Chapter 84 --> Revenge

Game Destroyer
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Chapter 84 --> Revenge

Post by Clarence »

Steroids Man is in a van driving on the highway. In the front passenger seat is the Robot and in the very back is Phil. Steroids Man bought a van specifically so Phil would be further in back when driving with him.

Phil: I don't understand why we're doing this again....

Steroids Man: Because you're good at math and I need you to help me measure the titanium the right size....

Phil: Why won't you tell me what you're building?


Steroids Man: Because you're an idiot robot who can't even do math, but yet you're more fun to talk too then driving with Phil alone.

Phil: Come on Steroids Man, stop being mad at me.

Steroids Man: No, I'm going to be even more mad at you, tickle fight ruiner!


Suddenly The Manager projects himself directly into Steroids Man's mind. To Steroids Man the Manager is in front of him outside the front window of the car, but nobody else in the vehicle can see or hear him.

Steroids Man: What do you want now? I'm already working on your stupid machine.

The robot and Phil are very confused.


Phil: I know, I may have to look into his brain later.

Steroids Man: Guys, shut up so I can hear!

The Manager: You have to head back to the Mansion, something terrible is happening!

Steroids Man: What?

The Manager: Amanda is back home early and is in a lot of trouble!

Steroids Man spins around on the highway and heads back to the mansion... Amanda was suppose to be at work as police chief, but went home early. Usually when Amanda is at work Steroids Man helps The Manager build a device to return to Earth.

Phil: What's going on????

Steroids Man: We have to get home as soon as possible, Amanda is in danger!


Steroids Man speeds off. The Manager is of course in the best interest to ensure Amanda is safe for if she dies then The Manager will have nothing to threaten Steroids Man with and Steroids Man may not help him return to this world.


Amanda is just kicking back and watching TV when she hears a loud explosion outside and runs to the window, Doug is home mopping and looks out the window as well.

There is a strange enormous blue man approaching the Steroids Mansion. He doesn't look human at all, super muscular, eyes completely dark black, appears to have gills on his face, bald, and dark blue skin. A very huge strange being and it's getting closer.

Doug: What the hell is that?

Amanda: I don't know... I better get my gun.

They go in the large hallway and we hear pounding on the door and see the door denting inwards. Steroids Man has a super large thick steel door cause he worries about Amanda.

Doug: What ever is trying to get in, don't worry, I'll protect you!

Suddenly there's an explosion and the large metal door goes flying down and we see the blue figure with his hand stretched out and smoking, as if he blasted the door with his hand.

Doug: You'll never get in here, do your worst!

There's an awkward silence as Amanda and the strange blue man look at Doug. The blue man begins to speak with a loud evil voice.

Blue Man: I'm already in here.....

Doug: I would love to see you get in here without THIS!

Doug holds up a key.

Blue Man: I don't need a key... I'm already in here....

Doug: I'll never give you the key!

Blue Man: I don't need it!

Doug: I would like to see you get the key now!

Doug swallows the key.

Blue Man: What the hell is wrong with you?

Doug begins to choke on the key as it gets stuck in his throat.

Doug: Amanda! *cough* .... save me...

Doug passes out on the floor.

Blue Man: Anyway, I've come for Steroids Man, tell me where he is!

Amanda: He's not here!

Blue Man: Who are you?

Amanda picks up the gun and aims it at the blue man.

Amanda: I'm his fiance, and you better leave before I shoot you!

Blue Man: (laughing) Fiance eh? That's even better, now I have something to use against him.

The blue man walks towards Amanda and she shoots at him. As the blue man approaches Amanda keeps shooting but the bullets seem to just get absorbed in the blue man's skin and he heals over. The blue man takes her gun and crushes it like a paper cup and drops it on the ground, then he shoots green gas out of his fingers which knock Amanda out and he begins to carry her out of the mansion.

Doug pukes the key out and stands up and grabs a close by fire extinguisher.

Doug: You better get your bottom back here blue man, I'm gonna send you back to smurf town.

Blue Man: smurf off!

The blue man repositions Amanda so he's carrying her with one arm, and with his free arm stretches out his hand to reveal a red glowing circle in his palm, with this he blasts Doug with a loud red laser beam. The laser beam hits Doug's right leg and it gets blown off him and flies across the room in pieces.... Doug is left laying on the floor with a missing limb crying and covered in blood.

