

Thunder Bolt: Oh that was in no way an apology.

Sparky: Are you going to replace it at least...

Thunder Bolt: No. But I got you something more valuable. Pictures of me throwing your model off the roof check it out.

Thunder Bolt shows Sparky the pictures and Sparky looks them over while sad. The pictures show Thunder Bolt very happily destroying the model.

Thunder Bolt: I'll need those pictures back.


Sparky is dressed up really nice and is drinking some Pepsi.

Amanda: Wow Sparky, you look spiffy! What's the occasion?

Sparky: I been dating this girl online... and I'm finally meeting her today! She's going to be at the door any minute!

Amanda: Well good for you!

The door bell rings and Sparky gets really excited.

Thunder Bolt: No need to get up, I'll get it.

Thunder Bolt answers the door while Sparky remains seated holding his Pepsi.

Girl: Hello... is Sparky here?

Thunder Bolt: I'm sparky, and I don't like you so just go away.

Sparky spits out his Pepsi and spills it all over himself while choking in shock as the girl runs away crying. Thunder Bolt looks over Sparky who's now all messy and covered in Pepsi.

Thunder Bolt: Man you're pathetic.

Amanda is extremely pissed off at what she just witnessed and leaves the room so she doesn't blow up.


Later on in the day Amanda meets up with Steve.

Amanda: Hey!

Steve: Hey baby, what's up?

Amanda: I'll tell you what's UP! I'm going to thump the shazam! out of that Thunder Bolt guy unless you do something!

Steve: What did he do? Did he fondle you?

Amanda: No! He's just a rude jackass!

Steve: Was he rude to you?

Amanda: He didn't do anything to me but I can't stand the way he treats his sidekick!

Steve: They're just joking around.

Amanda: Listen. You're going to want to talk to him before I talk to him. I'm going to punch him in the face.

Steve: Fine, let's go do this.


Steve and Amanda meet up with Thunder bolt in the main hallway.

Steve: Hey there.

Thunder Bolt: Hello!

Steve: Just wanted to talk to you about Sparky really quick.

Thunder Bolt: Oh?

Steve: Yeah, where is he anyway?

Thunder Bolt: He went out on a coffee run.

Suddenly Sparky enters the room with a coffee for Thunder Bolt and also a box of donuts.

Sparky: Here everyone, I bought enough donuts for everyone.

Amanda and Steve take a donut.

Amanda: Well thank you Sparky! You are very useful and awesome. (nudges Steve's arm)

Steve: Yes, that brings me to what I wanted to say earlier....

Sparky (to Thunder Bolt): I got you a donut as well!

Thunder Bolt: No thanks, I don't like that kind.

Sparky: You don't even know what kind it is....

Thunder Bolt: Here's the thing, my opinion of you is so low that I have no faith in you picking a good donut. I'm sure you picked a terrible donut and I want no part of it.

Sparky looks beyond hurt and Steve and Amanda are just shocked.

Sparky: the donut.

Thunder Bolt: No.

Sparky throws the box to the ground.

Sparky: That's it!!!!

Everyone including Thunder Bolt is shocked now.

Sparky: That was my last feeling! And you went and hurt it! You're a JACK-bottom!!!!

Thunder Bolt: *GASP*!!! ...what did you just say to me little man?

Sparky: You're eating this smurf donut!

Thunder Bolt: No I'm not and you can't make me!

Sparky: Yes I can!

Sparky grabs the donut and brings it over to Thunder Bolt and begins to shove it down his throat.

Thunder Bolt (while mumbling): OH CRAP!!!! THis *cough* DONUT IS HORRIBLE!! Just LIKE YOU!!

Sparky shoves Thunder Bolt and begins shaking his fists while hopping around.

Sparky: That's it!!! It's fisticuffs time!!

Thunder Bolt: You think you can take me on you little smurf?

Amanda: Kick his bottom Sparky!

Sparky: Oh I am going to kick his bottom! Hey Thunder Bolt! Get ready to board the pain train! And guess what? We're not making any stops today!

Thunder Bolt: You're the worst at trash talk! I'm going to barbecue you!

Thunder Bolt shoots a wave of high voltage lightening at Sparky and he ducks as the blast blows a hole in the wall.

Steve: shazam!!

Sparky: Hey, grow a penis and take off those devices I MADE and fight me like a man.

Thunder Bolt: Very well (removes his hand devices that produce lightening).

Sparky comes over and looks very vicious and attacks with his hand producing sparks.

Thunder Bolt: HEY!!! You didn't remove YOUR weapons!

Sparky: We're no longer on the playground, jabberwocky!!!

Sparky begins to unleash a flurry of irritating tiny sparks that slightly burn Thunder Bolt.

Thunder Bolt: You annoying chex!

Sparky begins to choke out Thunder Bolt:

Sparky (while choking) : I'm going to teach your Mother how to use the computer.... all night long!

Thunder Bolt: You don't even know my Mother!

Thunder Bolt punches at Sparky and pushes him and they separate.

Sparky: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Sparky charges full steam and pushes Thunder Bolt all the way up the stairs and they continue to exchange blows as Steve and Amanda follow and watch.

Thunder Bolt gets the upper hand and chokes Sparky while holding him over the banister leading to the first floor.

Thunder Bolt (while choking): I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to take a shazam!!

Sparky thumbs Thunder Bolt in the eye and he moves back.

Thunder Bolt: What kind of cheap shot....

Sparky punches Thunder Bolt in the mouth and he spits out some teeth and they begin to punch and kick at each other violently. The fight moves from room to room and up the next floor and up the next flight of stairs until they are on the top floor.

Thunder Bolt: Eat my smurf boot!

Thunder Bolt kicks Sparky into the locked room on the top floor and then tackles him and they fall into the beehive and it gets torn off and they land on it. Steve and Amanda follow them and look on from the hallway.




Sparky: I'M DyING!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Thunder Bolt: I'M SHITTING MY PANTS!!!!


Amanda and Steve are at the cemetery. We look down to see a large very nice tombstone for Thunder Bolt and a crappy really small wooden tombstone for Sparky.

Amanda: I can't believe they both died... so horribly.

Steve (drinking): I know... this sucks.

Amanda: Why is Sparky's tombstone so small and made of wood... and by the looks of it, not good wood either.

Steve: I don't know... it was in Thunder Bolt's will.

Amanda places some flowers down and they leave.


Show Dougette and The robot in a room full of multiple Phil holograms all having a party. All the Phil copies look very happy and Dougette and the robot look like zombies.

Phil #7: You guys are awesome!

Phil #9: Yeah! Let's keep this party going!

Re: Chapter 118 --> Thunder Bolt and Sparky

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:59 pm
by Wesley
It has been almost 7 months since I read an episode. I really liked this! I can't wait to read more now that I am unemployed for a little while.

And to be honest, I was hoping Sparky would kick TB's bottom and maybe become the new hero or something. Still funny, and self-contained.

Re: Chapter 118 --> Thunder Bolt and Sparky

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:30 pm
by Clarence
Surprised to see you in here again :)

Funny, just the other day I showed these stories to another forum.

At this point my writings are getting really large and convoluted lol

Thanks for the read.

I actually thought this was one of m better outings, the hero duo is so annoying and retarded here and they fail in an epic way at the end.