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Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:07 pm
by Peppy Hare
Chapter 21- The Final Stand

Kevin knew there was no turning back now, his planet was gone, the most he could do was spare the rest of the solar system the wrath of this crazed madman. Kevin and Destructo finally land on Mars, and infilatrate the castle. Destructo knew his goal was crystal clear, kill Ben by any means necessary. There were elite robots that were guarding the royal chamber that Ben was contained in, and he plowed through those robots like a football player tackling everyone on the opposing team but still going. The door opened, but it was not Ben who opened it, but rather R, who was 10 times as muscular now. Destructo said "Here", as he ripped off his power chip, and gave it to Kevin. "I can't follow you in there, I have to take care of this guy, just do your best and do everything you can to stop Ben", Destructo said.

Ben was sitting on a throne, glaring at Kevin as he walked in, with the only thing that would help him beat Ben, a power chip. Ben noticed that, and said with a smirk, "I see you have a power chip attached to you, and I just wanted to let you know that it will not help you in any way". Kevin had nothing to fight with but his fists as Ben pulled out two katanas from his armory. Kevin could do nothing but try and dodge Ben's slashes. His luck changed for a moment when Ben dropped one of his katanas, and Kevin grabbed it. This did not help for that long though, as Ben pried it from his hands, and threw Kevin to the ground, with his foot on his face. Ben just laughed and laughed at the situation, when suddenly an unknown force was building in Kevin's body.

Ben took notice of this force, and stopped laughing as the power chip attached to Kevin short circuted from all the power inside his body. Kevin slowly pushed Ben's foot off from him, as there was a yellow glow in his eyes now. Ben now knew he had underestimated his opponent, so he left all his guard down, as Kevin broke his arms and legs so he could not move at all, with which Ben did not make a sound of pain. Kevin then reached into Ben's rib cage, shattered all his rib bones, and grabbed his heart, to which he squeezed it to where it was literally raining blood all over the room. He then left to get Destructo, and blow the castle up so where there would be no remnants of it. Destructo was incredibly weak, but not dead, neither was R, but it did not matter. R grunted, as Kevin carried Destructo to the ship, and they flew away, watching, as the whole castle exploded, and wondering as to where they would go now, since they had no place to call home.....

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:07 pm
by Clarence
Chapter 22 - A World of Hate Heads Your Way

Kevin and Destructo continue on their voyage into the dark void of space, hoping to find an alien race... or a time machine to fix all that has been wronged. They suddenly see a strange alien craft approach their tiny Magma ship. "What is that???", asked Kevin. "It's a Chicken sandwich.", said Destructo sarcasticly. Kevin reached out and smacked Destructo so hard it ripped off most of the metal on his face. "I don't like this role reversal!", cried Destructo pathetically.

The Strange ship sent Kevin's ship a message, that read: "Prepare to be boarded, we are about to steal all your crap.". Destructo was shocked, he knew it was SPACE PIRATES. Kevin was ripping mad and set his small space ship to full speed, ramming through the pirate ship.

Once inside the ship he ripped all the alien pirates in half in a fit of rage. Decking the halls with blood, he didn't stop until they all were dead. Destructo was kinda panicking, "Kevin... I think you should give me the power chip back... it's changing you." Kavin look at him and broke his arm off. "If you open your mouth again, I'll destroy you!", said Kevin with a crazy look on his face. Destructo, still weak didn't dare try to challenge Kevin at this time, he would have to wait. Kevin took the pirate ship and laughed like a maniac screaming, "NOW TO FIND SOME ACTION!!!"

Meanwhile on the Planet X, Grandfather Doom, ruler of Planet X, moruns the loss of his son and Grandson, and feels incomplete as the Earth, and Ben have already been destroyed.... he has nobody to extract revenge on. Grandfather Doom talks to his Hologram Cyclops about his feelings while eating some Chicken Noodle Soup. The Cyclops uses his Uni-vision to invade space and discovers something....

The Cyclops spoke: "Doom... I have scanned the Universe... and I have found the location of one surviving Human you can torture until your broken heart is fixed.... his name is..... KEVIN"

Grandfather Doom urinated all over himself in joy and went to a control panel. He activated some buttons and soon the entire planet started moving toward Kevin's new Space Pirate ship.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:08 pm
by Wolfe1
Chapter 23 - Kevin gets extremely mad

Meanwhile, Kevin and Destructo were still in the "SPACE PIRATE" ship that Kevin smashed into. However, when Destructo went to start the ship up, he found that it had broke when there ship hit it. This made Kevin to get extremely mad. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, THE SHIP WON'T WORK!?!?" yelled Kevin. He then pulled of Destructo's remaining arm and one of his legs off. "It broke when our ship hit it," Destructo said. Kevin, now even madder, ripped off Destructo's other leg. Now, with most of the metal that used to be on his face no longer no longer there, and with no legs or arms, Destructo urgently needed Kevin to give him the chip back.

While this was happening, Grandfather Doom was still coming toward Kevin. However, he was having a bit of trouble getting to him. "Why is it taking so long?" he asked. "Doom," the Cyclops said, "it appears we've had a short in the navigational system and have ceased to have coordinates on Kevin," he said. "What's that mean?!?" asked Grandfather Doom, confused by all the long and confusing words, as he had dropped out of English in school. "It means we can't find Kevin", the Cyclops said.

Back in the Pirate Space ship, Kevin was getting madder and madder. "We can take the old ship," said Destructo. NO, WE WILL NOT TAKE THAT SHIP!!!!!!!!!, yelled Kevin, madder than ever. Kevin went to rip of something else off of Destructo, but realized that there wasn't much left to rip off, so he kicked him halfway across the ship. This partially damaged what was left of Destructo, now practically a pile of junk thanks to Kevin. Kevin was getting more and more power from the chip, and not using it well. In fact, at that moment, Kevin was so made that he ripped up the entire ship in 20 seconds flat. However, that wasn't such a good idea, because Kevin was now in the vacuum of space. This was no problem for what was left of Destructo, but it was for Kevin, because Kevin new that he would die if he didn't get some air in a few minutes, which only made him even madder.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:08 pm
by Clarence
Chapter 24 - The Return of Miasma

On Planet X, Grandfather Doom is very upset that his Cyclops Hologram just "lost" the location of Kevin. "Find him Damn it!", yelled Doom in a very angry old man voice. Suddenly just then the power went out on the whole planet and screams could be heard all over, the the lights came back on and there was silence. "What the hell just happened?", asked Doom. "Sir.... everyone on Planet X just died!", said the hologram in shock. "How is this possible???", asked Doom, freaking out and clutching his pace maker. "Wait.... this is strange, everyone is getting up... but they're still dead!", said the cyclops in disbelief.

