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Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:20 pm
by Moe
Any other section, I'd let this continue, but as moderator of the gaming section, I feel that should tell you guys to either stop this, or I will lock the thread

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:47 am
by nich
Do it. Nintendo games suck. :P

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:35 pm
by LaLou
No, they don't. You're just too young to appreciate them.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:36 pm
by chex
Shh, it's time to be quiet now, reaper. The grownups are talking. Go sit in the corner and color. We'll call you when you can join us again. And for the love of god, get your hand out of your pants!

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:01 pm
by Wesley
Okay, I just lost a 7 paragraph post due to Amtrak wifi issues.

I'll try to recreate it.

New games are nice. Very nice. SO are old games. Just because Dali came along painting his little piles of ants and melted clocks, that does not mean the Mona Lisa is suddenly a piece of shazam!.

The old games were created with 4 bits of data, and maybe a hundred lines of code. With these limited resources they had to get you hooked in just a few seconds, wanting to invest another quarter. Very impressive.

New games have billion dollar budgets and push the technological envelope to the very edge. This is awesome! However, in the process sometimes the control scheme is weird, or character development is flat, or the plot is linear and unimaginative. Many ways to fall short.

Donkey Kong had just a minute or two to get you interested, challenge you, and make you want to come back for more. The new games coming out have not even finished the title screen in two minutes. It is a different beast for a different era.

As far as claiming to be the only "serious gamer" here, I hope you were joking, Reaper. Do you invest about 60% of your income on a terabyte PC, 3 monitors, 2 custom keyboard/mouse rigs, as well as a PS2, PS3, PS4, 360, wii, wiiU, etc? Or let's back it up a notch... have you ever walked a mile and a half with three quarters in your pocket just to play a few minutes, then walk home? Or have you beaten Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die mode? How about Shinobi? Don't throw down that particular gauntlet until you know your opponents.

Bottom line, games are fun. Old and new. Expand your mind by trying something new -- in this case, something old! :D

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:05 pm
by nich
GreatZot wrote:New games have billion dollar budgets and push the technological envelope to the very edge. This is awesome! However, in the process sometimes the control scheme is weird, or character development is flat, or the plot is linear and unimaginative. Many ways to fall short.
Yup. You didn't play the games I mentioned.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:18 pm
by Wesley
You are missing the point, dude. Do you even worship the Sun? How grossly incandescent!

A porsche is a good car. A great car, in fact. Does that mean it is now the only car? No, it does not.

I am not hating on new games, just trying to share some love of old games, thus improving everyone's knowledge of games in general, and expanding the definition of games in general.

To directly respond to your accusation, I have played Skyrim and other "masterpieces." Running around talking to people never really appealed to me. I only played a few minutes and didn't care for it much. Does this mean it sucks? Nope. Oh, but my horse can walk up the side of the damned mountain! Best Game Ever! Eh, still don't like it. I don't hate it, it is just not for me.

Holy crap, to swing it the other way, Crappy Bird cost a hundredy to make, and made a zillion. There is proof that simple and fun is just as good as epic and awe inspiring.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:32 pm
by bella
I doubt reaper will be able to make the same experiences we did when these games came out. They were new, exciting, time-consuming and absolutely worth it! People had fun creating these games and we had even more fun playing them. Today games are made to sell, they compete with each other for better graphics, better designs, more explosions, faster cars and gore.
Take Myst for example. It was unique when it came out, tantalizing in its simplicity. When you have a look at it today you would think it's boring because you expect games to have better graphics and to deliver more action. The very first Zelda Game on my old Nintendo, I still have it and remember the many good hours playing it.
Games today are more about competition, better, brighter, more expensive. They often lack the fun and the love to small details older games have.

And Mario is epic.Period.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:49 pm
by Wesley
The fact that a nameless "Jump Man" evolved to become perhaps the most recognizable video game mascot in the world is very impressive.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:56 am
by Moe
LaLou wrote:No, they don't. You're just too young to appreciate them.
Umm.. I'm younger than him, and I appreciate them. - Meaning, it's not because of his age.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:01 am
by Moe
I have super mario bros - the 1985 version - on my 3DS

I also have Legend of Zelda 1 and 2 on my 3DS

Also Metroid from 1987

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:18 am
by Beany
What's your opinion on older games that have newer versions, like LoZ, Pokémon (yes, it's going there), Harvest Moon, etc.? Do you think they're as good now they're made more like newer games are, or is it one of those things you can't compare?

