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Chapter 177 --> The Ultimate Finale!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:08 pm
by Clarence
This is the final episode of Steroids Man on the 5 year anniversary of the show! If you are just tuning in now to see how this whole thing ends then you may at least want to see the 6 episodes that lead up to this main event ... or just wing it. I'll be happy if you read anything honestly.

We pick up where we last left our heroes on a dark and evil planet at the end of the universe! Steroids Man, Weed Man, Phil, Super Bob, Benny and Krilleth are all together and in the palace of the Ultimate Evil! The Ultimate Evil is the one who stole Satan's powers and seemingly took over the universe!

The Ultimate Evil is on a floating metal chair which is turned away from our heroes and a large evil looking desk sits between them. On this desk is the ancient device which is beyond description and wields some kind of unknown and super evil power! The key to this device is in Steroids Man's stomach. Steroids Man is in agony as the mythical key inside of him is slowly killing him.

Nobody knows what this ultimate evil looks like as he has never turned around in his chair. All we can see are some red arms and large metal gauntlets covered in spikes.

Phil: Reveal yourself!

The Ultimate Evil begins to speak in a TERRIFYING voice that could make nuns explode but still doesn't turn around in the floating chair.

Ultimate Evil: How dare you make any requests of me ... don't you know who I am?

Steroids Man: Come on man ... just turn around so we can get this over with.

Steroids Man pukes more hot blood on the floor but is still unable to pass the key.

Ultimate Evil: Foolish mortals .... I have the powers of Satan! My appearance alone is enough to destroy you!

Steroids Man: If I can survive looking at Phil all day I'm sure I can survive you!

Ultimate Evil: Very well .... for you ... I will show myself...

SLOWLY, the floating metal chair of the Ultimate Evil begins to turn! Horror music plays as we are now getting closer to revealing the Ultimate Evil's appearance!

Everyone in the room is now having a hard time breathing as the chair turns slightly more towards them! Frost fills the room and our heroes can see their breath! Everyone is filled with darkness and despair!

Benny: What's happening?!?!

Krilleth (shaking from the cold): He's ... he's too evil!!

Wind blows through the room as the Ultimate Evil grows closer to revealing his appearance! Weed Man's joint gets put out by the evil winds!

Weed Man (disappointingly): Hey....

The chair is now slightly more turned around and everyone feels like they are dying!

Everyone's life flashes before their eyes but only the bad memories as the room grows darker!!

Super Bob: THIS IS THE END!!!

Phil: I didn't know it would be THIS bad!

Ultimate Evil (louder): BEHOLD!!! I HAVE REVEALED MYSELF!!!

The horror music and terrible things get more intense and abruptly stop when our heroes get a good look as to what the Ultimate Evil actually appears like.

Steroids Man: Ummm...

The Ultimate Evil now is in plain view in the floating chair ... it's an extremely obese red demon woman with a big belly and tiny arms and legs. Long curly horns and eating a cheese burger while wearing the spiked metal gauntlets. The floating chair is sparking and looks like it's having a hard time holding her up.

Phil: Ok what the @%@%

Ultimate Evil: What's the matter, Phil? Expecting a man? Don't think a woman could date rape Satan, steal his powers and take over the universe? Huh? Sexist.

Our heroes have this tired look on their faces as if they have had it with this silly adventure.

Weed Man: Wow ... that's kind of disappointing *tokes*

Steroids Man: I'm so sick of this adventure ... I hope this key inside me kills me soon...

Ultimate Evil: Key?

The Ultimate Evil stretches her arm out and suddenly the key is ripped from Steroids Man's stomach and flies across the room and into her hand as blood flies all over!

Ultimate Evil: Yes! The key to my device!

Krilleth (to Steroids Man): Maybe you should have kept that shazam! a secret!

Benny is healing Steroids Man and the open stomach wound seals up.

Ultimate Evil: Good job bringing me the key Steroids Man! Who would have thought you would be the one to deliver it? You have made your Mother proud!

Steroids Man: ... what

Ultimate Evil: Yes my son ... I am your true Mother!

Steroids Man: @#^##^ off.

Ultimate Evil: It's true! See this chip in my horn? That's YOU! I broke it off and boiled it in a stew and stuck it in what would be your surrogate Mother while she was already pregnant with Dave. That's why you are technically twins but look nothing alike!

Steroids Man: ...

Ultimate Evil: You are half demon. That's why you could take so much abuse and use way more steroids than anyone should ever have been able to use!

Steroids Man: Oh come on! What? That makes no sense! That would mean my kids were demons too??

Ultimate Evil: Actually the demon gene skips a few generations, but a great grandchild might pick it back up.

Steroids Man thinks back to Daemos, the demon like grandson of his son David.

Steroids Man: No this is .... no....

The other heroes look at Steroids Man equally confused.

Phil: Are you saying you gave Steve life??? He only existed because of you???

Ultimate Evil: Yes. I created him for my other son Glendon, because I felt bad for him.

Steroids Man: What the hell is going on!??! Who the hell is Glendon?!??!

Ultimate Evil: My other son. You know him as The Manager.

Steroids Man: You created me ... for The Manager??? What the @#%@ are you talking about ???

Ultimate Evil: *sigh* The Manager was a disappointment to the demon world. He wanted to conquer the Earth. Ohhhh... big deal. Most demons would want to take over the universe or Heaven but he was fixated on that stupid Earth planet. He kept failing over and over again so I created you to help him out. And he still failed and died by your wife's hand. How pathetic is that?

Steroids Man: Are you shitting me?

Ultimate Evil: No! It's true!

Steroids Man: .... Phil?

Phil: Hmmm....

Phil quickly grabs one of Krilleth's knives and slices at Steroids Man!

Steroids Man: Hey!

Phil licks the blood.

Phil: Oh wow! That's demon blood alright! 100% proof!

Weed Man: Damn ... that sucks bro.