Suddenly there was loud pounding on the door and a bunch of zombies broke in, and what appeared to be the head zombie spoke. "I am Miasma, and I am taking over your planet!", said the huge lead zombie. "Who the hell are you?", asked Grandfather Doom. "I am Miasma, ruler of the underworld of Earth, and collector of Damned souls!", explained the new Miasma. "But... Earth is destroyed...", said Grandfather Doom. "Exactly, well all these evil souls had to go some wheres, so we're possessing your planet!", said Miasma.

"you won't get away with this!", yelled Grandfather Doom. Miasma kicked him into the wall killing him instantly. Doom then rose back up now possessed by one of Miasma's evil spirits. "Now to move this mobile planet to Kevin and Destructo's location.... and get my revenge!", said Miasma. "You know where he is?", asked the hologram cyclops. "Of course, I am Miasma, the essence of pure evil, I know ALL!", said Miasma in an evil voice. The entire planet X, filled with trillions of zombies all under Miasma's control, then began to move to Kevin and Destructo's location at warp 14 speed.

MEANWHILE in the wreckage, Kevin was quickly running out of air. He caught a glance of a space pod that was in the debris, and moved to it, getting inside and taking great big breaths to get his oxygen back. However, still not in his right frame of mind from the power chip, he decided to blast off and look for more things to destroy, leaving Destructo behind...

Destructo, still badly damaged felt his internal power source leaking, and knew he could be dying, and with his last robotic equivalent to a breath, he cried "Kevin..... come back....."

*Play really sad music here

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:08 pm
by Peppy Hare
Chapter 25- The Dark Side... because they have cookies

Kevin blasted away from the wreckage, leaving Destructo behind. Meanwhile Planet X was moving towards the debris. Miasma scoped out the area, only to find Kevin gone, but Destructo just laying there. He jumped off from the planet, and landed right next to what was left of Destructo. He then prepared to give another long winded speech about unity.

Destructo looked up and said "Who are you?" "You don't remember me killing the MARS infiltrators, or providing you with a magma ship?" said Miasma. "Miasma, it's you... you've come to save me?" asked Destructo. "Yes, but not just to save you in general, to save you from a certain someone instead." replied Miasma.
"But who"?
"Well, you saw him betray you right in front of your eyes, you should know", replied Miasma. Destructo knew what he was talking about, and at this point he did favor the idea. "Perhaps once this is all over, we could become a duo, you and me?" suggested Miasma. "I don't think Kevin would like me doing this, but he abandoned me, so what the hell", said Destructo. Miasma then said, happily, "Would you like your cookies now or later?"

Meanwhile Kevin was yet again floating into the nothingness of space. He was bored of this after about an hour or so, and resorted to biting his own skin for amusement. He was in his concentrated mode again when he realized an an asteroid was on a collision course with him! Kevin just noticed that the ship had a steering wheel, so he quickly dodged the asteroid. Slowly he started to sink back into monotony.

Kevin started to take a nap inside the pod, but when he woke up he noticed he was near a planetlike object. Upon closer inspection, he saw that this was no planet. There was a window in the ship, and Kevin saw that he was being watched by spherical like creatures. They all had a hole in the center, while one which seemed to be the leader had horns protruding from his head, and a red star on his forehead, with scars all over him, and someone seemed to have painted the words "Star Of Doom" on the ship. Regardless, he boarded the ship.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:09 pm
by Wolfe1
Chapter 26 - Alien beings

His pod was lowered into the ship, seemingly by a beam. When inside, the pod instantly broke, and Kevin found himself face to face with about 12 alien creatures, including the leader, who stepped forward and said "We have been expecting you!" At least, Kevin thought he did, as his lips did not move. Kevin heard it in his mind, like the leader was sending the words straight into his mind. Kevin was confused and slightly angry. When he tried to talked, he found that no sound came out. "That's weird," though Kevin, who was then surprised that what he thought was said out loud. Kevin then realised that in the ship, thoughts were like words and words were like thoughts. Responding to the leader's comment about expecting him, he said/thought "how could you be expecting me when I don't even know who the heck you are?!" Kevin then went to rip up the beings, but found that he couldn't. His hands went right through them. Kevin was very freaked out by what seemed to be different laws of physics in the ship. The leader looked straight at him, and suddenly Kevin felt weaker and weaker.

Kevin then woke up in a cage. He didn't remember falling asleep, though. It was a tiny cage, and not something you would like to be trapped in. In front of him, there was what seemed to be some sort of food on what looked like a plate. When he took a bite, he had to spit it out, as it was the worst thing he had ever tasted. He needed some water really badly to get rid of the taste. He found a bottle of what seemed to be water in the corner of the cage, but when he drank some, he quickly found out that it wasn't anything close to water. It tasted like Gasoline with a hint of vinegar, which got rid of the taste, but left a possibly worst taste. One of the beings then approached the cage and took him out. Kevin has happy about this, but then the creature took him to a large room. The room had all this technology in it. The leader was in the middle of it. Kevin quickly felt weaker and weaker, and woke up tied to a table, with what seemed like a laser about to be fired at him.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:10 pm
by Clarence
Chapter 27 - Attack of the Planet of Zombies

The entire Planet X approaches the Star of Doom, what appears to be a huge metal replica of "The Death Star", as seen on Star Wars. On the Planet X, now filled wit trillions of zombies under Miasma's control, Miasma gets ready to attack. Misama is in Grandfather Doom's old control tower, talking to a newly rebuilt Destructo. "Kevin is in that huge metal structure", said Miasma. "How can we get him out of there?", asked Destructo. "Don't worry, my zombie army will take care of that", explained Misama.

