Citizen Kane

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Citizen Kane

Post by Clarence »

I keep wanting to watch this movie cause it's suppose to be one of the best movies ever.... should I?
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Re: Citizen Kane

Post by Wesley »

From a directing point of view, it is quite good. The cinematography is very nice. The storytelling is good. Does that mean you will like it? Maybe not. Just because something is a technical masterpiece does not mean everyone will like it. If you are a film buff or if you are going to film school or maybe want to gain a better appreciation of how movies used to be made -- how they could be made -- then please see this movie. If you just want to be entertained, then don't waste your time. The story is a hundred years old, the actors are all dead, it is black and white. I enjoyed it. It's up to you. Maybe you should see it, if only to find out for yourself what all the fuss is about.
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~ Donnie Yen ~
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