Steroids Man: But ... wha ... oh come on! This is CRAZY! I was created by a fat demon woman to help The Manager take over the world?!?!

Ultimate Evil: Yes. You were brewed from pure evil! And let me tell you, the Heavenly forces tried many times to snuff you out along the way!

Steroids Man: If I was created by pure evil ... then I'm screwed aren't I?

Phil: Hmmm?

Steroids Man: How can I get into Heaven now!?? I'm a demon child!!!

Phil: Well .... you could repent a lot.

Steroids Man: ...

Benny: Just because you were created by pure evil shouldn't control your fate! You have a mind of your own and are in control of your own destiny and ...

Ultimate Evil: Oh you're such a wiener!

Benny: Hey...

Ultimate Evil: I grow bored of this! Time to activate the device!

The Ultimate Evil gets ready to put the key in the ancient evil device! Krilleth rushes forward and brandishes his knife!!

Krilleth: Let's kill this fat woman demon already and end this shazam!!

Ultimate Evil: As if it's going to be that easy!

Krilleth: jabberwocky, please! I can handle a woman!

Ultimate Evil: Handle this!

The Ultimate Evil reaches forward with one of her metal gauntlet hands and suddenly our heroes are lifted off the ground!

Super Bob: This is going to be bad...

Slam! Bam! Smash!!! Our heroes are thrown into the ceiling and back to the floor and into a wall and back to the opposite wall and all over! Finally the Ultimate Evil lets them go and they all collapse to the ground and are badly hurt and bloody!

Ultimate Evil: Pathetic!

Phil: *cough* Benny .... *choke* ... heal us!

Benny: Ok ... but my arms are broken ... someone has to move one of them to my chest so I can heal myself first ... *cough*

Ultimate Evil: Time to activate the device!!!

Weed Man: Oh no!

The Ultimate Evil puts the key in the device and turns it!

Phil: Benny! You have to heal me now!

Ultimate Evil: Wait ... this isn't working....

Steroids Man: Seriously???

Super Bob: But that's a good thing!

Steroids Man: It just means this is going to drag out even longer....

The Ultimate Evil looks down and sees the device isn't plugged in and the outlet doesn't reach.

Ultimate Evil: Oh yeah, I need an extension cord!

The Ultimate Evil snaps her finger and a demon helper brings the cord and plugs in the device and it powers up!

Ultimate Evil: It's time!

The evil device glows and the entire universe darkens! The most horrible noises come out of it as the Ultimate Evil laughs an evil laugh and our heroes struggle to get up from their gruesome injuries!

Ultimate Evil: Here it comes! I have been waiting for this!

The Ultimate Evil places a red solo cup over a slot on the machine and ice falls out of it and into her drink.

Our heroes are shocked and in disbelief.

The Ultimate Evil sips the drink enjoyably.

Ultimate Evil: That was so worth it!

Super Bob: What?! It's an ice machine!??

Krilleth: We have been trying to stop you from building an ice machine?! What is going on!?!

Weed Man: How is an ice machine evil?

Ultimate Evil: How isn't this ice machine evil? First off it just looks evil and secondly it requires no water to make ice!

Super Bob: But where does the ice come from?

Ultimate Evil: This heinous machine uses eons of evil energy to convert planets into ice cubes! Every time an ice cube is produced another planet somewhere dies!

Phil: .... why?

Ultimate Evil: Because it makes drinks damn tasty! Observe!

The Ultimate Evil slowly sips on her beverage and keeps her eyes closed to enjoy the flavour.

Phil: Now's my chance!

Phil is fully healed thanks to Benny and flies at the Ultimate Evil super fast! The Ultimate Evil can't defend herself as she's holding on to the beverage with both her hands and doesn't want to risk spilling and losing the hard earned ice cubes!

Phil lands with his feet on the Ultimate Evil's shoulders and ends up sitting on her back like a kid sitting on an adult! He then grabs her arms and lifts them up below the gauntlets and she spills the drink.

Ultimate Evil: Ok, that's annoying and how do you not think I'm going to violently kill you for this?

Phil: Try it.

Our heroes are shocked at Phil's sudden bravery and confidence.

The Ultimate Evil struggles but can't break free from Phil's grip!

Ultimate Evil: How ... how is this possible?!?! I have the powers of Satan and the Eternity Gauntlets!

Phil: But I have the holy vest!

Ultimate Evil: How did you get that?!?!

Phil: Ha ha ha ha ha!

Phil lifts up and rips the Ultimate Evil's arms off between the wrists and the elbows!

Ultimate Evil: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steroids Man and the other heroes are horrified and confused by this!

Phil removes the bloody arm stumps from the spiked metal gauntlets and puts them on! Phil then reveals his golden holy vest while wearing the spiked metal eternity gauntlets!

Phil: Yes! The two most powerful items in the universe are mine!

Steroids Man: So ... did we just win ... or what?

Phil: Steve. Stop being so impatient. I have to kill your demon mother now and steal her and Satan's powers!

Ultimate Evil: What?!?!?!

Phil pushes the eternity gauntlets into her chest and and she screams in agony! Many colors and rays explode from her body as she's completely absorbed into Phil's body!

Phil: YES!!!!!!!!!!! THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!

Weed Man: Guys ... what's happening?

Phil now stands before our heroes and looks evil! His wings are stretched out and he looks super powerful and glowing with flames shooting from his body! The golden vest and spiked metal eternity gauntlets look extra menacing! Phil has a most sinister smile on his face as he appears to look more and more powerful!

Phil: Be right back guys.

Phil suddenly disappears.

Our heroes are left speechless.

Steroids Man: Is everyone else as confused as I am?

Weed Man: If it makes you feel better, I'm confused all the time!

-- show Heaven and the red energy barrier of darkness that has it trapped from the rest of the universe.