Just then, millions of zombies jumped from the planet X and latched on to the Star of Doom. They started ripping apart the space station, leaving metal floating every wheres. Alarms went off inside the space station and all the spherical aliens went to their battle stations. This left Kevin chained to a table with the laser still moving towards him. The laser cut into kevin's body, causing blood to spurt out everywhere. Kevin got so mad it activated the power chip in the back of his neck again, and he broke free from his shackles, now more pissed off and powerful then ever.

Kevin ran through the space ship screaming as the zombies slowly kept pouring in. Every zombie that approached him got torn to pieces. The spherical aliens, now in a panic tried to leave the ship, but they were out of escape pods. Suddenly the power went out leaving Kevin in the dark, now really pissed off! Zombies were still ripping apart the ship as Kevin made his way to the control center.

"Who ever is attacking me better watch out!" yelled Kevin through the mega speaker system. Kevin took control of the ship and seen a button that read "MEGA DEATH RAY" and pressed it. Just then the Star Of Doom shot a huge laser at the planet X. Millions of more zombies jumped off the planet created a huge meat shield, and blocked the laser fire causing a huge explosion between the planet X and the star of doom.

Finally the Star of Doom, after suffering so much damage, ran out of power, and all lights and weapons shut down. Kevin was alone in the dark surrounded by the many zombies he's killed. Kevin didn't know what to do as he was seemingly stranded on a ship that was starting to collapse into itself.

"Looks like Kevin is completely screwed", said Miasma with a smile on his face. "Send another wave of zombies, to bust in and finish him off!", said Misama with excitement on his face. Billions of zombies jumped on, and swarmed the nearly destroyed star of doom, in what looked like a swarm of bees, as Destructo and Miasma looked on from the planet X.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:10 pm
by Peppy Hare
Chapter 28- Triple-Cross

Kevin and the captain of the ship could not fend off the zombies, and were soon overwhelmed. Miasma decided against killing them however, and told the aliens to bring them to him instead. While the zombies were bringing them to Miasma, Kevin whispered to the leader, "Hey, I never caught your name". He replied "Oh, it's Dr.Disc". Kevin then said "Do you say it like derrr disc, or doctor disc?", to which Dr. Disc sighed. The zombies got to Miasma, and set the two down.

Miasma walked down to examine them. He first looked at Dr. Disc, and decided his fate. "This one is of no use to me, put him in the holding cell until I have something for him to do", said Miasma. The zombies took him away to a room so dark that it was impossible to see in even from where they were standing. He then went over to Kevin, with a grin on his face. Destructo looked on where he was standing, not showing any emotion on his face.

Miasma said to Kevin "So you really thought you and him could stop me"? He continued "I can't wait to wipe all of that arrogance off your bod-". Kevin interrupted, saying "Don't even think of under-estimating me". "And what if I do"? "You couldn't destroy me even if you tried" said Kevin. "Oh, I'm not going to destroy you, he is!" said Miasma, pointing to Destructo.

Destructo had a lot more armor on, even more powerful than what he had before. He slowly descended the rocky slope, still showing no emotion. He aimed his guns at Kevin, and he uttered quietly "Time to die...". Suddenly, Destructo turned right around, aimed them at Miasma, and fired. "How dare you, you insolent piece of garbage!", Miasma said to Destructo. Kevin, now with a grin on his face said "You really thought we were separable"?

Suddenly, Kevin remembered all about Dr. Disc and how he was in the holding cell. "Oh shazam!, I have to go rescue that disc guy!", exclaimed Kevin. Destructo said "Go and save him, with this new armor Miasma fitted for me I should be more than able to take him on". Kevin then dashed to the holding cells as fast as he could.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:11 pm
by Jonny Boy
Chapter 29 - The More Things Change

Destructo began firing his weapons around and ripping the zombies up like a hot knife through butter. Miasma shook his head in disappointment before sighing and pulling out a remote control. He upgraded destructo, and he somewhat expected him to be a backstabber so he built in a fail safe that would allow him to not have to fight Destructo at full power. He pointed the remote forward and pressed a button just as Destructo's weapons came towards Miasma. Destructo's eyes dulled down, the weapons stopped firing, and his arms dropped towards the ground. After a moment there were several loud clicking sounds and all of Destructo's armor and weapons fell off of his metal frame, leaving a small metallic skeleton.

Kevin on the other hand was easily accomplishing what he set out to do and with a couple well placed kicks and a jabberwocky slap that would make any good pimp proud, he made his way to the cell where Dr. Disc was being held. There was a lever to the right to open up the cell so he pulled it and with a clank the cell unlocked. Kevin grabbed the bars to the cell and pulled it open.

"Dr. Disc, run outside and get us a ship out of here... NOW!", Kevin shouted loudly and quickly as he turned and ran back inside.

Kevin didn't wait for Dr. Disc to acknowlege him, he just ran back towards Destructo who was now defenceless and being laughed at by Miasma. Kevin ran up and grabbed a rocket launcher that was laying on the ground next to Destructo, raised it up and fired at Miasma.

"Come on old friend, we're getting out of here." He said as he scooped up his inactive friend in his arms and began running towards the opposite end of the room where the main enterance was.

They made it out the door just in time to see a space ship landed right in front of them, a door quickly opening and Dr. Disc in the doorway waving. Kevin didn't take any second thoughts and ran up the ramp and into the big green ship. Dr. Disc immediately went back to the bridge of the ship and took off qickly as Kevin took his friend to the labratory of the ship to be repaired.
"I'll repair your friend if you pilot the ship." Said Dr. Disc as he left the ship on autopilot and joined Kevin the Lab.

"You can do that kind of stuff?" Asked kevin inquisitivly.

"I am a doctor after all. Not like Dr. Phil and Dr. Pepper, I actually went to school for my title." Said Dr. Disc as he shook his head from side to side.

