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26: Something that means a lot to you

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:18 am
by Shay
A picture of something that means a lot to you

This bookshelf means a lot to me for many different reasons. For one, it's the latest project I've actually started and completed. I've had the bookshelf for years and never actually put it together. It just sat in parts in the original box it came in. Granted, it doesn't take much to build a bookshelf, but it's always something when I finally sit down and take the time to follow something through. That simply doesn't happen very often.

I also really like this bookshelf because I feel like it is an extension of me. I feel like although the bookshelf itself is very basic, the entire piece together is my own form of art. Everything that was put on this shelf has its own place and means a great deal to me in some way. It couldn't have been set up any differently or it just wouldn't be me and would not belong in my art room.

Breakdown of the bookcase wrote:
Very top - Memorial for my Dad and my great-grandma.
First shelf (top) - All of my Copic markers and pens
Second shelf - All of my spiritual books and tarot cards
Third shelf - Tools of the trade; watercolor pencils, crayons, oil pastels, tube watercolor paints, Prismacolor pencils
Fourth shelf - Art, art, and more art! Got my millions of sketchbooks and folders filled will millions more, a couple actual art books, a few how to draw books (that I've never used), cup full of all my paint brushes and art brushes, and a few journals.
Last shelf - Charcoal pencils and sticks, pastel chalk, Prismacolor markers, twine, and lots of colored fabric.
And don't forget all the little string dolls hanging from the three shelves! It simply would not be complete without them.


Re: 26: Something that means a lot to you

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:51 pm
by sizz
i wish my room was that organised...

Re: 26: Something that means a lot to you

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:31 pm
by sizz
Christmas 2009 i got given an iPod touch. i figured that since i was going to stick with my crap phone, i might as well get a nice ipod to make up for it. the reason why it's quite important is mainly because of the Notes on it. I have 515 notes as of today, some of them are probably tens of thousands of words, some of them probably only have a few words. I keep diaries (i have an everyday diary on there, a 'today was really brilliant' diary and a 'everything is shazam!' diary) write down ideas, things i have to remember, to do lists, lyrics and random little stories. On tours we'd pass the ipod round and each person would write two words to make a story (usually revolving tickle fight) which are hilarious to read back. The weird thing is, I didn't even have any of this backed up until very very recently, which is terrible because if i had lost it all i would've been so gutted. My life and interests are pretty well documented on it, it's basically me.

It also plays music and has facebook and email and all that, but that's all replaceable, you can't replace three and a half years' worth of ramblings and memories.


Re: 26: Something that means a lot to you

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:15 pm
by Clarence