All the angels walking and flying about look up at the red energy barrier to see explosions and fire coming out if it!

Angel Lorraine: Look up there!! What's happening???

Angel Misty: The evil barrier that the new Satan put up ... someone has broken through from the outside!

Angel Lorraine: How is this possible!? Nothing has been able to penetrate that barrier!

Suddenly a dark and evil looking angel with fiery wings flies into heaven from the barrier! The barrier closes and fire rains down on the angels and explosions happen all over!

Angel Doris: Is that ... Angel Phil ???

Angel Hector: I never trusted that guy!

Phil zooms by dropping more demonic bombs as Heaven is being devastated!

Angel Spencer: He's heading for God!

Phil: Wahahahahahahahahahaha!

Suddenly Heaven grows darker and as does the whole universe... something bad has happened!!

Steroids Man, Weed Man, Super Bob, Benny and Krilleth are standing around the Ultimate Evil's palace confused but feel like something terrible has happened. The Ultimate Evil's demon army is also here and confused as well.

Demon # 245: What .. what is going on?

Demon # 450: Should we do ... something?

Benny: No.

Suddenly there's an explosion followed by a bright flash of light in the center of the Ultimate Evil's meeting room! Rays of lights of all different and new colours shoot out from all over!


The Demons all melt and die from the light while our heroes stand temporarily blinded and confused. The whole dark planet gets filled with the light as all the demons die!!


Suddenly a large winged figure steps from the lights and reveals itself to be Phil! Phil has the most sinister look on his face!!

Phil stands now looking more powerful and scary than anything you've ever seen! His large wings are stretched out and flames and energy beams shoot out! Still wearing the eternity gauntlets and holy vest but now looking more powerful and all sorts of energy emitting from him!

Phil's new super menacing appearance is so strong our heroes can hardly look at him and feel like they're about to be knocked down by some kind of invisible wind!

Steroids Man: Phil???

Phil calms down the demonstration of power and talks with a louder and echoed voice. His whole body is glowing with bright energy beams with colours you can't even imagine!

Phil: Finally I did it ... my master plan has succeeded!

Steroids Man: Ok ... so we saved the universe and all that ... we're done now right? Can I go to heaven now?

Phil (speaking so loud the whole universe can hear): NEVER!!!!!!!!!

Super Bob: Why isn't this over ... we completed the mission ....

Phil: You sure did! You helped me steal Satan's powers and in turn steal God's powers!

Steroids Man: What...

Phil: That's right! Me, lowly Phil, has risen above all else and conquered everyone!!

Steroids Man: This is febreeze. Are you saying you became evil and took over the universe? YOU? You could never pull that off!

Phil: But I did! First I found the holy vest hidden in God's kingdom and used it to counter the eternity gauntlets! With those items I was able to take Satan's powers from your demon Mom and was able to steal God's powers and have complete control over everything! I have planned this all out and deceived everyone! I worked on this FOREVER! From becoming your guardian angel to working with Demons to get advanced information of your Mom's plans so I could arrange everyone else to be locked into Heaven and....

Steroids Man: Shut up!

Phil: what...

Steroids Man: Blah blah blah and on and on ... @%$$@% ... this is why nobody likes you because you bore people to death.

Phil: ...

Steroids Man: So who are you?

Phil: What do you mean?

Steroids Man: You're some kind of shape-shifter using Phil's appearance? Because the real Phil could have never bested God. Come on.


Krilleth: Why did you lead us on this fake mission and princess sophia around with us???

Phil: Oh the mission was real and you all played along great, I just always had the ulterior motive....

Benny: But why take over the universe and do all this terrible stuff???

Phil: Because I needed to get revenge!

Steroids Man: Revenge for what? What are you talking about???

Phil: It's YOU, you dummy! I needed to get revenge against YOU!!!!

Steroids Man: Me? What did I do?

Phil: Are you serious right now? You've been horribly mean to me for like ... ever!!!

Steroids Man: You got to be kidding me ... you rescued me from Purgatory and gathered these other heroes for this mission and stole God's powers just to get me back for being mean to you sometimes?

Phil: Exactly!

Steroids Man: Wow ... I guess you can accomplish a lot when you have no friends and way too much free time on your hands.

Benny: Stop insulting the guy!

Steroids Man: So what are you going to do now, Phil? Use these stolen powers of yours to kill me for revenge because you got hurt feelings? I guess you could never have killed me otherwise.

Phil is getting really mad and energy bolts are shooting off of him and hitting the walls of the room!

Phil: I'm going to make you pay for the years of torment! All the years of making me cry until my eyes were sore!

Steroids Man: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Phil begins to glow bright with cosmic power and approach our heroes who all begin to step back!

Phil: Your torture begins right now!!

Phil approaches and glows bright and abruptly stops and stands still. Everyone looks on puzzled.

Phil: Unless....

Steroids Man: Yeah?

Phil: Unless you apologize.

Steroids Man: ... what?

Phil: Just apologize for being mean to be all these years and I'll stop all of this.

Steroids Man: Really?

Phil: Yes.

Steroids Man: Well when you put it that way ....

Phil and the heroes look on hopefully at Steroids Man's next move....

Steroids Man: No.

Phil: What....

Steroids Man: Can't do it ... it would be so fake. You really do suck and deserved all the horrible things I said and more.

Benny: Oh come on! Apologize and get us out of this!!!

Krilleth: Just fake it you idiot.

Steroids Man: I don't think I can.

Phil: I would accept a fake apology.

Steroids Man: Wow ... even with your stolen power you're still desperate and pathetic.

Phil is really mad now!

Phil: Just say you're sorry! DO IT NOW!!!!

Steroids Man: No.

Phil: Maybe you will change your mind when I resurrect some of your old enemies in their strongest forms to kick your bottom!

Steroids Man: What? Too lazy to fight me yourself? Are you still afraid I'll kick your bottom even with your new powers?