This is an open question.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:39 am
by nich
GreatZot wrote:You are missing the point, dude. Do you even worship the Sun? How grossly incandescent!

A porsche is a good car. A great car, in fact. Does that mean it is now the only car? No, it does not.

I am not hating on new games, just trying to share some love of old games, thus improving everyone's knowledge of games in general, and expanding the definition of games in general.

To directly respond to your accusation, I have played Skyrim and other "masterpieces." Running around talking to people never really appealed to me. I only played a few minutes and didn't care for it much. Does this mean it sucks? Nope. Oh, but my horse can walk up the side of the damned mountain! Best Game Ever! Eh, still don't like it. I don't hate it, it is just not for me.

Holy crap, to swing it the other way, Crappy Bird cost a hundredy to make, and made a zillion. There is proof that simple and fun is just as good as epic and awe inspiring.
Sorry. It's just that you described modern games like over popular mainstream games. Which would have been fine for games like Call of Duty. But being that I am a real gamer (And I say that in all seriousness as I do consider myself one) I understand what video games are supposed to be like. A work of art. It's a mix of the words "Video" and "Game". The art that you get with a movie and the fun interactions you get with a game. Even in the retro era you had Zelda and Final Fantasy. And gaming has evolved since then. It's not just about having fun. It's about putting yourself in an immersive world.

Also Nintendo games don't suck. I was just smurf with you. :P

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:34 pm
by LaLou
Stateless wrote:
LaLou wrote:No, they don't. You're just too young to appreciate them.
Umm.. I'm younger than him, and I appreciate them. - Meaning, it's not because of his age.
His mental age might be younger.
Bella, I LOVE Myst.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:58 pm
by Moe
Chobi Wan Kenobi wrote:What's your opinion on older games that have newer versions, like LoZ, Pokémon (yes, it's going there), Harvest Moon, etc.? Do you think they're as good now they're made more like newer games are, or is it one of those things you can't compare?

This is an open question.
LoZ I liked the ones in the middle. Not the very first ones so much, nor the new ones.

Pokémon peaked for me at Gen 3 - which is FireRed, Leaf Green, Ruby and Sapphire.

I never played harvest moon.

So, i don't prefer the very early nor the very recent.

I liked playing Pokémon and Zelda from the topview perspectives, rather than the third person behind.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:42 pm
by Wesley
As technology improves on both the developer side and the player side, the games have to evolve. Zelda now is a very different game than it was 23 years ago. I think it is good, though.

one negative for me was when they first tried to re-imagine Tomb Raider. They already had a good story, good character development, etc and they felt they had to make it darker. Like Evil Sonic. No wonder that one sort of tanked. Then they took the original, and made it almost exactly the same, just with better technology and graphics and stuff. That one did quite well!

So new versions of old games can be cool, but don't piss all over the old one trying to make your new one look better.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:34 pm
by nich
GreatZot wrote:As technology improves on both the developer side and the player side, the games have to evolve. Zelda now is a very different game than it was 23 years ago. I think it is good, though.

one negative for me was when they first tried to re-imagine Tomb Raider. They already had a good story, good character development, etc and they felt they had to make it darker. Like Evil Sonic. No wonder that one sort of tanked. Then they took the original, and made it almost exactly the same, just with better technology and graphics and stuff. That one did quite well!

So new versions of old games can be cool, but don't piss all over the old one trying to make your new one look better.
The problem with the Tomb Raider reboot was it tried to hard to be Uncharted. Game was still good though. Just not that Iconic.

And I'm not shitting on old games. Although I hate retro games (Pre PS1) I still acknowledge their success for their time. And like I said I was only smurf with you. I was just saying I think gaming has changed for the better.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:37 pm
by Wesley
Okay cool guy, when I said not to piss on the past, I was referring to the video game industry. ;)

And once in a while if you browse through the hundreds of unique, quirky, sometimes crappy and sometimes amazing old games from yesteryear, you may find a gem that you really like, and it may even enhance your love of modern games!

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:38 pm
by nich
The only old games I play are from the PS1/N64 era and after. I grew up with action adventure and 3D platformers.

But retro games I simply don't like.

Re: nintendo games!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:09 am
by Wesley
PLatform, you say? Flashback for the Sega Genesis was a ground breaker. It was the first game to have the graphics rendered at 24 frames per second (which for back then was amazing!) Did you play Crash Bandicoot or Aero the AcroBat?