Doug: My leg.... my sexy leg!!!!!!

The blue man disappears with Amanda when shortly after, Steroids Man, Phil and the robot arrive back at the mansion. They all rush in to see Doug all smurf up.

Steroids Man: What happened, where is Amanda?

Doug (weak voice): *cough* ... one of the members of the blue man group took her....

Steroids Man: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Phil: Oh Doug, your leg!

Steroids Man: Robot, come with me!

Steroids Man and the robot begin to leave.

Phil: Where are you going?

Steroids Man: To find Amanda, you stay here and fix Doug.

Phil: How will you know where to go?

Steroids Man: Don't worry about it.

They leave and Phil takes off his shirt and wraps up Doug's leg stump to stop the bleeding.

Doug: Phil ... tell it to me straight.... will I ever be able to unicycle again? ... cause if I can't unicycle then what's this all been about?


Steroids Man gets in a race-car he owns with the robot. Steroids Man reaches over and presses the robot's off button.

Robot: WHAT Theeee.....*powering down noises*

Steroids Man: MANAGER!!!!

The Manager projects himself for Steroids Man.

Steroids Man: Where is Amanda?!

The Manager: I tracked her down to the abandoned high school on the west side, but be careful....

Steroids Man speeds off...

The Manager: ....I can't lose my ticket back to this world... Steroids Man must live and Amanda too or all is lost!


At the abandoned school, Amanda is shackled to the wall in a dilapidated looking room with technology everywhere. Amanda is waking up from her daze and struggles.

Blue man: Stop struggling, you'll never escape!

Amanda: Who are you!

blue man: You may refer to me as .... REVENGE!

Amanda: Revenge? What?

Revenge: I'm going to use you to finally get retribution for what Steroids Man has done to me, he has ruined my life, so now I shall ruin his! I'm going to make you suffer and torture you and tape it for Steroids Man to see, but he'll never know where you are!

Steroids Man walks in the room.

Steroids Man: Amanda! I found where you are!

Revenge: Son of a jabberwocky, how the hell did you do that?

Steroids Man: Love conquers all, now let her go!

Revenge walks over to Amanda.

Revenge: Not so fast Steroids Man, come one step closer and I'll sever her spine, then she'll be in a wheel chair just like me!

Steroids Man: You're not in a wheel chair... what are you talking about?

Revenge: You tipped me over in the bank and made people laugh at me! And then I turned blue because of YOU!!! You ruined my life!

Steroids Man: You're crazier than a room full of Charlie Sheens!


Revenge gets pissed and blasts Steroids Man with his laser powered hand and Steroids Man moves out of the way just in time and the wall behind him gets blown up.

Steroids Man: Wait a minute... I remember you.... Wheels!

Revenge: Are you smurf WITH ME!!?!?! You never remember who I am, and now that I look like THIS, you remember me!!?!?!! I'm going to kill the shazam! out of you!

Revenge runs up to Steroids Man and punches him through a wall. Steroids Man quickly gets up and injects Steroids into himself and punches back with little effect. Revenge is super huge and bigger than Steroids Man and super strong too! Revenge grabs Steroids Man's face and flicks his wrist causing Steroids Man to get lifted off the ground and spin around and crash into a wall, more pieces of debris bury Steroids Man.



Suddenly Revenge falls to his knees and cuts start opening up all over him to reveal strange glowing green lights.

Amanda: What the hell is happening???

Revenge grabs a syringe and injects it into a green hole on his arm and suddenly his body returns to his previous dark blue state.

Revenge: My mutation.... trying to keep it under control!

Amanda: What are you....

Revenge: Mutated DNA, cyborg parts, genetic enhancements but barely human thanks to him! *pointing to the rubble as Steroids Man digs himself out*

Steroids Man: *cough* Listen, crazy.... I didn't turn you into a giant blue M&M!


Steroids Man: I think you lost a little more than your looks, You've lost your MIND!

Revenge: DIE!!!!

Revenge runs up to Steroids Man and starts punching him and Steroids Man is blocking but still getting hurt. Revenge kicks him and Steroids Man falls down to his knees. Steroids Man then gets hit on the head by a downwards hammer fist from Revenge and is now crawling around on his hands and knees. Revenge picks up Steroids Man by the SPINE and throws him into the ceiling with such force he busts through it and comes back out through another spot on the ceiling. Steroids Man is now bloody and beat up.