"Yeah well don't kill my friend or I'll kill you." Said Kevin as he left the lab to go to the bridge of the ship and find somewhere to go in this universe.

It was quiet for weeks and kevin was locked out of the lab, what kind of diabolic plans and devices were being created and implemented into his friend? Was his programming being changed? Would he still be the old destructo that he knew? Finally one evening when Kevin was making his rounds he found the lab was unlocked so he let himself in and looked around. It was a strage site, completely different than what he remembered, lot of little blinking lights everywhere and a strange smoke that covered the lab so that it was almost impossible to see.

From out of the smoke walked Dr. Disc with all of his fingers taped up. "Welcome. Introducing your new and improved friend!"

Most of the smoke all seemed to clear and once and there stood the most incredible and odd sight ever beheld by Kevin. It was an incredibly beautiful woman with long blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and long legs. She was wearing black leather boots, a short black leather skirt, fishnet stockings, a black leather halter top, and in each hand a massive machine gun.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:11 pm
by Clarence
Chapter 30 - Veronica

Kevin looked at this beautiful woman, his mouth wide open and completely in shock. "What the hell did you do to Destructo!?", asked Kevin, his power chip activating again. "Let me explain", said Doctor Disk frantically. Kevin got so mad his power chip in the back of his neck exploded, leaving him quivering in a puddle of his own blood.

Destructo walked in the room as well. "What happened here", Destructo asked. "I made this hot woman clone from some of Kevin's shoulder skin, and I guess he freaked out.", explained the doctor. "Her name is Veronica, and I figured she could help Kevin cope with being the last human, and so on...", said the Doctor. "You should.... probably fix Kevin now", said Destructo as he looked over this new Veronica character.

Doctor Disc worked feverishly to fix Kevin, it took him longer then he thought. Finally after a few weeks Kevin was back to normal, with a clean bill of health. However, Kevin lost his power chip, making him just a regular human now.

Kevin, Veronica, Dr. Disc, and a newly rebuilt Destructo all sat down to dinner to get to know each other better. They had an awesome feast of delicacies from many planets. Kevin couldn't stop gazing at Veronica's hot and sexy body the whole time. Kevin kept talking to her and hitting on her during the meal. Destructo was getting kinda jealous of the whole thing. Dr. Disc left to go to the bathroom as his species has very weak bladders. "I have to go to the bathroom too!", said Veronica, and she followed.

Kevin and Destructo were now alone at the table. "I think I'm going to ask her to marry me", said Kevin. Destructo was not pleased at all over this.

Dr. Disc was urinating out of his nose, as that's how his species does it, alone in the bathroom. Veronica then crept up on him and beat him with a metal pipe. She beat him until was completely killed, and dragged his body into the cargo deck. She then opened the bay doors and Dr. Disc's dead body was sucked out into space. She watched Dr. Disc just float away with a very evil grin on her face, while she wrote his fake suicide note. It turns out when Dr. Disc was showing her videos of how to interact with people as a child, he accidentally switched DVD's, and she had been watching movies about how to kill people efficiently and effectively and get away with it. She was raised on this information while in the maturation chamber, and it was all she knew, making her the most lethal and stealth killer in all of history.

Kevin and Destructo were playing Parcheesi and catching up, without any clue that a complete psycho-jabberwocky was waiting to kill them both.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:11 pm
by Dowster
Chapter 31 - Saved by the Mall

Kevin and Destructo were so engrossed in their game that Veronica had no trouble sneaking up behind them. She could feel the excitement building up inside as she debated the possbile methods to employ in the destruction of her latest targets. Visions of their deaths swiming around her mind like a twisted cartoon she visualised the most painful and glorious death she could imagine. However at the exact moment that she had decided on her trusty photon laser chainsaw, the craft flew past a large intergalactic mall. Unable to ignore the flashing lights of the large neon sign plastered across the front of the building Veronica shifted her gaze towards the window. In brilliant glory shining like multicoulred diamonds in the dark were the words "massive shoe sale" "50% off jabberwocky boots". Completely unable to resist this temptation Veronica crashed through the window and landed rather elegantly on the roof of the huge structure. What the smurf just happened there exclaimed Kevin. You just knocked my piece of the board you friggin cheater replied Destructo. But the words never reached Kevins ears. So concerned was he with the loss of his prospective bride he immediately jumped through the window after her. Oh crap said destructo to himself... here we go again.

Not being quite so graceful as his female counterpart Kevin crashed through the glass roof, and bellyflopped into a large ornamental fountain. The resulting splash covered several fatties from the planet of obese who were hurredly stuffing cheeseburgers in the 5 orifaces that were spread about their bodies. Enraged by this interruption to their meal the fatties immediately gave chase to Kevin. Fortunately for him being fattys they could only waddle along at about 2 mph. So Kevin completely unware of their intentions climbed out of the fountain and set of in search of his beloved. a few seconds later - just as the fattys were shuffling past the fountain, Destructo came crashing down on top of them. Luckely for him this was quite a soft landing leaving him totally undamaged. It was however not so fortunate for the fattys. They were so fat that they were unable to get themselves up off the ground and were just left struggling like unpturned turtles screaming profanities at the top of their voices.

At this point Kevin having no idea where to begin the search for Veronica decided to go to the security suite and check the surveillance footage. He hurried up the stairs and found the door the the office. If he weren't in such a hurry he may have been put off by the ominous air that seemed to be eminating from behind the door. But he was so keen to get laid that he never gave it a second thought. He burst through the door and to his horror he found a familiar form sitting in the chair behind all the screens. Hello Kevin said Miasma. Oh crap said Kevin what are you doing here?. Oh just trying to rebuild my army. I saw this film once were a bunch of people were hiding from Zombies in a shopping mall so im just waiting for the zombies to turn up. The security guards made a nice meal, But I think now im just about ready for some dessert..

