Chapter 98 --> Gateway to Hell

Game Destroyer
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Chapter 98 --> Gateway to Hell

Post by Clarence »

The Manager continues to walk toward Amanda, Phil, the robot, Dougette and Steroids Man inside the warehouse with the active gateway to hell in the background and his demon companions watching. Steroids Man is bleeding all over and still lifeless.

The room is filled with a red glow from the gateway machine and it's a very spooky atmosphere.

The robot: I'LL SAVE US!!!

The robot intercepts The Manager and The Manager flicks the robot in the face using his fingers. When The Manager's finger flicks the robot's face it goes in slow motion and upon contact the robot's metal face ripples and the glass from his eyes shatters and he goes flying across the room past Amanda and company and collides with the wall where his head smashes it hard and more glass shatters from the robot's eyes and more metal parts and screws and junk go flying and the robot lands on the floor very damaged and offline.

Dougette: Dude, this guy is TITS!

Amanda: He's evil and going to kill us all!!

The Manager approaches with a crooked evil smile.

The Manager: Damn straight!

From outside the warehouse with the orange skies and mass of zombies surrounding the building we pan to a mysterious man dressed in black with a cross-bow of some sort.

Suddenly he shoots the cross bow just above a high window of the warehouse with a wire attached to it. All the zombies look up as the mysterious person zip-lines across while dropping something that causes a great flash and all the zombies hold their eyes in pain!

As the mysterious person zips across the wire he kicks in the high window and rolls and lands inside the warehouse next to Amanda and everyone.

Dougette: Who the hell is this guy?

The mysterious Man wears a large crucifix and is dressed in black with a hood hiding his face, covered in rosaries and other religious items and with various religious weaponry attached to him in holsters and utility belts and etc.

The Manager looks at this man and snarls and goes to attack but the religious Man blasts him with a super soaker filled with holy water. The Manager takes a few steps back in pain and holds his face as smoke rises off him.

The other demons, such as Prisoner X and Evil Satanic Bastard all come to The Manager's aid but all get shot with Holy water. They are not even remotely as strong as The Manager and all begin to disintegrate and jump into the portal for safety.

There is large banging on the door as the zombies outside try to get in but Phil acts fact and secures the door and barricades it cleverly with items from the warehouse.

Drew the zombie is watching all this go down but he does nothing and Caleb seems to not notice him.

The Manager rises up and we can see him regenerating his burnt demon flesh.

The Manager: You will not thwart me, the world is mine! You are just going to make me torture you worse when I get a hold of you!

The religious man goes up to The Manager again and blasts him at point blank range and The Manager takes more steps back and begins to shoot fireballs, but the religious man dodges them and gets a small rocket launcher and blasts The Manager back into the portal.

Mysterious Religious Man: We have to get that portal closed, it's our only chance!

Amanda: Ok, but who the hell are you?

The mysterious man removes his hood to reveal....

Amanda: I still don't know who you are....

Amanda goes over to Steroids Man on the floor covered in blood.... he's not breathing.

Mysterious Man: It's me... Caleb... the demon hunter? All my friends died in your house? (Episode 86 - Demon Hunters)

Amanda: Shut up my fiance is dying, PHIL!!! DO SOMETHING!

Phil comes over and checks on Steroids Man.

Phil: There's not much time, but I can help!

Phil goes over to the robot who's still not moving and opens a door in his chest to reveal first aid stuff and other miscellaneous items.

Phil takes some items over to Steroids Man while Caleb and Dougette inspect the machine.

Dougette: Wow, you are the coolest Christian guy I have ever seen. How did you know to find us?

Caleb: Demon hunting is my life. I have been following this demon forever as has my family for generations. He must be stopped!

Dougette: Are we going to kill him?

Caleb: I'm afraid that is impossible, we just need to close this portal and keep him out of this world.

Dougette: Well that's not really fixing things is it?