Benny: Why are you provoking him like this!?

Phil: Shut up, all of you!!

Phil suddenly stretches his arms out and they begin to glow as 6 thunder bolts strike down between our heroes and Phil! Smoke fills the area and 6 shadowy figures emerge!

- Metal Face appears in full costume with his metal mask and looking extra buff as this is the version enhanced with the super soldier serum!

- Revenge appears as a big blue monster that can shoot laser beams, an enhanced version of Wheels from a science experiment gone wrong!

- Dr. Bad appears as his elderly self but with super intelligence and inside a large robot suit with weapons!

- Ultra Evil Man appears with his ring that grants him powers!

- Magnet Hands is here with his ... magnet hands ....

- The Manager is here with full demon powers in his strongest form!!

All of the resurrected villains look around confused and disoriented after being brought back to life.

Steroids Man: Oh crap! It's the Manager! .... and some other guys.

Metal Face: Oh come on! There's no way you don't remember me!!

Ultra Evil Man: Or me! I'm going to kick your bottom!

Phil: Yes, go get them, all of you!

The villains look back to see Phil giving orders.

The Manager: You? You're the one who brought us back? You're the head bad guy now?

Phil: Yes! I stole God and Satan's powers and brought you all back to punish Steroids Man! Go kill him and his friends right now!

The Manager looks over at Steroids Man.

The Manager: Wow ... the universe must have really turned to shazam! after I died if he's the biggest threat left.

Steroids Man: I know, right?

Phil is really pissed off and begins to shoot off more energy balls as his power grows larger and wilder.

Krilleth whips out his knife and is ready for battle as always.

Krilleth: Let's just do this already! I'm bored!

Benny: Are you nuts?!?

Steroids Man: I kicked all these guy's asses before, I can do it again!

Weed Man: I'm with you, bro!

Revenge: Let's do this!

All of the heroes and villains run at each other for an epic battle! Except for Benny, Super Bob and Magnet hands .... everyone else meets in the middle!

Phil: Yes. Be my puppets. Make that evil Steroids Man pay for his sins!!!

The heroes and villains are about to meet in the middle of the room for the great battle!

The Manager: At least I'll get to kick Steroids Man's bottom!

Metal Face: Steroids Man is mine!

Metal Face runs and tackles Steroids Man! Krilleth begins to fight Ultra Evil Man! Weed Man is busy fighting both Revenge and Dr. Bad!

The Manager looks on and is annoyed while everyone else is fighting and lights a cigarette.

The Manager: I'll wait until the other lame villains lose before I bother to step in.

Phil: No! Get in there and fight now!!

The Manager (exhaling cigarette): You can't tell me what to do little man.

Phil is furious and expels more supreme energy out of his body!

Metal Face is holding Steroids Man's halo in place with one hand and punching him with the other.

Steroids Man: Crap you're strong!!!

Steroids Man pokes Metal Face through the eye slots of his mask and he doubles over in pain!


Krilleth swings his blade at Ultra Evil Man but keeps missing! Ultra Evil Man blasts Krilleth with some kind of windy tornado wave and sends him flying across the room!

Weed Man continues to fight the giant blue monster known as Revenge while also battling Dr. Bad in his mechanical battle suit!

Weed Man: I need another player!!!

Steroids Man (Getting punched by Metal Face): Sorry! I can't help right now!! And this isn't a video game!

Revenge shoots laser beams at Weed Man while at the same time Dr. Bad shoots rockets from his mechanical suit!!

Weed Man: Uh oh.


Super Bob and Benny look on in the corner of the room.

Super Bob: We need to do something!!!

Benny: But what can we do? You're the brains and I'm the healer .. we're useless here!!

Magnet Hands comes by.

Magnet Hands: Want to fight me?

Benny: Yeah, that seems fair.

Weed Man stands up and is horribly burnt from the explosions but immediately heals up and is fine.

Dr. Bad: Let's move in for the kill!

Revenge: Wait a minute .... I remember now ... you killed me!

Dr. Bad: We've all been killed and brought back, get over it.

Revenge: No. I'm getting my Revenge!

Dr. Bad: Don't be an idiot and get over it!

Revenge: Pickles.

Dr. Bad: Pickles? What?

Suddenly the indestructible glass door opens on Dr. Bad's robot suit exposing Dr. Bad's elderly body.

(This is actually Revenge's suit that Dr. Bad stole and Revenge programmed the word pickles to open the indestructible glass door in the event it was stolen.)

Dr. Bad: Oh dear....

Revenge grabs Dr. Bad's elderly body and tosses him into the air! Revenge shots his hand lasers at Dr. Bad and he explodes in mid air!

Revenge looks over to see Steroids Man is being beat down by Metal Face.

Revenge: Time to kill some more balloon knot!

Revenge heads towards Steroids Man but Weed Man charges and tackles Revenge! Meanwhile Krilleth is still unable to hit Ultra Evil Man! Ultra Evil Man continues to evade and fight back using his ridiculous magical ring powers!

Magnet Hands is on the floor bloody and crying and with his magnetic hands stuck together while Benny lays the boots to him.

Magnet Hands: Stop it already!!!! You won!!!

Benny: Sorry ... it was just my most triumphant victory ever.

Super Bob looks over at the empty battle suit Dr. Bad was wearing.

Super Bob: Hmmm....

Weed Man goes to light a joint with his robot hand that has a lighter in the finger but it doesn't work!

Weed Man: Uh oh! Our of lighter fluid!

Revenge: Stay focused! We're fighting here you pot head!!

Revenge shoots a powerful red laser beam at Weed Man! Weed Man dodges and lights his joint with the beam!

Weed Man: Thanks giant smurf dude!


Revenge charges at Weed Man!

Meanwhile, Steroids Man is losing his fight against Metal Face and his super soldier serum enhancement!