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:17 pm
by Wesley
Chapter 32: A faulty Premise

"Do you mean Dawn of the Dead?" asked Kevin.
"I loved that movie!" said Destructo.
"But in the movie, there were already millions of zombies all over Earth.... hey, there is no more Earth!" said Kevin.
"Ha, your plan sucks, Miasma."
"Shut up, you traitorous traitor!" Miasma screamed at Destructo. "My plan is infallible..."
"Wait a minute..." interrupted Kevin. "You based your whole plan to seek revenge on us, then continue to rule the universe, on a George Romero movie? I mean, sure, it is a good movie... but in the end everything is screwed up and the zombies eat the biker gang and take over... oh, I see! Not a bad idea after all! But since Earth was destroyed, where are you going to get your zombies?"
"Hmph, wonderful plan, you Evil Genius, you."
"Dammit, Destructo! I've heard about enough from you..."
At this point Miasma lunged toward Destructo. Kevin tipped over a filing cabinet and Miasma ran into it with his face.
"Why do you morons insist on delaying my inevitable revenge?"
Kevin replied,"The person to fear the most is the person with the least to lose. All I have in the universe is Destructo, and he has already ripped my face off twice!"
Destructo interjected,"Hey man, at least one of those times was an accident..."
"So anyway," continued Kevin,"...I've got no planet, no home, nothing really. Do your worst." Kevin flicked a booger at Miasma.
"Waraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Miasma started to go Supernova with Dark Energy as he prepared to finish them both off.
"Hold on there one second." said Desctructo, one robot finger held up in the air. Miasma stopped, stupified. "Kevin, I tore the fabric of time and space for you. To say that our friendship is nothing is a little... inconsiderate."
Kevin said,"Dude, I was trying to psyche him out..."
"Oh, I see. Then let's rock and roll!"

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:18 pm
by Dowster
Chapter 33 - Above All Else

An epic battle quickly ensued. Kevin being only a normal human again did his best to keep out of the way while Destructo and Miasma went head to head. First the office was destroyed and then half of the mall obliterated by a large sonic blast from Destructo. Kevin managed to take refuge behind the fatties who were still rolling around on the floor but Miasma actually managed to deflect it back onto his attacker with a massive shield of dark energy. The hit enraged the Robot but suddenly he found himself unable to move, he could feel some kind of pressure building up inside but had lost all control of his body. Just as Miasama was about to move in for the kill Destructo erupted and a huge hole was once again torn in space. Miasma was immediately sucked off... (into the hole) and Kevin and Destructo tried to grab hold of anything they could to avoid the same fate, but it was to no avail. Within seconds they had been pulled through the hole and dumped onto a strange looking beach. There was nothing in sight apart from a large stone gateway which on closer inspection turned out to be the entrance to a portal. They stood for a few moments unable to decide if they should step through, there was no way of knowing where this portal would lead or what horrors could await them. But neither had much to lose at this point so Kevin took a deep breath, they counted to three.. and stepped through.

It seemed as if nothing had happened but their surroundings had definately changed. They were standing on a perfecly flat level plain of gleaming white sand that seemed to go on indefinately in every direction around them, and a quick glance upwards revealed nothing but blackness. Not the usual black of a night sky broken by stars and the occasional change in tone, but a pure monotone black that almost had the appearence of a ceiling that could be reached out to and touched. After surveying their surroundings and with no target found to influence their decision they had no choice but to pick a direction and move. In order to speed things up Destructo picked up Kevin in his arms and engaged his hyperspeed driving mode. It bothered Kevin slightly how much he enjoyed not only the ride but the feeling of being carryed like some kind of oversized baby. He decided however it was best not to mention anything to his friend. It occured to them as they were travelling that there was no apparent source of light in this creepy place, it just kind of surrounded them as if it were the air itself. But their curiosity soon turned to worry, which then turned to fear, and eventually panic. After days of travelling at hyperspeed they had not seen so much as a rock on the ground or a spot on the horizon. It was starting to seem as if they would be trapped in this infinate desert forever. At some stage between desparate panic and complete abject despair Destructo spotted a small dot in the distance. At the speed they were travelling he did not have much time to wonder if his circuits were playing tricks on him before it became clear that it was a large stone built farmhouse. Within moments they were on the doorstep and filled with the little spark of hope that had been absent for days Kevin grabbed the huge knockers (on the door) and knocked three times. The resulting sound was a loud reverberating boom boom boom and before Kevin's ears had even stopped ringing the door was opened inwards to reveal a rather small elderly looking man. Hello said the old gent in a language that neither had ever heard before but strangley both understood. Hello replied Kevin shocked that he was able to reply in the same alien tounge, where are we?. My house replied the old man. And who are you? enquired Destructo a little impatient after the long jounry. Hmm I am the keeper of the remote. The pair looked dumbly at each other. Well said the keeper, are you just going to stand there or are you going to come in?.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:18 pm
by Dowster
Double post authorized by Clarence

Chapter 34 - A Remote Location

With little idea of what to expect Kevin and Destructo followed the old man down a narrow hallway and into a large room with a rather luxurious sofa parked in front of a huge TV set. The set itself was hooked up to some kind of weird steam powered looking device. So said the old man I suppose you will be wanting to go home. Well Kevin answered I don't exactly have a home, but I sure would like to get out of this place. The keepers lips formed a wry smile... hmm yes they always do. So where are you from originally?. Kevin thought for a moment unsure of how specific to be about his address, Umm from Earth. Earth eh that a planet sonny? which universe is it in?. Kevin was now somewhat confused...which universe? uhhh THE universe. The old man rolled his eyes, they always think that their universe is THE universe, ok how about this.. what did your people call your galaxy?. The Milky Way snapped Destructo his level of impatience rising even further. Hmm I see, the keeper grabbed what appeared to be a large remote control and after pressing a few buttons a menu appeared on the TV screen. Universe 124 was selected from the menu and after several further selections a familiar looking galaxy appeared on the screen. The keeper turned to Kevin... seems like you have a problem sonny, Earth ain't there anymore. Yeah I know that I did try to tell you before that I had no home. After a short silence the old man passed the remote to Kevin, think of the last place you remember being on Earth he said. Ok replied Kevin thinking back to that fateful day in the mall. You remember the date?. Uh huh I think so Kevin nodded. Ok then just press rewind. He looked down at the device now in his hand confused by the myriad of buttons each bearing a different alien symobol. Oh for smurf sake shouted Destructo as he reached over and pressed the << button, jeez Kevin you really can be a dumbass sometimes. Suddenly the picture on the screen changed, the earth was back in it's place and looking completely undamaged. Well sonny what are you waiting for.. press zoom. Slightly embarrsed by what had happened before Kevin reached out for the zoom button. The picture on the screen rushed towards the planet, then Kevin and Destructo's home country, their home town and eventually the very spot in the mall where they had been standing. They were both still a little confused by this whole experience, That's strange said Destrcuto.. we aren't there. The keeper narrowed his eyes and looked at them dissaprovingly, of course you're not there you pair of fools, you're here. Now I`ll ask again do you want to go home?. Suddenly the penny dropped and a feeling of relief and joy washed over them like a tidal wave. Of course we do replied kevin. Good said the old man, but first I need you to do something for me. What would that be? asked Destructo. The keeper smiled well it's been rather lonely here since my wife left me and that was over 200,000 years ago, so until you can find someone to keep me company you guys aren`t going anywhere...