Caleb: Just shut up and help me figure out how to close this portal before he recovers and comes back!

Phil is working on Steroids Man and has just patched up the jugular vein wound in the side of his neck from The Manager's bite.

Amanda: Is he going to be ok???

Phil: I patched up the injury as best as I could... but he still needs to to go a hospital. You see....


Phil: Ok, he lost a lot of blood and he's still losing blood...

Amanda: Get to the point already!

Phil: His heart stopped and I need to inject him with this giant adrenaline syringe.

Phil pulls out this enormous needle and sits on Steroids Man's belly and reaches far up in the air with the needle pointed down as he prepares to force it into Steroids Man's heart through his chest.

Phil: Don't worry, I used to do this for Dr. Bad all the time.

Amanda: SHUT THE smurf UP AND HURRY!

Phil moves the needle down and back up and keeps doing that.

Amanda: What the smurf ARE YOU DOING!??!

Phil: I have to make sure this lines up before I go full force!

Caleb and Dougette continue to inspect the machine.

Dougette: How do we turn this damn thing off?

Caleb: I don't know.... maybe we should press these buttons?

Dougette: Do you know what they do?

Caleb: No...

Dougette: Man, you suck at this.

Caleb: I'm the demon hunter guy, not the computer science guy!

Dougette: Phil!

Dougette shouts over.

Dougette: Phil, you got to help us!

Amanda: HE'S BUSY!

Phil reaches the syringe high up.

Phil: It's time!

Phil slams down the syringe with all his might and injects the fluid of pure adrenaline into Steroids Man's heart. Steroids Man arches up with Phil still sitting on him and inhales loudly. And then out of some kind of instinct punches forward with all his might giving Phil an ultra upper-cut and sending him to the roof of the warehouse where he collides into it violently and falls back down inside the warehouse along with some debris and an opening in the roof.

Dougette: Holy crap, you punched the shazam! out of him!

Caleb: Wasn't he the science guy?

Dougette: shazam!...

Caleb: Stop swearing!

Dougette: shazam! isn't a swear word anymore, they allow it on TV!

Phil is lifeless on the floor with pieces of the warehouse roof on him. The roof has a hole on it now and is exposing the orange sky. Zombies around the building still pound on the doors trying to come help The Manager.

Steroids Man sits up and gets up and hugs Amanda.

Steroids Man: I'm alive!

Amanda: I was so worried. I'm so glad you're safe!

They hug tightly and cry tears of joy.

Steroids Man looks around and sees:

- a passed out robot in the corner
- Phil badly hurt and knocked out with debris all around him
- an exposed roof with the eerie orange sky showing through
- Dougette covered in zombie blood and working with a mysterious Christian guy he doesn't remember
- Drew the zombie standing around doing nothing
- the sounds of many zombies trying to break in
- the gateway machine still on and operating

Steroids Man is still wearing Ultra Man's rings that gives super powers. It was taken out of the machine, but was only needed to start the machine, not sustain it.

Steroids Man: Ok.. what happened?

Caleb is standing in front of the portal.

Caleb: We got to find a way to shut this portal before something terrible happens.

Suddenly a large demon tentacle emerges from the portal and slaps Caleb. Caleb goes flying across the room and smacks hard into a wall HARD and falls so he's sitting against the wall with blood coming out his mouth.

Steroids Man: Was that the terrible thing that mysterious Mormon was talking about?

The tentacle retreats back into the portal.

Dougette: It's like we're trapped in some kind of Japanese henti!

Amanda: We don't need comic relief right now! We need to close this portal before....

Amanda is cut off as another large demon tentacle emerges from the gateway machine and wraps around Amanda and pulls her in. Steroids Man watches in shock and from his eyes we can see the reflection of her being dragged in with slow motion. she is gone.

There's a silence as Steroids Man just stands there frozen like a deer in the headlights from total shock. Many thoughts are racing through his head as he blames himself for what just happened.