Metal Face is raining punches on a downed and helpless Steroids Man! Steroids Man is covered in blood and so are Metal Face's fists!

Metal Face: This is the best day of my life!

Krilleth is still fighting an annoying fight with Ultra Evil Man!

Ultra Evil Man: I'm not going to be defeated by some dumb alien with a knife!

Ultra Evil Man uses his magic ring to cause a strong wing gust to hit Krilleth and knock his knife out of his hands! Krilleth gets blown across the room!

Ultra Evil Man: HA HA HA HA! How does it feel to get blown by Ultra Evil Man!?!

The Manager turns and looks at Phil.

The Manager: Why did you bring those guys back, seriously? I would have been more than done killing them by now.

Phil: Then go do it!

The Manager: I'm not fighting alongside those reject super villains. Plus I'm really enjoying this cigarette.

The Manager inhales his cigarette enjoyably while Phil gets more pissed off.

Krilleth is stuck against a wall as Ultra Evil Man blows a serious gust of magical wind at him!

Ultra Evil Man: Let's see if you like it if I blow you harder!

Metal Face: Oh would you stop talking over there!

Ultra Evil Man laughs and laughs as the winds grow stronger and his ring is blown right off his hand. Ultra Evil Man becomes skinny and frail and powerless without his ring.

Ultra Evil Man: Uh oh....

Krilleth picks up his knife and smiles.

The magical ring rolls across the room and stops at Benny's foot.

Benny: Well hello there.

Krilleth charges at Ultra Evil Man with his sharp knife!

Ultra Evil Man: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Ultra Evil Man runs and Krilleth chases him while swinging wildly!

Krilleth: I'm going to enjoy this!

Ultra Evil Man slips, falls into a wall and breaks his frail neck while also busting his head open and blood is everywhere. Ultra Evil Man is dead once again.

Krilleth: ... well that's disappointing.

Weed Man is in a back and forth battle with Revenge! Weed Man drop kicks Revenge but he gets up and throws Weed Man into a wall!

Revenge: I'm going to break your legs! I'm going to break EVERYONE'S LEGS!!!!

Super Bob: Hey fat blue guy! Look over here!

Revenge: What?

Super Bob is in Dr. Bad's mechanical body suit and fires rockets at Revenge!


A severe explosion rocks the evil palace and Revenge crawls from the smoke!

Revenge: My legs ... I can't feel my legs!

Revenge crawls and holds himself up using the Ultimate Evil's large desk.

Revenge: You'll all pay for this!

Revenge shoots a never ending laser beam from one of his arms at anything he can hit! Weed Man jumps over and grabs Revenge's arm and twists it so the laser beam cuts Revenge's own neck and his head falls off!

Krilleth has just finished running over with his knife.

Krilleth: Oh come on! I want to kill someone! It's my turn now!

Metal Face is beating Steroids Man to within an inch of his afterlife when Benny flies over and throws a punch at Metal Face sending him flying!

Metal Face: What the?!?

Benny: This ring of power is awesome!

Super Bob comes over stomping in the metal suit with weapons armed.

Super Bob: So is this metal suit!

Krilleth: Let's not forget about my knife!

Weed Man: I'm hungry.

They all approach Metal Face and it's 4 against 1 while Steroids Man is down!

Metal Face stands up and begins to back-step away from the 4 heroes.

Metal Face: Back away! You don't want me to use any of my super soldier powers!

Weed Man: I have those too dude. Hey wait, aren't you the guy I killed just before I replaced Steroids Man when he retired?


Metal Face runs blindly away while his true cowardice resurfaces... and ends up trapped in a corner!

Metal Face: You'll never catch me suckers!

Metal Face punches at the corner of the room using his super strength but the walls don't give way in the least!

Metal Face: What are these walls made out of anyway???

The 4 heroes get closer and closer and close in on Metal Face who really panics now!

Metal Face: I can't go back to hell again!! My whole family is there and they're horrible!!

Metal Face rips his metal mask off and throws it at our heroes to slow them down revealing his horribly burnt and deformed face!

Krilleth raises his knife but Super Bob screams and fires a rocket right into Metal Face's face and his head explodes!!

Krilleth: DAMN IT!!!! WHY!!?! HE WAS MINE!!!

Super Bob: Sorry! His face was scary and I had to kill it!!

Benny goes over and heals Steroids Man. They all stand up and look at The Manager.

The Manager finishes his cigarette and flings it back into Phil's face.

The Manager: Amateur hour is over ... I'm going to take this chance to destroy you all in the most horrible way you can even imagine and ....

Steroids Man: Shut up, Glendon!

The Manager: Bwa .. wha ... HUH?!?! How the hell did you know my name???

Steroids Man: Your Mom told me everything.

The Manager: That jabberwocky! Well now you're REALLY going to die! Nobody learns my name and lives!!!

The Manager powers up and begins to glow red and looks more evil!

Super Bob (to Steroids Man): So what was this guy the manager of anyway?

Steroids Man: Me....

Super Bob: No wonder he's so evil.

The Manager throws a massive fireball at our heroes and an explosion engulfs them all!! Our heroes completely disappear in the flames and explosions!

The Manager: WAHAHAHAHAAHA! How easy was that?

As the smoke begins to clear our heroes are still standing where they were before and are fine. (Benny used his energy shield enhanced with the ring powers)

The Manager is completely dumbfounded.

The Manager: What ... not a scratch ... HOW?!?!?

Steroids Man: That fireball was weak! Phil's face could cause more damage than that!


Phil's entire body begins to glow bright as his epic powers grow more intense!

The Manager: Is that guy having a breakdown or something?

Krilleth: How about less talking and more killing? I believe it was my turn!

Krilleth runs at The Manager and swings his blade down ... but the Manager blocks it with a stretched out index finger much to Krilleth's dismay.

The Manager: A knife? Really?

The Manager flicks the knife blade with his finger and the blade explodes and shatters. The Manager begins to step forwards while Krilleth steps back.