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:19 pm
by Jonny Boy
Chapter 35 - Manslaughter isn't the same as men laughing

"Hey, I know! There's this psyco jabberwocky woman clone of Kevin out there somewhere. Since she was born from a part of him, she belongs to him and he can give her to you!" Said destructo, showing no emotion as if he was a robot.

"No I was going to marry her!" Exclaimed Kevin using overly large arm motions.

"Doneand thank you." Smiled the old guy whos curled up lips were wrinkled and black like rasins that had been left out too long and had dehydrated.

He grabbed the remote and pressed a long series of buttons and there on the tv was Veronica and she was drifting alone in a raft on some yellow water that looked yellow and there was a big blue sun against a brown sky. She then disappeared and reappeared in the room wearing a white wedding dress.

"What the hell is this?" Veronica exclaimed loudly, looking around and then looking down at herself.

"If you marry this guy he'll give you a billion dollars and any weapon you want." Exclaimed destructo as he reached over and covered Kevin's mouth so he couldn't say anything more than muffled screams.

"Sure!" She said in a high pitched tone, not knowing all that was really going on.

Destructo then dragged kevin over to the remote and pointed it back to the tv and started playing with the buttons.

"We'd like to stay but I have work in the morning." Said Destructo, trying to sound polite.

Just then a bright white light envelops Destructo and Kevin, growing very brightly before emitting a blinding flash of light. When Destructo and Kevin were able to see again, they couldn't believe their eyes. It looked a lot like earth but what the hell was with all of the odd looking houses, the strange clothes, and the horses.

"Oh shazam! we went back in time!" Kevin shouted out as he rested against Destructo.

"Space too." Destructo correctly pointed out.28

Just then there was another flash of light and there were a bunch of men dressed like cops from some really bad sci fi movie standing there and pointing really old guns at them.

"Time police, you are under arrest for violating the temporal chastity of the time April 14, 1865." Said the one in the center of the group of five.

Destructo being a machine of war and destruction lifted up his arm cannons in an attempt to fight for his freedom while Kevin ducked for cover but before he could get his arms into proper position, the five all managed to fire their weapons and hit destructo in the head. Their shots were all super intense lasers and Destructo went down like a tonne of bricks but one single bullet managed to fire. It missed all of the police and went through a building, past a man with a gun, and hit a very important man wearing a top hat and sporting a very nice beard, who was in a theater just trying to be entertained. Luckily though, all of the people thought that the actor John was the one who killed the great leader.

"Son of a jabberwocky!" The middle police man yelled out as he turned around and put his hand on his head.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:19 pm
by Clarence
Chapter 36 - Time's Up.

Kevin kneeled down by Destructo's damaged robot body, crying and confused. "Destructo, are you ok???", said Kevin in desperation. But Destructo was not ok, he was dying, and covered in motor oil, as he was bleeding from the head. "Kevin.... I'm not going to make it buddy..... run.... run while you still can...", said Destructo in his dying breath. "I won't leave you here to die!", yelled Kevin. Destructo explained that there was no saving him now, and they said their final farewells. Destructo's mouth opened as he shut down and a memory chip ejected out of his mouth. Kevin grabbed the memory chip and ran like hell.

The Time Police quickly followed Kevin and an epic chase began. Kevin ran and ran, still confused as to what's going on right now. The Time cops kept firing their time disruptors at Kevin as he kept narrowly dodging the blasts. Kevin's luck finally ran out when one of the time disruptors got him in the arm, and completely erased it off his body. Kevin jumped into a old western tavern and hid under a table as card games were being played.

This was an old tavern filled with drunken gamblers unaware the Time Police were surrounding the building. Kevin sat under the table where a game of 21 was being played and knew he was about to be caught. Kevin held Destructo's memory chip in his one remaining arm and thought what to do next. Kevin decided that if the Time Police found this they would take it. Kevin did the only thing he thought was plausible and hid Destructo's memory chip deep into his own bottom. Kevin successfully stuck the memory chip deep into his anal cavity and screamed in pain as he did this.

Just then the Time Cops busted in with some kind of smoke machine that filled the tavern with smoke. Suddenly everyone turned blue including Kevin as time has somehow been frozen for everyone in the room. The Time Police could move freely while everyone was in this frozen state and they apprehended Kevin and took him away. Shortly the smoke cleared and everything returned to normal, nobody ever remembering what had happened. The Time police vaporized Destructo's body and left the year 1865.

Kevin woke up in a dark, dark room. He couldn't see ANYTHING. He felt much older and with his one arm felt his face, it had a thick, full beard now, and he had long hippy hair. His toenales, and fingernails were very long. Kevin felt inside his bottom with his long thumb nail to make sure Destructo's memory chip was still there, and it was. Kevin had no idea what to expect now.

