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14: Someone you could never imagine your life without

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:38 pm
by Shay
A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Ok, I know I still need to do a giant group photo. This should accurately be a picture of all the regulars and ancient regulars. This guys...have all had a significant impact on my life. I can't believe it's been close to four years (might even already be four years, don't remember if I joined end of 2007 or early 2008) that I've been apart of NELG. You guys have been here for me through some of my craziest times in life. Like... extremely, mentally, smurf crazy... like on meds and in emergency rooms, etc. You guys all know more about me than most people I associate with on a daily basis in person. I love you guys! :<3:


Re: Week 14

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:34 pm
by Shay
C'mon everyone! I have not been going onto the next week because there has not been any participation for this one.

Re: Week 14

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:38 pm
by chex
I didn't want to copy your answer or give another mom answer!

I'll come back to this when I'm not watching the clock. I have a few others I forgot to answer too, I think.

Re: Week 14

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:13 pm
by Beany
I didn't even see this one :oops: .

There are a few people that I can't imagine my life without.

I have a friend called Kathryn, who moved to California. I hadn't known her for very long, but we'd bonded really well, and I couldn't imagine her leaving, but, obviously, she did. I tried to stay in touch, but she had to move suddenly, and hadn't told me, so we lost contact. She found me on Facebook a couple of months ago though. So much to catch up on, but she might be coming to England this Summer :) . Hopefully so - she got me through a lot (although I'm not sure she knows it).

There's also a friend that I've had since about the same time, but we stayed friends, partly because we both changed to the same school. She's been through SO so so much with me. She gets on my nerves a lot, but I've taken her through rough patches, and she's done the same for me.

Before March, I couldn't imagine my life without Kiwi. I know it sounds naff, but she really was like a sister to me. Again, I have managed to move on (sort of) .

Lastly, my friend Izzi. She's been in my life since I was eleven, and she's listened to my problems, helped me through tough times (notice a pattern here?), and so on. She's moving away next year though. I'll miss her like anything, but I'm hoping that she'll make an effort to keep in touch with me.

So... no pictures (sorry, my friends get stroppy about it) , but... yeah. There's no one person, and I'm not sure I've answered the question, but... yeah again.

Re: Week 14

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:08 pm
by LaLou
I didn't even see this either.
I'm going to search for a pic.

Re: Week 14

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:10 am
by chex

Mommy chex. :D

Re: Week 14

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:22 am
by Eff
momy eff . Couldn't live without her . i really love her and i will never live her alone . (my dad past away)
For now she's the one who take care of me and my 40+ brothers ..
She is the Best .
I wish i could play this motherhood one day . I doubt . Big time , big doubt .
She is every thing to her children to her bro's and sis , she's the best grandmo' ever any could get .

I don't have a pic of us together coz i can't stand beeing too close to her coz she always shouts at me .and at my bro's, and i hate dealing with her coz i always feel she's too stupid to argue with , coz i know better . BUT then i always get to see that she was right . no matter what we argue about .

my mom is god .

Re: 14: Someone you could never imagine your life without

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:39 pm
by sizz
I'm sure i must have mentioned this somewhere before, but i have 6 really close friends that i've been friends with for about five years now (anabel, emma, helen (yes, THAT helen), charlotte, amanda, lozzie). i see them every day and can imagine myself staying in touch with them all for the rest of my life. i'm pretty lucky to have such good friends, actually. This is us at our prom.
