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Post by Wesley »

You see in the movies where a normal person suddenly has a flash of insight and they realize what they need to do with their life. Often this realization somehow helps them focus to the point where it seems they may have super powers. We can also see this in real people that we sometimes see on the news. The guy who saves a lady from her car after it has plunged into a lake, the woman who is in the right place at the right time to call 911 as a building catches on fire, etc. What about the rest of us? Those of us who say,"If that was me, I would have done the same thing!" Are we just waiting for the right moment? And what happens after that? A person saves a baby from a car accident, then they live the rest of their life in boring anonymity. Is that okay? I don't have the answers to all this, it is just something I have been contemplating. I feel that if a person can somehow get a glimpse of what they need to do, I mean on a universal scale, then many of the pieces of their life will start to make sense.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Eff »

I don't believe in this...'' then many of the pieces of their life will start to make sense.''
Life is a puzzle we're playing in each and every decision we make.
the puzzle of your life...that get to be completed because of a glimps or a flash...Naa, only in movies it happens, not in real life.
Life are too complicated then to be puzzled out with a flash or a thought or a vision . That's the work of the directors.

When a person saves a baby or whatever... he was lucky to be in the right time'n place. we can not know if he'd leave sucks life after wards or if it changed his life for good, i believe it does change something for good even if it not shown ,its inside . but we'll never know coz we haven't been there.

Did you just saved the world yesterday or what?!
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Destiny

Post by Ninja »

zot saves the world on an hourly basis.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Eff »

Dahhh- WE KNOW ! It was kind of rhetorical question...
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Destiny

Post by LaLou »

I don't think that having a flash of insight and making a difference in a person's life neccessarily have to be the same event.

I think (hope) I have made a difference in a childs life once. It was not a flash of insight that I had, just the way I reacted to her. A way that was different than what she was used to in that situation. I sometimes wonder what has happened to her and what she is doing with her life right now.

Flashes of insight I have often. Like suddenly I realize something that was actually right before my eyes all the time, but I didn't see it. They do sometimes make a difference in my own life, and even less often in that of someone else.
I think it's just a matter of being open to new thoughts. I have experienced that most people don't see what is obvious. They never learned to think outside the box. Or most likely they unlearned it, because most children are masters of thinking outside the box.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Eff »

My instincts are sucks. when evre i had the chance to help ,i missed it in a flash. But anyway non of these could have make a different .

~Sometimes things can happen and instantly you see it. you see what you missed for months\years, you see what is there for you and you never noticed that b4. You realize what you got'a do now, and everything is clear.
Maybe that was the ''flash''' that Zot talked about. umm you right, maybe. So it does happens in real life too.
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: Destiny

Post by Dowster »

shazam! happens, sometimes it seems like there's a reason for it, and other times not. But really it just happens. If you flip a coin the thing that decides whether or not it's heads or tails is how hard you flick it and how long you leave it in the air (or how high your hand is if you're letting it drop to the ground). But because most of us don't have the ability and precision to control it accurately we call it luck. Luck, fate destiny are basically the outcome of a combination of factors that are beyond our control. Some people have stuff that makes sense and it helps their life, others just get a shitty ride that they have to go along with until they drop dead.

It's interesting that people living in some of the worst places in the world are usually the most religious. They don't however seem to spend their days searching for a meaning to their life, they just fight to survive for as long as possible and minimize the pain and suffering that they go through every day. Searching for some kind of plan or purpose seems to be something that we do when our basic survival is already taken care of.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Wesley »

Okay, I am going to take a different direction with the same discussion. I am going to change to another "D" word. Dreams. Not all mushy and stuff like some of the dreams we had as youth, but more realistic dreams. Finding out what you are REALLY good at and then finding a way to either help people with that talent or make it your life's work. To have a job where you get paid to have a positive influence. To be able to survive financially while doing what you love. Isn't this just another way of "finding your destiny?" Not as dramatic as saving a life, but just as satisfying in the long run.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Eff »

Dowster wrote:Luck, fate destiny are basically the outcome of a combination of factors that are beyond our control. .
The morning Effie would say that you're right.
The evening Effie says that you're wrong.

Its evening now.
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
the two timer
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Re: Destiny

Post by bella »

That is an ideal vision which rarely becomes true. Try to find out what you are good at, what you like doing. In the best case you can earn a living with it. If not you have to find another way to realize it. Earn a living to realize your dreams. If you find a job which combines everything you can be lucky, if not don't give up trying to realize your visions of how your life should be. Don't dream your life, live your dream.
Hell, I sound pathetic today.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Eff »

bella wrote: I sound pathetic today.
That's coz you haven't been around few days, we missed you. now i need to log out and it won't happen if you'll keep on chating . :evil:
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
Pete McGiveris
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pete McGiveris »

GreatZot wrote: Dreams. Not all mushy and stuff like some of the dreams we had as youth, but more realistic dreams.

OK, really doesn't have a whole lot to do with the thread, but when I was really young I thought pro-wrestling was real, and was a huge fan. So much so, that I wanted to be Hulk Hogan when I grew up, that was my childhood dream. I can remember being with my Mom, and we'd meet someone, and they'd ask the standard "what do you want to be when you grow up" question, and I'd always, without fail, answer a pro-wrestler. Thinking back now, I kinda feel bad for my Mom, 'cuz Dad's friends always found it super funny.
And I said "Baby you're lookin' good",
That's when I noticed her legs were wood...
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Re: Destiny

Post by Beany »

I had this dream a while ago about this other site I go on. The dream was just after I found it. I was dreaming that I saw myself helping people when they felt lonely or depressed, such as I used to feel. I dreamt that people liked me helping and decided that I was a good person (even if a little loopy). It was such a sweet dream that I went on to the site that evening and tried to make a difference. And the dream was right. It did work.

Kinda naff, but there ya go.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Eff »

I never saw this one, sorry, and i do have things to say.
GreatZot wrote:realistic dreams.
Its good to dream, realistic kind'a way, helps stay in focus , and that's what keeps us going happily , if we won't dream , we're smurf. zombies .
GreatZot wrote: "finding your destiny?" satisfying in the long run.
Wow . should i punch you to wake you up? Long run? you'e allready in your 'long run' , you are running, your ahead ,you're not twenty anymore.

This things are for twenty years old'ers. If you're short with money don't try to find your destifuckiny ,try to find a job that you like with good money, make sure there are good ppl around you WHEREVER you are ,and LIVE. You need to keep on dreaming to have the 'go' , and if you'll make it or not its a different story.
Make sure your kids would dream in 'time' .

Was it offensive? 'coz it never meant to be. dammit. No offense its just my thoughts.
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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