Dougette looks at the portal.

Dougette: Wow...... that sucks!

Steroids Man: AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steroids Man screams and runs at the portal and jumps inside.

The room is quiet now as Dougette is alone in a room with a passed out Caleb, Robot and Phil. All that can be heard is the sounds of the zombies outside.

Dougette: This is really crappy!!

The sound of coughing can be heard.

Dougette looks over and see Caleb is still alive and runs over.

Caleb: *cough* ... listen ... you got to shut down that portal!

Dougette: But my friends are in there.... and I don't know how!

Caleb: Your friends are DEAD... you're the world's only hope....

Dougette stands up with a new found sense of determination.

Dougette: I'll do it!

Dougette heads over to the gateway machine and passes under the exposed hole in the ceiling and hears noises and looks up.

Dougette: What the?

Looking up, Dougette sees zombies have made their way to the roof and are looking down and growling. One jumps down and tackles him as others follow.



Inside the vortex we get a look at the demon world.

It's red and scary and filled with demons and all sorts of monsters and floating rocks over a large never-ending sea of lava.

Steroids Man lands on a floating rock and looks over to see The Manager.... with Amanda.

On another floating rock The Manager is holding on tight to Steroids Man's fiance.

Steroids Man shouts from his floating rock which is in motion and allowing him to jump to other floating rocks to get closer to Amanda.

The Manager is very strong looking and completely healed from Caleb's attack.

Steroids Man: LET HER GO!

The Manager: Ok, if that's what you want.

The Manager picks up Amanda and holds her over the rock's edge so she dangles above the never ending lava ocean.

Steroids Man: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Steroids Man keeps trying to get closer to The Manager's large floating rock by jumping on other rocks in motion... kind of like a bad video game, he has to figure out which floating rocks will get him there.

The Manager (loud voice): Steroids Man... you are the greatest creation ever... so stupid... so perfect. You have completed your destiny and helped me open this portal. I always knew you would pull through for me.


The Manager: You love her so much, don't you?

Steroids Man (Jumping to closer rock): OBVIOUSLY!

The Manager: I have watched you peruse her with great passion all this time... and I was rooting for you this whole time because I knew she would be the key. The threat of her life made you help me... it's really great if you think about it. Your love for her is what damned the world!

Steroids Man (thinking): Yeah, just keep your cliche villain speech going while I get closer to you!

The Manager still holds Amanda over the lava while she struggles.

The Manager: Ok, well that's all I have to say. Oh wait, one more thing. This is going to be the second girlfriend you will lose to lava, no?

Steroids Man opens his eyes wide as The Manager lets go.




...falling toward the lave....

Steroids Man jumps and pushes his legs off the levitating rock and lunges toward Amanda and catches her.....

it's all like slow motion as The Manager looks down and smiles.

Steroids Man and Amanda are holding each other as they descend to the lava.

Amanda: Steroids Man... you're going to die with me!

Steroids Man: I would rather die in your arms then live life without you.

They kiss for the last time and embrace each other with their hearts full of love.









Suddenly they stop in mid air just above the hot lava, but not so close they get burned.

Steroids Man: What the....

Steroids Man and Amanda look up to see The Robot has grabbed Steroids Man's ankle while Steroids Man is hugging Amanda tightly.

The robot is utilizing his new ability to fly with rocket boots (As seen in episode 95). The robot is still damaged, but it's mostly cosmetic.

Amanda: Robot!!! You saved us!


The robot grabs Steroids Man so he and Amanda can ride on the robot's back and fly up to the gateway which is high up in the demon sky.

The Manager is ultra pissed.

The Manager (loud): You will not best me! I have been at this for thousands of years!

As the robot flies toward the gateway opening with Steroids Man and Amanda, Steroids Man gives The Manager the finger.

Steroids Man: You're not invited to the wedding!

The Manager (loud): ROBOT!

The Robot's eye LEDs light up through the exposed broken glass.

