Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

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Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Moe »

So, I don't know if I posted mine or not, and I don't feeel like checking on my phone if I did or not so.

Mine were:
Look into college
Be more social
Something something job get paid more

I've almost given up on college much to my mother's disapproval
Friday nights me and a few of my buddies get together and play Magic: The Gathering for about 6 hours, which is 6 more hours of social than j got last year
I am still doing the same job, working 73 hours a paycheck, part time, currently at 9.75/hr, so I'm getting paid the same.
"Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. But it's not who you
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by LaLou »

9.75 an hour at your age would be a pretty good deal over here. People your age would usually get about 3 euro per hour.
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by nich »

Mine was to be more social, creative, and adventurous. So far i've only been working on the last one.
If you don't have the temperament to pursue your dreams then no one is going to do it for you.

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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Beany »

I had too many but I know I've done one of mine now.

Keep a resolution for a whole year - does completing one count?
Pass my driving test - done
Learn to play ukulele decently - I have done absolutely nothing on this one
Exercise at least twice a week - I might just lose this resolution. Bought a pedometer a couple of months ago and can now see how inactive I am - slowly trying to become more active.
Lose the weight I gained in 2014, although healthily - no and I am super pissed-off with myself for this one. Need to work on it.
Write down three good things about each day - haha, that lasted about a week
Stop whingeing quite so much and making an effort to do something about things that I'm not happy with - YES. Finally one I can say I'm doing something about.
Find something new and interesting to do - I took on a second job. I haven't got time for hobbies.
Read at least one book per month - I may actually have been doing this one without realising.
Meet new people - my jabberwocky are making more of an effort to keep in touch these days. It's shazam! when they're away (so most of the time) but trying to make an effort to meet up with them as much as possible while they're back.
Spend less time on the computer and more on arty things or going out or whatever - I had been too busy to spend much time on the computer - my typical days were 11-12 hours - but now I'm getting less busy I don't know what I'll fill my time with
Make more videos - not really. I want to redo an old one though and I have some ideas in the pipeline for making videos but they're a tiny part of a great big project I'm hoping to do.
Be more creative - smurf creative.
Be more adventurous - no.

I might revise my list. If I say I've done #1 and #2, I'll keep #3, #5, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 and #13.

Learn to play ukulele decently
Lose weight (try to involve exercise)
Make an effort to change things I'm not happy with
Find something new and interesting to do - I have an idea for this one and rather than a hobby it's to do with studying
Read at least one book per month
Meet new people - this is a tricky one for me, but people at work sort of ignore the fact that I'm there (unless you count the creepy message one), and seeing my friends once or twice when they're home or occasionally going to see them makes me feel unwanted half the time and according to one of the above resolutions I should be doing something about it
Spend less time on the computer - I may have to change this to waste less time on the computer
Make more videos
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by LaLou »

I didn't make resolutions for the new year, but I'm making one now. I found out that the resolution to loose weight is not working. It's one step too far. So taking it one step back, I resolute to changing my lifestyle. This means eating a little less, eating less meat and less fruit, but more vegetables, cut down on the sugar totally and on the salt and fat and exercise more. With drinking enough water (which is not a problem for me) that would end up with weight loss automatically.
It's working, 5 kilograms so far, three weeks in the program.
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Beany »

Reminder that you have three days to remember what your resolutions were and accomplish them.
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Moe »

I was a little more social! I did it!
also, my annual review brought my pay from 9.75 to 10.03, so I guess I did that one..
No progress on potential college ideas tho
"Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. But it's not who you
are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."
- Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins

"Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing
that happens to everything else."
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Dowster »

I clicked here because I thought it said Chicken

2016 for me - read things properly, and try to stop thinking about food sometimes
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Clarence »

Dowster wrote:I clicked here because I thought it said Chicken

2016 for me - read things properly, and try to stop thinking about food sometimes
Make 2016 that you post more!!!

Missed ya buddy
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Dowster »

Ok I will

Post count +1!!

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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Shay »

Dowster wrote:I clicked here because I thought it said Chicken
Every time I read the title of this thread, I also read chicken instead.
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Beany »

I am making progress on one of last year's resolutions. Not sure I'm doing this whole resolution thing right. I have started teaching myself to play the ukulele again. So far I have managed a couple of nursery rhymes which use two strings at a time (hadn't done that before) to try to pick up the correct technique, and am working on chords. I have learnt C, A minor, G, F and D so far.

I am having trouble with the notes on the first fret but I read somewhere that this brand of ukulele has rubbish strings that mean you have to press harder, so I am going to blame that until I look up the cost of new strings.
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Re: Midyear Resolutions (15) checkin

Post by Wesley »

Um.... resolution. I've been stretching a little. Minor amounts of Tai Chi. Not as much French as I'd like.

Posting in here kind of reminds me to keep at it. :)
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