The Manager: I'm a @#^$# demon and you tried to come at me with a knife? How stupid are you? Oh wait ... you're one of Steroids Man's friends ... never mind, I know exactly how stupid you all are now!

The Manager kicks Krilleth in the side with a super powerful demon kick! Krilleth flies across the room and coughs up ribs and smashes HARD into the Ultimate Evil's desk!

Benny: Oh no! I got to heal him!

Benny flies over to Krilleth while The Manager charges a fireball to throw at him!

The Manager: Time to kill the healer!

Super Bob: No you don't!

Super Bob unloads all his inventory of missiles and other projectiles from the mechanical suit right at The Manager!


Benny works fast to heal Krilleth while The Manager is buried in flames and explosions.

Benny: I had a shield remember, but thanks pal!

Super Bob: No problem my little green friend!

Krilleth gets up and is healed.

Krilleth: Thanks!

Benny: Any time!

Krilleth: Wait ... what's this?

Krilleth finds something from the wreckage of the Ultimate Evil's desk and holds it up.

Krilleth: No way! Look at this sword! It's bad bottom! I'm keeping this!

Krilleth swings the sword around and it makes amazing cosmic noises and glows red.

Krilleth: jabberwocky!!

Suddenly the smoke and flames go away and The Manager appears and is fine. A spooky red glow shines from his vary dark and evil body and his eyes glow red.

The Manager: This is boring. I'm going to kill you all now.

Everyone looks concerned and The Manager suddenly jumps up and flies right at Steroids Man! The Manager grabs Steroids Man and lifts him high and Steroids Man immediately BURSTS into flames!!!

Steroids Man screams as he's completely engulfed in fire! Phil watches from the distance and smiles a sinister smile.

Suddenly a great wind puts Steroids Man's body fire out and knocks him and The Manager down! The Manager quickly gets up to see Benny generating that wind using Ultra Evil Man's ring!

The Manager glows red and begins walking towards Benny, faster and faster despite the wind!

The Manager throws a powerful demon kick at Benny! Benny activates his shield and The Manager bounces off and stumbles around for a bit and gets up and is extra pissed.

The Manager: I'm going to get you, you little green snot!

Super Bob: No you won't!!

Super Bob runs over and throws heavy punches to The Manager's face! The Manager takes some steps back and appears slightly rocked while Super Bob's mechanical suit has dented and damaged fists.

Super Bob: Wow! What is your face made of???

The Manager: Grrrr!

The Manager goes to kick at Super Bob but Weed Man catches it!

Weed Man: Come on man, just call er quits and don't make me break your ankle.

The Manager pulls back and Weed Man holds on tight! The Manager gets his foot out while Weed Man still has his boot. The Manger now exposes a weird demon hoof thing for a foot.

Weed Man: Really?

The Manager: Yes really!


Krilleth comes running while swinging his new sword wildly! The Manager grabs the boot from Weed Man's hand and smacks Krilleth in the face with it and then puts it back on his foot!

Krilleth tries to get up and swings and misses again and The Manager takes a lit joint from Weed Man's mouth and flicks it in Krilleth's eye!

Krilleth: Oh come on!

Weed Man: My joint!!!

Krilleth: What the!? MY FREAKING EYE!!!

The Manager: You come on! I barely have to try with you guys!

Steroids Man runs at The Manager but falls down before he gets there.

Steroids Man: *pant* *pant* ... ow....

Benny: I told you I wasn't done healing you!

The Manager: You guys are pathetic!

Smash!!! The Manager gets hit when a large robotic arm is thrown at him!

The Manager: What the?

Super Bob: Ummm... I ran out of projectiles.

Krilleth suddenly jumps up and stabs The Manager with the ancient sword and it sticks right through his stomach!

Krilleth: Ha Ha! Victory!

The Manager (unphased): No, just annoyance.

Krilleth: Huh?

The Manager kicks Krilleth across the room and removes the sword from his gut and tosses it.

The Manager: Ok, I think we're done here! I'm ending this now!

The Manager charges a seriously powerful dark energy fireball and throws it at Krilleth! Weed Man runs super fast and grabs Krilleth and they avoid the HUGE blast!

The Manager throws the fireball at Steroids Man who jumps but gets caught in some of the explosion!

The Manager then sets his sights on Super Bob and his one armed mechanical suit!

Super Bob: Uh oh!

The Manager throws a severe fireball right at Super Bob and Benny jumps out in front and activates his shield!

Benny (to Super Bob): Kick me!

Super Bob: What?

Benny: Kick me as hard as you can NOW!!!

Super Bob kicks with his mechanical leg at Benny's force-field bubble! The kick causes the bubble to bounce into the energy ball and in turn causes the energy ball to bounce off twice as fast!

The Manager: shazam!!!!

The Manager tries to quickly block with his arms as the energy ball heads right for him super fast and EXPLODES!!! A supreme explosion!!!!!!! The biggest explosion in this episode yet!!

Our heroes gather around the fires of the explosion area where there is smoke and flames all over!

Steroids Man: If I know The Manager ... he's probably completely dead and done by now. I think we won.

Weed Man: .... seriously? You need to lay off the pot.

Benny quickly heals our heroes to full strength! Krilleth has his sword ready! Super Bob attaches the metal arm back on! Benny has the ring of power from Ultra Evil Man! Weed Man has a chocolate bar.

Steroids Man: ... sure is taking a while for this smoke and fire to clear...

Finally the smoke and fire clears to reveal .... nothing!

Krilleth: What??

Benny: Maybe we did kill him!

Phil: Hmmm??

Suddenly the Manager comes down out of nowhere covered in smoke and jumps down on Phil! The Manager grabs Phil's eternity gauntlets!

The Manager: I'll be taking these!!!!

The Manager tries to remove the gauntlets but they don't budge...