Revenge: NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!!! I'm going to put you all in wheel chairs and laugh at you!


In Steroids Man's haste he forgot to turn the robot back on and left him in the race-car. The robot's backup systems activate and he reactivates himself.



Phil has finished tending to Doug's injury. He has wrapped up his stump and stopped the bleeding.

Phil: Ok Doug, just keep taking these pain killers and relax.

Doug: These pain killers are AWESOME Peter! Let's get naked and have tickle fight with a cow!

Phil: You stay here and do that, I'm going to go see if Steroids Man needs my help.

Phil grabs a weapon he's been working on and follows the tracking device Steroids Man has in race car.


Steroids man gets a kick on the face and lands on his back and then gets picked up and headbutted back to the ground.

Amanda *crying*: STOP IT!!!

Revenge starts screaming and bulges start forming all over him and he begins to grow bigger. Revenge then steps into a machine and gets zapped by light a few times and comes out.

Revenge: I got to stop this mutation before it's too late... but first.... REVENGE!

Revenge picks up Steroids Man and shackles him to a seat facing Amanda.

Revenge: Now Steroids Man... you will watch your Fiance suffer!

Steroids Man: Is anyone ever going to tell me what fiance means???

Suddenly the robot busts into the room.


The robot runs up to Revenge and punches him a few times but causes no damage.


Revenge: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Revenge beats the crap out of the robot and chains him on the wall next to Amanda.

Revenge: No more distractions, time too....

Suddenly Revenge is blasted by laser fire which opens up a large wound and then it quickly regenerates on Revenge's body. We look over to see Phil with a laser weapon of some kind with smoke coming out of the barrel.

Phil: Let them go you blue freak!

Revenge: DIE!

Revenge fires laser blasts out of his hands but Phil is surprisingly agile and avoids them.... but then gets kicked in the face and chained to the wall. Now Steroids Man is in a chair facing Amanda, the robot, and Phil chained to the wall.

Steroids Man: Nice job Phil, way to save the day ... real nice.

Phil: Hey... I tried.

Steroids Man: Go drown in a lake.


Doug is on the couch on pain killers.

Doug: It's all up to me... I'm the only one who can do this....... I have to solve this smurf RUBIX CUBE BEFORE IT MAKES ME MAD!!!!


Revenge: I have you all...... Steroids Man?

Steroids Man: What.....

Revenge: You're going to watch me torture everyone you hold dear... you will pay for being an evil balloon knot!

Steroids Man looks up at Amanda with tears in his eyes and she looks back the same.

Steroids Man: I'm sorry.

Amanda: I love you.

Steroids Man: I love you Always and forever!

Revenge smacks Steroids Man in the face and walks over to Amanda and reveals pointed fingers in his hands that are razor sharp.

The Manager projects himself to Steroids Man.

The Manager: You really smurf up this time didn't ya?

Steroids Man: Just help me!

Suddenly The Manager's eyes glow and the room begins to go dark right as Revenge was about to hit Amanda.

Revenge: What's going on?

The lights flicker and wind picks up inside the room and shazam! blows everywhere and it becomes so strong Revenge gets knocked down.

Revenge: What's happening? This is impossible!

Every time Revenge tries to get up dark forces keep knocking him down, suddenly dark red evil looking thunder bolts start shooting all over and break everyone's shackles.

Revenge: I don't know how you are doing this, but you aren't getting away!

Revenge blasts Steroids Man in the chest with his hand laser and he gets knocked down and covered in blood. He has a nasty wound on his chest and looks critically injured. Amanda comes down next to him.

Amanda: Steroids Man!

Phil: Nows a good time to test these new super steroids I developed!

Phil injects Steroids Man and he sits right up and veins and muscles bulge out all over.

Phil: I think it worked.

Steroids Man: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Try to hurt my future wife??? I don't think so!!!!

Steroids Man now super charged runs at Revenge and knocks him down. They begin to fight and are now more evenly matched. They keep blocking each others punches and absorbing each others blows.... there is no clear winner.... then Revenge kicks steroids Man in the knee knocking him down.