Just then a bright light came on and blinded Kevin, it was the brightest light he had ever seen. Kevin tried to stand, but it appeared he had not used his body in MONTHS, and he was in a state of atrophy. Suddenly two of these Time cops carried him off into a large open room. They placed him against a wall, and suddenly energy shackles activated, locking him in place. Kevin was compleyely immobilized and heard a loud voice.

The voice said "Kevin, you are hereby to be deleted from all of reality as you violated the very laws of time and space, time travel is ILLEGAL"

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:20 pm
by Jonny Boy
Chapter 37: Yes Mr. President

The jury that had condemmed Kevin to temoral deletion were mostly comprised of old people who loved to see people die and / or never exist and everyone knew it. Just as they were about to delete Kevin, there was a loud crashing sound and a short man in strange robes walked up to Kevin. From the little bit that Kevin could see of the man, he looked extremely familliar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"You can't delete this boy! He's the only reason that we all still exist. This is the Kevin that saved the earth from the aliens and magma people back in ye old two thousand and eight. If you delete him, then you delete yourselves and everyone you love. As President of the Future, I declare this boy to be free from deletion at this time." Was said by the man as he motioned to a couple of the time cops.

Two time cops came over and grabbed kevin under the arms and dragged him out of the room, through a metal building, outdoors into the bright sun of a warm afternoon day, and then into the back of a car where he passed out.

Kevin regained consciousness again but this time things were very different, he couldn't see at all and he couldn't move, it wasn't like he was paralyzed. He thought he was going to panic but after a moment of silently freaking out, there was nothing more that he could do and calmed down. He figured that he would have to spend the rest of his life like this, just his thoughts in a sea of blackness, no sight, no sound, nothing..... not nothing.... What is that? Was his mind playing tricks on him or was his vision starting to come back? It was he could see up into a bright light! There was no pain from the light though, like he was viewing it through a camera. He was laying on a table from what he could see and just as he started becoming aware of his surroundings, the table started to move. The back lifted up and the feet came down until he was sitting instead of laying down. He could see several people in white coats running around busy like, checking some fancy looking future computers. He felt completely numb but at least he could see people again, and he could swear that his hearing was starting to come back as well. He wanted to scream at them and ask for help but he still couldn't move or make a sound but from his returning hearing, it sounded like they were all talking about him and how they could get him up and walking soon.

After an hour, he was sure that he was able to see, hear, and smell again but his sences were super sharp. He recognised a newcomer in the room, he was the man that had saved him from the jury earlier today. The face though was extremely familliar, he almost looked like Tiger Woods!

"Hello Kevin. I know this is very strange but we're trying to undelete your arm and rebuild the muscles in your body that you lost while you were in jail. I hope you don't mind but we put you in another body for the time being, also we found the memory chip of your friend in your rectum and rebuilt him a body as well. Before I let you go free I want you to do me a favor, if you decide to do it we'll give you your body back in better than normal condition. If you don't want to do it, you'll recieve your body back just as you left it. Also a lot of people panic when they are trying to use these bodies for the first time, you need to stay completely calm. Do you understand?" Said the President of the Future who looked like Tiger Woods.

Kevin found that he now had some mobility in his head so he nodded and then felt very energetic through his whole body. He lept up off of the table chair thing and stretched. It was good to be free and to walk around and soon he would have his own body back. Ken started walking around and realized that something wasn't quite right. He looked down at himself and there seemed to be a whole lot of technology there where his body should be.

"shazam! you turned me into a robot!" Kevin screamed out but tried not to panic like he had promised.

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:20 pm
by Dowster
Chapter 38 - The Reunion.

After getting over the initial shock Kevin was actually quite happy with his new robot body. He walked over to the now re-built Destructo and gave him a friendly pat on the back, which promplty sent him skidding across the room. Awesome! exclaimed Kevin, I always wanted to be able to do that. Destructo got up and walked over to his friend, he knew that his new body was equally if not even more powerful than Kevin's. But after all the times he had done exactly the same thing he found it only fair to let Kevin have this one.

So said the Future president, when you have finished playing would you like me to tell you what we need. Kevin wiped the big dumb grin off his face as he remembered that there was serious business to attend to. Sure he replied, what do you need?. Ok said the president im gonna try and explain this to you as simply as I can but it is a little complicated so please try to keep up. Kevin and Destructo both nodded and showed off their most serious expressions.

So here's the thing, the device that you are already aware of - the one that controls all existance - is not being operated properly. After you rewound and the keeper tried to send you back, he should have been controlling things from his side. But ever since he got a new wife he's been desparately trying to get laid and now spends most of his time chasing her around the desert. So as there was no one in control it kept on going back and rewound too far before you were put back in....Are you with me so far?. Kevin and destructo both nodded. Good so what happended then was he noticed something had gone wrong and hit fast forward, but immediately went back to chasing poonani. So this time it went too far in that direction causing the universe to skip to now...4585AD. However the small pocket of the 1800's you were contained in was isolated and got brought forward with you into our time. It was actually dumped on top of what used to be a Mcdonalds World theme park.. but no one gives a (sheep) about that. So that brings us up to date and now on to what I want you to do.

Kevin and Destructo had both stopped listening some time ago and were now playing eye-spy. Noticing that the President had stopped speaking and was glaring at them rather angrily Kevin quickly muttered Umm yes right...please continue. The president was rather doubtful that they understood all he had said but there was no way he was going through it again so he continued. It's Robot by the way... he sighed. Destructo looked a little puzzled... pardon?, something beggining with R said the Tiger Woods lookalike, it's robot, now please listen. The pair were a little embarrased and keen to impress they gave their full attention to what he had to say next. So this is what we need from you. Our researchers have found out that the keeper has an employer, and the device used to contact this boss type figure, is in a castle a little further down the same beach the portal resides on. Now we have the ability to tear space and send you through to the beach, but everyone that we have sent so far hasn't come back. What we would like is for you guys to go... with your new robotic powers and investigate who or what is in the castle and preventing us from lodging a complaint.

