*Level 170*

Are you stuck on a level? This is the section of the forum you come to. Don't come here looking for the passwords, this is just to provide hints. We will try to help you as much as we can, you do not need to register to post in this section.

*Level 170*

Post by Gueest »

Doing on this level:
Try lots of PW - completed
Lots of painting - completed
Press the button a lot - completed
Type in the screen - completed
Use the menu - completed
But this level is not beaten.

And now, I need help.
the two timer
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Re: *Level 170*

Post by bella »

You're on the right track, something of what you tried should work when done correctly. Look at the screen.

Re: *Level 170*

Post by Gueest »

Tried again, but nothing happened.

I'm trying this level for about half a year!!! Please help!! :evil:
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Re: *Level 170*

Post by summer »

bella wrote:Look at the screen.
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Re: *Level 170*

Post by Giana »

Is right in front of you.

Re: *Level 170*

Post by Gueest »

I entered the sentence on the screen but it wasn't the password.
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Re: *Level 170*

Post by Eff »

So it is not the pw. maybe its a hint.
its a hint.
so oviest and yet ... so... hidden.
Dowster wrote:This one time - also know as last Wednesday
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Re: *Level 170*

Post by Banana »

Hmm. I get the impression that this level is not so difficult, yet for some reason I just can't seem to figure it out. Painting does nothing. Menu options do nothing. But I've tried typing in all sorts of things based on what I see on the screen--red, red buttons, bUtToNs, BuTtOnS, twin buttons, two, two buttons, 2, 2 buttons, mystery, mysterious, mysterious mystery, and of course The mysterious twin buttons of mystery!--and had no luck. Am I completely off or what?
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Re: *Level 170*

Post by EpicGuy »

Hint: Look down like you did on Level 106!
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