The Manager: Return Steroids Man and Amanda to me!

The robot does a U-turn and begins to approach The Manager.


Steroids Man: But you are also programmed to obey me! get us back to the gateway, maximum speed!

The robot turns away from The Manager and heads for the gateway in the demon sky.

The Manager: Robot! Come back to me and do not take any more orders from Steroids Man!

The robot swings back around and heads for The Manager.

Steroids Man: Go back to the gateway!


They get really close to The Manager when...

Amanda: Robot! Head back for the portal and don't let anything stop you, also turn off your all hearing programs!

The robot smiles and heads for the gateway opening.

The Manager: Robot! Get back here!

The robot can't hear as he turned off his listening programs.

The Manager gets mad and can no longer control his anger and begins to fly toward the gateway opening in pursuit of The robot, Steroids Man and Amanda.

Steroids Man (to robot): Hurry!

Amanda: He can't hear anything!

Steroids Man begins to kick the back of the robot while they ride on his back.

Amanda: He's not a horse!

A fireball flies past Amanda, Steroids Man and the robot as they all look back to see The Manager closing on them while flying and shooting fireballs.

The Manager: You die today!

The robot dodges more fireballs as they enter the vortex. They are now between worlds as they head back to earth.


Dougette is fighting off zombies as they rain down from the ceiling. One by one she cuts their head off with her knife when a fireball shoots from the gateway machine and takes out a zombie for her.

Dougette: What the....

The robot flies through the gateway with Steroids Man and Amanda on his back and they all land safely. The robot begins to fight Zombies while Dougette heads to the machine.

Drew the zombie has been here this whole time hiding in the shadows and now finally makes a move for the machine to protect it.

The Manager flies out and lands next to Steroids Man and Amanda.

The Manager: You are the most annoying bastard in the universe! You will die today!

The Manager reaches forward while Steroids Man takes all his rage and emotions from everything that has happened as well as pent up rage from not having tickle fight since Christmas and combined with the mystical ring of Ultra Man delivers a super punch to The Manager's jaw which catches him off guard and he falls backward into the portal.

Amanda: Now Dougette!

Dougette takes a blunt piece of metal and is about to smash the machine when Drew The Zombie comes to grab her. Suddenly a series of ninja stars hit Drew and send him back a few paces and he falls to his knees.

We look over to see Phil has recovered and threw the shurikens.

Amanda: Nice one Phil! (she nudges Steroids Man)

Steroids Man: Yes... good for you.

Dougette smashes and bashes at the machine until finally there's sparks and it appears to be shutting down and the portal begins to close. She then joins the robot to fight the zombies coming from the roof.

Steroids Man: We did it!

The portal opening gets smaller but suddenly The Manager's arm comes from the portal and grabs Steroids Man's neck. Steroids Man's face instantly turns red and he also applies pressure to Steroids Man's neck injury. Amanda uses both her hands to break the hold but can't budge it and the portal still grows smaller.

The Manager's head emerges from the portal.

The Manager: Killing you is now the only thing I want to do! Die you piece of shazam!!!!!

The portal closes tighter and The Manager realizes something.... the portal has trapped The Manager in a bad way. The portal is wrapped around The Manager's armpit and his neck on the other side... The Manager can't back up as his head and arm are completely stuck on our side of the portal.

The Manager: No.... NOOOOOOOOO

The portal closes and cuts and grinds into The Manager's body and hot demon blood spills out and burns and sizzles like acid as The Manager lets go of Steroids Man.

Steroids Man takes a few steps back with Amanda and watches as the portal closes and severs the Manager's head and arm. The head and arm fall the the ground and the portal is CLOSED.

The Manager screams as his head smokes.... he looks around at Steroids Man, Amanda, Dougette, the robot, Caleb, Phil, Drew and the zombies.

The zombies suddenly start burning as well and begin to crumble as Dougette and the robot fight.