Revenge: Watch the love of your life DIE!!!!

Revenge powers up his hand laser and aims at Amanda.

Steroids Man: No!!!!!!

Steroids Man gets up and pushes Revenge's hand out of the way and into his own technology and he blasts it and causes a small explosion and sparks to fly.

Revenge: NO!!! Not my machines... what have you done!

Revenge gets punched in the face and warning alarms start going off.

Amanda: What's happening?

Phil: I think this technology is going to explode.


Revenge charges up each of his laser hands and aims them at Steroids Man's friends and Steroids Man grabs them and points them away.

Revenge: I'll just kill YOU RIGHT NOW THEN!!!

Revenge's hands are moving closer to Steroids Man's head and the weapons in his palms are glowing and ready to fire. Each of Steroids Man's hands are holding on to each of Revenge's wrists and he manages to overpower him and move Revenge's own hands to his face and the lasers go off blowing Revenge across the room and leaving green blood everywhere.

Amanda: Steroids Man!!!!

Debris is falling all over and warning signs and noises and red flashing lights keep going off and Steroids Man runs and grabs Amanda, Phil and the robot and runs them all out of the building as it explodes and collapses.

Everyone gathers outside and looks at the smoking rubble.

Steroids Man: Is he dead?

Amanda: I think that technology was keeping him alive.... I don't think he's coming back.....


Steroids Man: A very evil old enemy of mine, I'm glad he's gone.

Amanda: You saved my life Steroids Man!

Steroids Man: I'm sorry you got in that situation.... that's why I was always afraid to get with you, I never wanted anything like that to happen!

Amanda: But we're so awesome we always pull through. You and me.

The Manager (projection): And me....

Steroids Man hugs Amanda while giving The Manager a dirty look.

The Manager: I saved you all, and this incident plus when I saved you on super deck, means you owe me twice!

Steroids Man just nods sadly knowing that The Manager really has him there.

The Manager: Keep building machine!

Phil: Ummmm guys.... that explosion took out our vehicles...

Steroids Man: I guess we're going to have to walk home.


Hours later everyone makes it home and goes inside the Steroids Mansion.

Steroids Man: Wow, what a good walk!


Amanda: I feel great too, the fresh air and walk did us good, especially after that experience!

Phil: And walking releases endorphins in the brain to make you feel happy.

Steroids Man: We should really walk more often.

Robot: I AGREE!

Steroids Man: Let's all go on big group walks like this at least once a week!

Everyone looks at Doug with his leg stump and he has a sad expression on his face.

There's an awkward silence.....

Steroids Man: You know walking sucks.

Amanda: Yeah.... ummm... my back hurts.

Phil: Yeah what a horrible experience.... yeah.

Steroids Man: Yeah, we should spend more time not walking.

Doug: Oh, would you guys just smurf right off!!!!

Phil: I'm going to bed.

--If you read this please drop a comment of any kind as I value and desperately look for any feedback as it inspires me to continue on--
Game Destroyer
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Re: Chapter 84 --> Revenge

Post by Clarence »

Happy New Years everyone!
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Re: Chapter 84 --> Revenge

Post by Wesley »

Happy Fleema Jamma New Year!

this was a good episode! I did not proofread it, and there are one or two tiny thing that I will fix when nobody is looking.

Good stuff, though! I like the weird friendship Steroids Man has with The Robot.
"Work hard, be humble and stay positive."

~ Donnie Yen ~
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Re: Chapter 84 --> Revenge

Post by Clarence »

Thank you Zot, I think with your help I have improved my writing skills and will hopefully require less help in the future.

Aside from writing I would also like to ensure that continuity and set characteristics of the people of the series stay in tact as well.

As for the story itself, so here we have it a new year of Steroids Man adventures!

Still 16 episodes left until the grand 100th episode on the 2 year anniversary.

Could this be the end of Revenge (formerly known as wheels)? What's going to happen to Doug when he only has one leg? Don't forget The Manager ongoing story too and how will Steroids Man survive months without tickle fight?

Lots of stuff on the way
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Re: Chapter 84 --> Revenge

Post by Clovvach »

Hopefully it's the end of revenge, that would be great. And I love the way the Manager helps Steroids Man, though I think you should make his appearances more creepy and powerful, instead of just powerful. But overall it's a nice episode.