Both were keen to try out their new bodies and itching for a fight so without any hesitation they agreed. Good said the president, if you're ready we can send you through right now. Well there's no time like the present smiled Kevin, what are you waiting for?. They were quickly lead into a small room containing what looked almost like a miniture version of the stone portal they had been through previously. As they approached the device, the centre lit up with a small blue glow that quickly enveloped them, and within seconds the pair were back on the familiar looking beach. This time no carrying was required as they both sped at hyperspeed towards the castle. What they were unaware of however was that their approach was being watched. From the top of the castle a dark pair of eyes looked out at the two figures rushing towards his newly claimed domain. Excellent Miasma whispered sofly to himself. I've been waiting far too long for this...

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:20 pm
by Peppy Hare
Chapter 39- A Placid but Sordid Meet

The castle was surrounded by a huge moat, such as medieval castles are portrayed in movies and the like. "This is the corniest attempt at making a castle ever", muttered Destructo. And for the most part he was right. There was a drawbridge, fabric hanging from the castle windows, and animatron princesses making the same repetitive movement for all of time. The duo took no heed of all the corny setup. They actually snickered at how similar the outside looked to a disney theme park ride. Once in, however, all of the doors shut that led to the outside. They realised now that they were trapped. Suddenly a booming voice could be heard throughout the halls. It was so loud that the walls rattled.

"So, you thought you could escape me, huh?", said the voice. As the voice was speaking, cobalt-armoured guards appeared from each of the 4 sides of the intersecting hallways. "You can never defeat me, because each time I fall down I will get back up and chase you again", said the voice. At that moment, they realised that this was Miasma again. Sensing danger, they blasted a huge laser beam through one flank of guards and ran. The other three groups of guards followed them in pursuit. Kevin saw a door, and they both ran into the room. It appeared to be a dining room, because there was a chandelier, a table, and the works. The guards busted in, using the animatronic princess as a battering ram. They blasted the stone table right at the guards, and blood was splattered all over the wall.

They sprinted through passage after passage, the remainder of the guards still in pursuit. Then they arrived to what appeared to be a torture room. The duo was quick to making traps all over the room, utilizing everything there. The guards were felled one by one as they entered the room. One of them ran into an iron maiden, while another one was enveloped in a nauseous toxin cloud. They kept getting killed until there were no more guards in pursuit. "I will not be evaded forever!" boomed the voice once again. Kevin leaned on a stone, and it opened a secret room. It revealed a portal similar to the one they used to get to the castle. The date on the portal read 1000 BC, and it said Mount Olympus on the bottom. They entered the portal regardless.

When they arrived it looked as they were standing on clouds of some sort. There were three figures in the background. Since Kevin and Destructo have both passed junior high, they were able to identify the figures as the gods Zeus, Athena, and Hermes. Kevin approached Zeus and asked him, "Do you know anything about how we got here, and who Miasma is?" He answered "Yes, I know how you got here, there is a portal in a castle somewhere that just dumps people into the mountain". He continued, "And yes, we do know the one you refer to as Miasma". "He was one of the titans, which we were born from, and existed with together, until my father Cronos decided to eat all of us, and it was my mother's wit that got us all out". "After that we kind of banished them all to Tartarus, and they've been locked in there ever since, except for one guy named Prometheus I think who we let out, but a raven eats his insides every day so it's not really a glamorous life for him either". "If Miasma got out, he might be planning something to free his brethren, and if that is the case we have to work as fast as possible to make sure that this does not happen!"

Re: The ever growing story!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:21 pm
by Clarence
Chapter 40 - Kevin Gives into Evil - Part I

Robotic Kevin and Destructo were talking to the Greek Gods, having a good time and playing Monopoly. "So, it's agreed then, we will all team up against Miasma?", asked Zeus. Kevin and Destructo Agreed. "Are you really that retarded?", asked another Greek God. Kevin and Destructo seemed puzzled. "I mean really, Greek Gods? You honestly believed this?", said Zeus as he began to increasingly sound like Miasma.

Suddenly the sky landscape and the Greek Gods disappeared and the entire area turned into a massive grid. They realized they weren't in Mount Olympus at all, and it was a Holo-deck. Suddenly a Large Magnet came down from the ceiling and sucked Kevin up. Destructo was left behind and trapped in this huge Holo-deck. Kevin found himself face to face with Miasma, completely bound by the magnetic forces. Miasma approached him in his most evil looking form and began to speak. "Miss your parents Kev?", asked Miasma. Kevin began to remember his parents he seen so long ago they seemed like a distant memory and said "I miss them very much." Suddenly ghostly versions of them entered the room. "Kevin, we missed ya!", said Kevin's Dad. "What is this?", asked Kevin.

"I own your parent's souls", explained Miasma. Miasma snapped his fingers and they were instantly gone. "If you ever want to see them again, you'll join me", explained Miasma. "Wait a minute, if you own my parent's souls, and you're like the prince of darkness.... does that mean they sinned?", asked Kevin. "Yes Kevin, it turns out your parents used to abduct children on weekends", explained Miasma. "Other then that, they're nice people really", said Miasma. Miasma again explained that if he ever wanted to see his parents again, he would do what he said. "Why should I sacrifice Earth, and the Universe to join you?", asked Kevin.

Miasma then began to make screens appear of the current universe. The screens showed planet after planet being taken over by his zombie cavalry. Kevin witnessed magma ships consume and destroy all the planet's armys. "As you can see Kevin, I already control most of the universe now anyway", explained Miasma. Kevin was in shock and yelled "How did you take over that fast???". Miasma explained the castle and plane of reality they were in was at an slowed speed. Thousands of years passed in Kevin's universe, plenty of time for Miasma to take over. "You see Kevin, there is no future.", explained Miasma.

"All you have left is to join me, I offer you immortality and the opportunity to spend as much time with your friends and loved ones as you wish", temped Miasma. "Where do I sign?", asked Kevin. Suddenly a satanic legal document appeared and pen filled with Kevin's blood he kept for safe keeping. Kevin signed the document and felt evil take over, his soul now belonging to Miasma.

"Now Kevin, it is time to destroy the only one not on my side..... Destructo", ordered Miasma. "I can't do that", said Kevin. Kevin felt a pain in his very soul as Miasma said "Oh yes Kevin, you sure will."