Phil: Seriously?

The Manager: Well I had to try. I'm really evil, remember?

Phil: Get off me!!

Phil gets really mad and tosses The Manager off of him and an energy bolt from Phil's body blasts The Manager through the stomach leaving a gaping hole! The Manager stumbles around in pain!

Phil: How dare you try to defy me?!?! I have UNLIMITED POWER!!

The Manager: Because ... *cough* ... you're a weak idiot and I thought I could get away with it.... dumb bottom ....


Phil waves his hand and The Manager explodes into beams of light and disappears!

Steroids Man: We won!!

Phil: What? No! That doesn't count! I AM THE ONE WHO WON!!!

Steroids Man: What do you think you won? You brought back my enemies and I kicked their asses! In fact you made us stronger because Benny has that ring, Bobby has that suit and creepy knife guy got a new sword!

Krilleth: I have a name!

Weed Man: Also I found this sweet weed in that broken desk over there!

Steroids Man: Right ... so you only succeeded in making us better. I thought you were trying to torture me or something ... like what are you doing???


Steroids Man: Can we go now?


Steroids Man: Are you still on about that? I told you I'm not apologizing or even fake apologizing.


Steroids Man: Frig you're bratty!

Super Bob: Just apologize and get us out of this!

Benny: It's two words! "I'm sorry"!

Steroids Man: Yeah but ... just can't do it!

Krilleth: What is wrong with you??

Phil: DO IT NOW!!!!

Steroids Man: This is getting stupid and embarrassing ... for you.

Phil uses his powers to lift Weed Man off the ground.

Phil: DO IT NOW!!!!!

Steroids Man: Nope.

Weed Man's arms and legs are suddenly stretched out while he floats in the air and he looks to be in pain!!


Steroids Man: Oh let him go.

Phil: SAY IT THEN!!!!

Steroids Man: Phil?

Phil: YES????

Steroids Man: You're pathetic and sad and couldn't even kill a dead fly on your own. You're not going to get what you want here because you're a loser.


Phil gets really mad and glows super bright with power! Weed Man's arms and legs and head are suddenly ripped from his body and he dies a horrible gruesome death!!

Steroids Man looks down at Weed Man's dismembered body and holds back the shock and tears.

Steroids Man: He would have died from boredom anyway.

Super Bob: Ok, seriously? Are you nuts or something???

Phil: APOLOGIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!! I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Phil's Body suddenly forms weird cracks as energy shoots through and his powers shoot bolts of energy all over!

Super Bob: Wait ... look ... I think God's powers are too much for him! Maybe we need to keep making him mad!


Steroids Man: No.

Phil: YOU $!##$^#$^ !!!!

The entire dark planet begins to shake and the evil palace begins to rip apart as large energy ripples shoot from Phil's body and wreck everything up! Our heroes stumble around while trying to stay upright.

Phil: BE NICE TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steroids Man: Hey, Phil. Remember that time you told me you had erectile difficulties or something?

Phil: WHAT OF IT!?!?!?

Steroids Man: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Phil: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The planet shakes violently now and the solar system lights up! Energy ripples shoot from the surface and blow up other planets while Phil screams!

Benny: This is it!!!


Phil explodes in the biggest and brightest blast ever since the big bang and the whole galaxy is consumed in it!

Our heroes vanish in super bright light and everything disappears and fades to white!










We still only see a white light but it fades away revealing Steroids Man, Benny, Super Bob and Krilleth. The four of them are standing with a white background behind them and no visible floors or walls. Super Bob is without the mechanical suit and it's just the four of them standing there.

Super Bob: Are we ... dead??

Benny: We have no halos ... except Steroids Man.

Angelic voice: No worries. I pulled you all out of the explosion in time. If not, Steve there would have been dead forever!

An angel who looks like Morgan Freeman appears with angelic wings and wearing white.

Steroids Man: Morgan Freeman!!!

Angel: Take a look again!

The Angel shows Steroids Man his elderly form and reverts back to the more youthful version.

Steroids Man: Vorthon!

Steroids Man and Vorthon hug and share some kind of moment.

Steroids Man: It's so nice to see you again! Sorry about ... the way you died.

Vorthon: No worries.

Krilleth: So we're not dead?

Vorthon: Nope. You guys did good!

Super Bob: I can't believe we survived all that ...

Benny: Yeah, I thought for sure we were all going to die!

Vorthon: I bet you guys want to go home, huh?

Super Bob: I guess.

Benny: Wait .... Super Bob?

Super Bob: Yeah?

Benny: Can I come with you?

Super Bob: What?

Benny: I don't really have much on my home planet. I would like to live with you and learn about your planet! I consider you a good friend now.

Super Bob: You got a deal! Can you send us both there, Vorthon?

Vorthon: Sure can! You want to go too there, Krilleth?

Krilleth: Heck no.

Vorthon: Alright. Well I'll send you on your ways!

Vorthon waves at them and they begin to fade away!

Super Bob: So long Steroids Man!

Benny: Have a good afterlife!

Krilleth: Bye.

They disappear! Krilleth is sent back to his home planet to play with his knives or something. Super Bob and Benny become super best friends on Earth! Super Bob re-brands his furniture store as "Cosmic Couches and other things" and Benny becomes his alien mascot!

Steroids Man: I can't believe it! I'm finally done! I also can't believe Phil turned out to be my greatest enemy ...

Vorthon: Well it's all over now!

Steroids Man: So am I in Heaven or....

Vorthon: Sort of, this is kind of like Heaven's porch. And I'm your new guardian angel! The last one wasn't quite working out for you.

Steroids Man: Do I even need a guardian angel now that I'm dead?

Vorthon (putting his arm around Steroids Man's shoulder): Hey, we all look out for each other up here!

Steroids Man: So can I get into the rest of Heaven now???

Vorthon (looking up): What do you think?

Steroids Man looks up confused.