Dougette: They're dying!


Dougette: I just said that...

Steroids Man and Amanda are joined by the robot, Dougette, Phil and Caleb who gather to watch as The Manager's head melts and he turns into a smoldering puddle. All of the other zombies disintegrate as well and they look up through the hole on the roof to see the sky has turned black away from Orange and filled with stars.

Steroids Man looks at his watch.

Steroids Man: Holy crap it's 3 AM!

Caleb: This is better than I could have imagined... do you know what this means?

Steroids Man: We won..... we more than won, we KILLED The Manager!

Amanda: He's really gone for good?

Caleb: Yes, I was only hoping to contain him in the demon world, but with his head severed from his body and separated by two worlds and now destroyed... he is DEAD and GONE!

Steroids Man and Amanda hug and everyone cheers as they have saved the world and defeated The Manager once and for all!

Steroids Man: Wait.... *sniff* *sniff* .... (Steroids Man inhales deeply)

Amanda: What is it?

Steroids Man: My soul has returned! Look how well I can breathe! (inhales deeply again)

Dougette: Ummm..... what about that zombie... he's the only one left?

They look over to see Drew The zombie is still kneeling. Dougette goes over and pushes him down.

Dougette: Well he's dead anyway.

Caleb: He must be the original zombie or something.... we will just have to destroy his corpse.

Amanda: Hey ... ummm.... are we on TV?

Everyone got so caught up in the excitement that they didn't notice or forgot that the Channel 6 news was filming this for the world.

The Reporter comes out of his crawl space like hiding spot.

Reporter: Yes, this is being fed to all national networks. Steroids Man, you and your friends have saved the world from this whole creepy demon situation. Any comment?

Steroids Man is very camera shy and not good at words but gets a microphone shoved in his face.

Steroids Man: Hi...

Reporter (Facing camera): There you have it, Steroids Man: The man who saved the world from death and destruction... "hi"... this is Gary Halverson with Channel 6 News.


Steroids Man and Amanda get cleared for any charges against the FBI or Council of Heroes as their negative interactions were for a good cause, to ultimately save the world.

Steroids Man is once again deemed a world hero, completely moving past his old ways and becoming the hero he always wanted to be. Ok, he had a lot of help, but whatever.

Many nations offered Steroids Man rewards such as Money but with Amanda's advise he chose to be a big man and a hero who takes no reward and turned down the money which was detonated to charities.

Steroids Man only has one obstacle left to overcome....

(back to the warehouse just after they defeated The Manager)

Amanda: Now we can finally get married!

Steroids Man passes out....



Phil: Oh shazam!, that's right he needs blood.
Game Destroyer
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Location: Saint John

Re: Chapter 98 --> Gateway to Hell

Post by Clarence »

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Location: Harrisburg, PA

Re: Chapter 98 --> Gateway to Hell

Post by Wesley »

That was tricky as hell how you killed The Manager! Also, fantastic foreshadowing wile in the Demon Realm about Steroids Man being,"...Created to help me with my plans..."

I am so friggin excited to read the next episode!
"Work hard, be humble and stay positive."

~ Donnie Yen ~
Game Destroyer
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Location: Saint John

Re: Chapter 98 --> Gateway to Hell

Post by Clarence »

Should this have been the last episode?
Posts: 10406
Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:10 am
Location: Harrisburg, PA

Re: Chapter 98 --> Gateway to Hell

Post by Wesley »

I don't know... I have not read 100 yet....

Still, very creative! holy water just burnt him a little. Time and space have no meaning for the dude, since we saw him back in 1929. He can touch our world from the Demon Realm. This is one bad Mo Fo! So the very device he created to fold dimensions and connect the Demon Realm to Earth, collapsing on itself and trapping part of him here, and part of him an impossible distance of time and space and other dimensions away..... Good stuff!
"Work hard, be humble and stay positive."

~ Donnie Yen ~