Vorthon: He says you sure can!

Steroids Man: Did you just talk to God???

Vorthon: Yup and in time you can too!

Steroids Man: Can I ask him a question?

Vorthon: Sure.

Steroids Man: God ... did Phil really steal your powers?? Is that even possible? Or did you let him think that to test me???

Vorthon looks up and smiles and looks back at Steroids Man.

Vorthon: I think you already know the answer to that one.

Steroids Man (looking up and smiling): Thank you!

Vorthon: You're going to be quite the celebrity! The only demon creation to make it to Heaven! Bet you can't wait to see your family!

Steroids Man: My family!!!

Steroids Man suddenly remembers his family as he last saw them .... fighting with Amanda because they both screwed around ... seeing his daughter turn to steroids and have her heart explode ... seeing his weak and pathetic son get more weak and pathetic and be killed by some horrible woman and a frying pan ... Max becoming some elderly cat man thing ....

Steroids Man: Wait!!!

Vorthon: What? Come on, I'm almost on my lunch break here!

Steroids Man: Huh?

Vorthon: Being a guardian angel is a full time job, but we're entitled to breaks and lunches. Why did you tell me to wait???

Steroids Man: I want to go back!!

Vorthon: Go back? Back where?

Steroids Man: I'm not happy with some things that happened back in my life .... I want to go back and make them right!!

Vorthon: ... are you serious? You're about to walk into Heaven which is like the ultimate retirement home and you want to go back to Earth!?

Steroids Man: I need to go back to before I was stabbed in the heart! If I don't go into that coma for 20 years I can be there to straighten my family out!

Vorthon (looking up): *sigh* ... is this even allowed?

Steroids Man looks up at with a hopeful and childlike expression on his face.

Vorthon: He says it's possible and only because you helped save the universe ... but you would have to be called upon to do that part over again.

Steroids Man: I understand.

Vorthon: Seriously? Because I was watching a lot of your adventure and you were VERY annoyed by it and said you wanted to be done adventures!

Steroids Man: I know buddy, but I want to do this for my family. You'll understand if you have a family some day.

Vorthon: I do have a family! We're all in Heaven and can see them any time!

Steroids Man: Send me back please!

Vorthon: Fine, whatever.

Suddenly a beam of light covers Steroids Man and he's yanked from Heaven and hurled back in time and back to Earth!

Steroids Man wakes up as Steve back in the year 2014. Steve now finds himself on a couch back at the end of episode 159 before he got stabbed and during an argument with Amanda.

Samantha: Why don't you guys just apologize to each other and move on! You both screwed up!

Max: Yeah, you guys need to meet in the middle or something.

David: Look how sad my face is!

*ding dong*

Steve is still disoriented from the cosmic journey he just had.

Steve: Will you answer the door, Amanda?

Amanda: You answer it! It's your mansion!

Steve: Fine!

Steve stands up and prepares to open the door.

Steve: Wait a minute ....

Steve remembers now that this is where he opens the door and gets stabbed by some mysterious man wearing a cape.

Steve: Dave?

Weed Man: Yeah?

Steve: Will you answer the door?

Amanda: You're so lazy! What is wrong with you!!!??

Steve: Baby! Don't be mad at me! I haven't seen you in FOREVER!

Amanda: Are you on drugs again?

Weed Man opens the door.

Caped Man: Are you Steroids Man?

Weed Man: Nah man, you're looking for my brother over there.

Weed Man points to Steve.

Steve: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Caped Man takes out a long and SHARP knife and hurls it across the room at super speeds! The knife sticks right into Steve's heart and he collapses!

Steve looks up as his family looks down at him and things fade to black ...

Steroids Man is now back with Vorthon in Heaven.

Steroids Man: ... I failed didn't I?

Vorthon: Yup.

Steroids Man: Can I try again?

Vorthon: No you can't try again! This isn't some kind of game show or somethin! Go to Heaven and relax already!

Steroids Man: Fine....

Vorthon: Good! Now come with me!

Steroids Man is floating upwards while Vorthon flies.

Steroids Man: Hey this is cool! I'm floating or something! But when do I get wings lie you?

Vorthon: Probably never.

Steroids Man: Oh...

Vorthon: Or some day. For now let's just get you back with your family!

Steroids Man: Ok!

Steroids Man enters Heaven and changes his image to be a more relaxed version of Steve.

Steve: Whoa ... this is trippy!

Vorthon: Look over there!

Steve sees something in the distance getting closer!

Steve: It's ... it's ....

Amanda: It's your family!

Steve now sees Amanda and she's more beautiful than ever. Samantha is her normal looking self and not some steroids monster. David looks confident and normal. And Dave is here too smoking a large bong!

Steve: You all look great! Samantha! You're not a steroids woman!

Samantha: Of course not! We can decide what we want to be like here!

Steve: It's awesome! David?

David: Yes, Dad?

Steve: Give me a hug!

Steve and David hug and the rest of the family gets in on it! Steve goes to talk to Dave:

Steve: Dave, my brother, I'm so sorry you died in this!

Dave: No worries at all bro! I thought space weed was awesome but holy weed is even better!

Suddenly Conky and Kiera come over and rub up against Steve's leg.

Steve: The cats! Cats do go to heaven! But where's Max?

Max: Meow?

Max comes by in his normal house cat form and jumps in Steve's arms.

Steve: He's just a regular cat again!

Amanda: Yes, that's how he wanted to be. That's him at his happiest.

Steve: And this is me at my happiest. I'm home at last.

Steve and Amanda kiss and the go off into the distance of Heaven holding hands with their kids next to them.

Samantha: We have so much to talk about it!

Steve: We sure do!

Anyway ... that's the end of the story. They all died and are in Heaven now. Amanda and Steve put aside the cheating thing that happened on Earth and they have fun afterlife parties and etc.

Thanks to anyone who read any of this!